We are both on our own journeys to living in safe chemical free houses and teaching our kids about real organic food. Are you aware that 80% of what you buy in a grocery store is genetically modified,(GMO/GM) and is full of nasty chemicals. We have the sickest generations in the history of mankind and if you take a close look each generation is getting sicker...
What do we do when we are sick? Go
to our local GP who supplies us with a concoction of chemicals and bad bacteria! 90% of the time you don't even feel confident the doctor knows what is even wrong.... But we still go to the chemist and buy the drugs!! Because that's what we have been taught to do... Right?? But how many people can tell us that they have been to a doctor and when you tell them your symptoms, they stop and ask what your is nutrition like? Or what your water intake is like?? For most of us they are three questions we have never been asked.....
They tell you its viral send you off with antibiotics that kill not only the bad bacteria but all the good bacteria... So our bodies find it so hard to get better and we feel so weak and tired, we feel as though we are forever sick! What if we told you that by feeding your bodies the right nutrition, sickness and disease can be turned around?? Would you be interested? What if we told you that by changing your diet, you would end the continuous trips to the doctor? Would you want to know more? Ask your grandparents if they knew half of the diseases that we have now, when they were growing up? If they saw there mums and dads friends dying at young ages of diseases? If they had pets with cancer or arthritis? Or, kids in there class with Autism or ADD? I bet they didn't!! They lived in a world where if it grew from the ground or walked on the earth they ate it, and they only ate what was in season... The soils where full of Minerals and the food wasn't sprayed with every herbicide and pesticide!!! It was defiantly not like it is today!! Fast foods are at our door steps and everything comes pre made in neat packaging with fancy colours and an advert to make you think that it is good for you and your family.....They make life so easy!!! But what they do NOT do is create great health, strengthen the immune system and fuel our bodies correctly.....
Our passion is to change that! We want to help people make clean healthy choices.. We want to help create awesome easy organic meals and snacks, free from chemicals....
We want to help get our children's health right so that they will make nutritious choices now and in the future...
Here are some of the wonderful things you can enjoy on our page:
Food Ideas
Ingredients we love to use and why they are good for us
Prices of products, so you have guide to prices and places to purchase
Budget healthy meals for mums and dads on the go
Our organic garden
Our stories (journeys)
Recipes will be shared every now and then and eventually our E Book will come together
Helpful tips to living in a healthy happy home
Market night where you will have the chance to purchase some of our goodies
Guides to things you may want to keep away from
We hope this page can be shared and people can start learning to Eat Live Love Real Food. Share your love of real foods on this page to, we would love to see people being inspired.