🚨 Dhuna nuk ka justifikim! 🚨
Nuk ka gjë më të rëndë e më të dhimbshme se të shohësh një qenie të pafajshme të keqtrajtohet. Një qenie që nuk mund të flasë, nuk mund të mbrohet, nuk të ka bërë asnjë të keqe… e megjithatë, bëhet viktimë e mizorisë njerëzore.
Si mund ta lejojmë këtë? A mund të hetohen këto raste? A do të zbatohet ndonjëherë ligji për mbrojtjen e tyre?
Asnjë arsye në botë nuk justifikon dhunën ndaj një kafshe. Nuk është faji i tyre nëse dikush ka një ditë të keqe. Nuk është faji i tyre që jetojnë në një botë ku disa ende nuk kanë mësuar mirësinë dhe mëshirën.
💔 Çfarë ndodh pas dyerve të një shtëpie, ku dhuna është kaq e lehtë për t’u ushtruar në publik? As që dua ta mendoj…
🚫 Dhuna është e ndaluar për çdo krijesë në këtë planet. Dhuna është çnjerëzore. Dhuna duhet të dënohet me ligj!
Ka kaq shumë njerëz që luftojnë për t'u dhënë këtyre qenieve zërin që meritojnë. Ka kaq shumë zemra të mëdha që japin gjithçka për t'i mbrojtur. Por a do t’ia dalim të krijojmë një botë më të drejtë për ta?
Ata frymojnë. Ata ndiejnë. Ata duan dhe vuajnë, ashtu si ne. Dhe nuk do të ndalemi derisa t’u japim vendin që meritojnë! 🐾❤️
🚨 Sindi’s Painful Journey – A Plea for Help 🆘️
Sindi, the little puppy who once sat helplessly outside the door of an abandoned house, fighting a silent battle against leishmaniasis. 💔 After a long and exhausting struggle, she has finally won her fight and is now a healthy, happy soul—a perfect little companion for an apartment.
🌟 Sindi is tiny, only 8 kg, a sterilized female who adores both cats and dogs. She is incredibly obedient, loving, and grateful for every bit of care she has received. We stood by her side every single day throughout her treatment, taking her back and forth to the hospital, ensuring she got the care she needed. For one and a half months, we fought for her life.
And now, she deserves a chance at a new beginning.
I can never understand how people—if we can even call them that—can abandon these innocent souls, especially in their weakest and most desperate moments. 😢
💔 A broken soul, but a heart full of hope.
Sindi’s medical bill has skyrocketed beyond €900, yet throughout this journey, only two donors have come forward:
• Sidorela – €150
• Arba – €200
The remaining amount is still unpaid.
🙏 To all of you who love and cherish these innocent beings, we are asking for your support!
💙 We can’t do this without you!
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
👉👉 Support Our Mission ❤️
If you’d like to donate and help us continue our work for the dogs in need, here are the ways to contribute:
💳 Bank Transfer:
- Purpose of Transfer: Indicate the name of the dog you're supporting.
- IBAN EUR: AL57212110090000000002200549
- IBAN LEK: AL41212110090000000002200546
🎁 Paypal:
[paypal.me/bambifoundation] (https://www.paypal.me/bambifoundation)
📦 Ria Money Transfer / Western Union / MoneyGram
🏥 Vet Hospital: Direct donations to *Bambi Foundation*.
Thank you for being
Do you remember Bona? You surely do 😍
Bona was the sweet, innocent dog abandoned alongside her puppy in the middle of the road. While her puppy was lucky enough to be adopted, Bona was left behind, wandering near the shelter for a long time—waiting, hoping, until one day, her life was threatened.
People claimed she was too big, too intimidating, and she became a target simply because of her size. But Bona is the complete opposite of what they feared—she is pure love, gentle and affectionate with everyone she meets. ❤️
Despite her loving nature, our overcrowded shelter has left us with no other choice but to keep Bona chained in one section of the shelter. Not because we want to, but because we have no other option. We release her whenever we can, but it’s never enough. Worse yet, local villagers have repeatedly threatened to poison her if she roams free.
This is Bona—a big dog, yes, but with a heart even bigger than her size. She is a living embodiment of love and loyalty, yet she has no place to call home.
💔 Bona deserves a home, a chance, a family that sees her for who she truly is—a soul full of love, not a threat.
🙏 Please, if anyone can help, reach out. Let’s not let Bona’s fate be determined by fear and ignorance. Let’s find her the love she has been waiting for. 🏡❤️🐾
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🌟 The Rise of Feniks 🐾🔥
Just like the name we gave him, Feniks symbolizes rebirth, strength, and resilience. In legend, the phoenix is a mythical bird that burns and rises again from its own ashes—a symbol of hope, transformation, and new beginnings. And just like that, our Feniks is embodying his name with incredible dignity.
Feniks is one of the hardest cases we have ever faced—a case that demanded our deepest dedication, relentless effort, and unwavering love. He is yet another soul that was deemed hopeless, another life that was written off. But we refused to give up. We chose to fight. We chose to give him a chance, even when the odds were against him.
And now, we can proudly say: we made it. 💙
Every sleepless night, every exhausting day, every tear, every sacrifice—it was all worth it. Because he is rising again.
We are endlessly happy for Feniks, and we hope that every dog in need, anywhere in the world, will one day feel the love and dedication that we pour into these souls. We fight for them because they deserve it. Because every life matters.
✨ Keep rising, Feniks. We are with you, every step of the way. 🐾❤️
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