Katia is gone to greener pastures,she is not with me anymore.
But is in the good hands of Amy,where she has a beautiful place and chihuahuas friends,one is Geno,son of my Tatiana & Raphael
I miss your company,and your sweet way.
Be happy,you deserve it❤️
Katia ha sido retirada de mi plantel,después de su cesárea,Amy,quién tiene a Geno,hijo de mi Tatiana y Brayden,la adoptó.
Tiene una hermosa casa con mucho pasto y mucho amor.
Se extraña.Pero sé que es feliz❤️
Camilo and the cat at his home,thank you Kelly♥️
Camilo y su gato amigo,en su hogar,gracias Kelly♥️
Tank and Pepe,having fun with ice cubes,today.Thank you Kaitlyn♥️ Tank and Pepe disfrutando hielo,hoy día.Gracias Kaitlyn ♥️
Coco exploring her new home♥️
Coco explorando su nuevo hogar♥️
Gloria and Marlene(my new addition)Gloria will be leaving soon😢
Geno meeting his new friend.😀
Geno haciendo amigos.😀
Tatiana & Raphael daughter
Sam today,thank you Kristen ❤️
Sammy,Tatiana and Raphael’s little boy at his new home.Thank you Kristen ❤️
Sammy en su nuevo hogar.Gracias Kristen ❤️
Katia and Raphael babies today.10 weeks.
Los bebés de Katia y Raphael hoy día.10 semanas
Andino,the black,has already a new home.
And here is Leo,with his “girlfriend “,but is not for sharing…😃❤️
Leo y su compañera,a él no le gusta compartir …😃❤️
Thank you Kristen!
Gracias Kristen!
Maggie with her new friend.Valentina is her new name!!!
Maggie con su nuevo amigo.Valentina es su nombre ahora!!
Elmer and Galoo,all grown up.From Florida,thank you Millie!❤️
Elmer and Galoo,ya grandes.En Florida,thank you Millie!!❤️
Bijou (was Amber) in Florida after the plane trip at home❤️
Bijou(era Amber)en Florida después de viajar en avión,ya en su hogar❤️
Poppy(ex Carly) in her new home
Poppy(ex Carly) en su nuevo hogar
Thank you so much Lisa!🥰
Gracias Lisa!🥰
Tatiana’s babies.And Amber (chocolate)Katia’s (she is leaving soon)