Willalooka Hoof Workshop end of October, see the link in the post to register your interest
Willalooka Hoof Workshop end of October - expressions of interest taken now! Please complete this form to register your interest https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSekHkogWgdLTN5rg9Y-CJaRgm3s9fewaX-FriUGBqX60Vyd4Q/viewform
presented by Jenny Austin and Richard van Dijk
Are your horses feet the best they can be?
Do your horse a favour and learn how to identify and help create the greatest hooves possible!
Day One
~Hoof anatomy and how it works to support the horse
~How to recognize healthy vs unhealthy hooves
~How to create a sound barefoot horse including information on Diet, Movement, Environment, etc.
~How to recognize, prevent and treat, common pathologies such as
o Laminitis
o Seedy Toe
o Thrush
~Hoof Trimming Demonstration
~Hands on activities with preserved hooves and bones
Day Two
Trimming day, one on one with your horse or watch the hosts horses get trimmed
Costs $200 for both days or $150 for Day 1 only.
Learn more about Jenny and Richard at www.trainteachtrim.com.au
Register interest here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSekHkogWgdLTN5rg9Y-CJaRgm3s9fewaX-FriUGBqX60Vyd4Q/viewform