24 hrs later there’s 1 left.
Everyone else in the tanks happy. They just disappeared over night. No trace of any problems.
Royal Whiptail Breeding
#breedingcaves #plecostomus #pleco #plecos #zigzagfish #zigzag #aquarium
#breedingcaves #plecostomus #pleco #plecos #zigzagfish #zigzag #aquarium
Hopefully some more Royal Whiptails.
Still learning how to safely remove them from surfaces is a pain. You get just the wrong angle and you might rip them apart.
#breedingcaves #plecostomus #pleco #plecos #zigzagfish #zigzag #aquarium
Joys of Videos being limited to 60 seconds!!!
Here’s a quick little unboxing of shrimp of an Auction win from Australian Shrimp Traders.. Pt3
Simple and quick. Red Caleco Dragons
#caleco #shrimp 🍊#caradinashrimp
Good afternoon
Here’s a quick little unboxing of shrimp of an Auction win from Australian Shrimp Traders.. Pt2
Simple and quick. Red Caleco Dragons
#caleco #shrimp 🍊#caradinashrimp
Good afternoon
Here’s a quick little unboxing of shrimp of an Auction win from Australian Shrimp Traders.. Pt.1
Simple and quick. Red Caleco Dragons
Full video:
#caleco #shrimp 🍊#caradinashrimp
Got the project colony to try out some new food.
EBO Shrimp Sticks.
Seems several of the colonies like it.
Pleco Hub
#breedingcaves #plecostomus #pleco #plecos #zigzagfish #zigzag #aquarium #shrimp #ebo #shrimpsticks
New replacement tank going in today.
Starting up the water and waiting !!!
#newtank #aquariumsetup #breedingcaves #plecostomus #pleco #plecos #zigzagfish #zigzag #aquarium
Great Photo Moments can Happen #Royalwhip #whiptail
You ever have those photogenic moments with your fish .??
Keeping Fish As Pets Could Help Lower Stress Levels
Keeping fish in an aquarium or pond in your home or garden is a great stress-reliever. Fish are known to have a calming effect on those watching them and just seeing them glide about the tank is a sure-fire way to lower your stress levels and create a more tranquil space in your home.
#breedingcaves #plecostomus #pleco #plecos #zigzagfish #zigzag #aquarium
When you finally manage to get a line of fish too breed. You’re extremely happy and over the moon.
There is just one thing you need to remember.
From things like intestine blockages, bacteria issues within the breeder box or tank to normal issues like water parameters/food issues.
One thing I’ve learnt with growing out these L264. Don’t get discouraged if you have fry drop off for what you think is no reason. IT HAPPENS..
Alrighty….. Let’s play what’s in the Cave .?
Yes that is a young Super red Bristlenose….. but what else .?
Think it might be a young male as it’s super protective of this cave…
#breedingcaves #plecostomus #pleco #plecos #zigzagfish #zigzag #aquarium
These guy are still going well. Colours are looking amazing….
But man there’s always some random floating stuff in my videos 😂😂😂
#breedingcaves #plecostomus #pleco #plecos #zigzagfish #zigzag #aquarium #l264pleco
Royal Whiptails Eggs. Still learning how to safely remove. Using a card or Razor is best but man they are super stuck. Think I broke a few :( #Plecos #ziss #whiptail #whiptailcatfish #catfish #breeding #aquarium
Fry doing really well… #breedingcaves #plecostomus #pleco #plecos #zigzagfish #zigzag #aquarium