Animal Rebellion Queensland

Animal Rebellion Queensland We are a chapter of the mass volunteer movement Animal Rebellion.

Animal Rebellion uses methods of non-violent civil disobedience to end the animal agriculture and fishing industries and demand government legislate for a plant-based food system.


via Gaiaisi - Gaia's Eye - Gaia is I 💝

World scientists declare climate emergency

"Eat mostly plants and consume fewer animal products. This dietary shift would significantly reduce emissions of methane and other greenhouse gases and free up agricultural lands for growing human food rather than livestock feed. Reducing food waste is also critical – the scientists say at least one-third of all food produced ends up as garbage."

It has been estimated that of the 70 billion land animals killed for food each year that 12 billion of them end up as food wastage, this research however indicates that as many as 23 billion animals end up as food wastage.

More than 11,000 scientists from 150+ countries have endorsed a paper in BioScience that outlines the data that shows we face a climate emergency. Co-author Dr Thomas Newsome from the University of Sydney explains what six steps we can take to reduce its worse impacts.

ICLEI Brief Urges Reduced Emissions from Food and Agriculture | News | SDG Knowledge Hub | IISD

Over-consumption and over-production of animal-based foods “remains largely absent from international climate negotiations and commitments.”

Once again the true extent of the damage created by animal agriculture and it's byproducts have been completely underestimated. You cannot claim that the damage is only 14.5% of total GHG without considering other aspects of this industry. Particularly when it is the biggest contributor to GHG, a whopping 51%.

Maybe they believe the softly, softly approach trying to phase out eggs with initially only concentrating on caged egg farms, taking it step by step. But with climate change we can't take the softly, softly approach because we don't have time to do this.

The policy brief highlights the need for a multi-pronged approach to reduce the consumption of food from animal sources, which will be key to meeting the goals under the Paris Agreement. It recommends including over-consumption and over-production of animal-based foods in international climate negot...

Help the environment

All environmentalists should be vegan. There, we said it...because it’s true.
This is an extreme emergency. Renewables and veganism will save us and create a just world for non human animals.

We see a world where animals live free of human use and ownership. We advocate justice and compassion for animals, people and the planet through vegan education and presenting a strong voice for veganism to government, corporations and the media.

Owner of Pedigree and Whiskas brands is developing meat-free pet food

Changing environmental decision based on the negative affect that meat has on the planet.

"Give the dog a VEGAN bone! Owner of Pedigree and Whiskas brands is developing meat-free pet food amid rising concerns over the environmental impact of farming."

"Pets account for one fifth of meat consumption but, as concerns rise, it is anticipated that owners will start to buy their pets vegetarian and vegan alternatives."

Mars, which is better known for its range of famous chocolates, is developing high-protein and plant-based alternatives for pets as it anticipates growing demand.

Reach ‘peak meat’ by 2030 to tackle climate crisis, say scientists

The planet cannot possibly sustain animal agriculture.

“Food demand is expected to increase massively as our population expands toward 10 billion,” said Prof Matthew Betts at Oregon State University, US, and another author of the letter. “Reducing human demand for resource-intensive animal protein would considerably slow the rate of global forest loss, with huge benefits for biodiversity and ecosystem services, in addition to carbon storage.”

“Ruminant meat is 10 to 100 times more damaging to the climate than plant-based food,” he said. “As a planet, we need to transition away from a dependence on livestock, just as we need to to transition away from fossil fuels, if we are to have any chance of hitting the goals of the Paris climate agreement. Livestock numbers need to peak very soon and thereafter decline substantially.”

Reducing meat and dairy consumption will cut methane and allow forests to thrive


"Meat consumption is a highly inefficient use of grain — grain which would be far better utilized if consumed directly by humans. Indeed, every day tens of thousands of children die from starvation, while roughly 50% of the world’s grain harvest and roughly 90% of the world’s soybean harvest is fed to meat & dairy livestock. On top of that, roughly 80% of the world’s starving children live in countries that actually have a grain surplus — a surplus that is exported to other lands to feed farmed animals.

Dr W. Bello, director of the Institute for Food and Development Policy, affirmed this opinion when he noted that, “There is enough food in the world for everyone, and yet tragically, much of the world’s food and land resources are tied up in producing beef and other livestock – food for the well off – while millions of children and adults suffer from malnutrition and starvation”

Jean Ziegler, former member of the Swiss National Council added the disturbing fact that, “Over 500,000 tons [of the world’s grain harvest] are fed to cattle in rich nations – while 43,000 children die of hunger in the 122 Third World countries every single day … I refuse to participate in this horrible mass murder any longer: eating no meat is the minimum I can do.”
It takes roughly 16 pounds of grain to create only one pound of beef. As such, if we simply stopped wastefully funneling grains & soybeans through animals to feed the few, we would have more than enough plant-foods to feed everyone on the planet."


We are blindly eating up the world.

Oceans losing oxygen at unprecedented rate, experts warn

𝗡𝗢𝗪!! is the time to end the cruel fishing industry.

"Oxygen in the oceans is being lost at an unprecedented rate, with “dead zones” proliferating and hundreds more areas showing oxygen dangerously depleted, 𝗮𝘀 𝗮 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘂𝗹𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗰𝗹𝗶𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗰𝘆 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘀𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗳𝗮𝗿𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴, experts have warned.

"Protecting marine life could help the oceans to function better, soaking up more carbon and providing barriers against sea level rises and storm surges, in the form of coral reefs and mangrove swamps."

“A healthy ocean with abundant wildlife is capable of slowing the rate of climate breakdown substantially,” said Dr Monica Verbeek, the executive director of the group Seas at Risk. “To date, 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗳𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱 𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗮𝗰𝘁 𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗲𝗻𝘃𝗶𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝗳𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴. Ending overfishing is a quick, deliverable action which will restore fish populations, create more resilient ocean ecosystems, decrease CO2 pollution and increase carbon capture, and deliver more profitable fisheries and thriving coastal communities.”

Oxygen in the oceans is being lost at an unprecedented rate, with “dead zones” proliferating and hundreds more areas showing oxygen dangerously depleted, as a result of the climate emergency and intensive farming, experts have warned. 

Climate Change and Animal Agriculture, Explained | PETA

"Burning fossil fuels (such as oil and gasoline) releases carbon dioxide, the primary gas responsible for climate change."

"Producing 1 calorie from animal protein requires 11 times as much fossil fuel input—releasing 11 times as much carbon dioxide—as does producing 1 calorie from plant protein."

The link between climate change and meat and dairy products may not be obvious, but it's clear, and it's huge. Here's what you need to know.


This is the face of climate change...image taken in NSW a couple of days ago. If we don't change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions this will never end, this will be the new norm, in fact it is the new norm right here, right now.

Carbon emissions edge up as coal use falls

Even though there has been a reduction in the use of coal, greenhouse gas emissions have continued to rise. Since the Paris Agreement was set in 2015 carbon emissions have continued to rise, by 4%.

In 2019 it is expected that carbon emissions will have increased by 0.6%.

"The rise is due to continuing strong growth in the utilisation of oil and gas."

Going vegan is the most immediate action you can take in reducing your carbon footprint. A recent Oxford University study claims that you can reduce your carbon footprint by as much as 73% by simply going plant-based, so why wouldn't you?

Emissions of CO2 have risen in 2019, say researchers, as oil and gas use continues to grow.


Killing animals for food is killing us all. We demand justice for all beings. We demand a sustainable and just plant based food system.

The Juice Media

This is what we are up against. Brilliantly summarised by The Juice Media. Will you be a Quiet Australian?

The Australien Government has made an ad about Quiet Australians, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative 🤫 🇦🇺

Watch to the end for some important info! 💁‍♀️🆒

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Animal Activists Australia

Animal agriculture is disastrous for the planet and it is completely inhumane for animals. If this was cats and dogs the public would be outraged.

Go vegan. It is the only ethical stance you can take in saving the planet, saving the animals and feeding those 815 million people starving on the planet.

BREAKING: Whistleblowers expose Queensland dairy farm.

The struggling farm, Gamble Family Dairy Farm is up against uncontrollable natural forces, or an inherently unsustainable operation in which animals’ rights are routinely denied? Ashley Gamble’s dairy farm is both.

We are experiencing severe impacts of climate change, Australia suffers from the worst drought conditions we have ever seen, and so the dairy industry certainly does struggle. But, unavoidably so? It was 9 years ago, now, since the UN’s 2010 report asserting that to sustain the human population, we must make the shift towards a meat and dairy-free diet, those industries revealed to be responsible for 70% of freshwater consumption and 38% of the land use, globally. Yet, government grants and supermarket levies are still issued to prop up this economically unviable and environmentally destructive industry.

Who suffers as a result of this? Certainly, farmers do. But no one is more susceptible to suffering in this industry than those whose moral value is disregarded so that the commodification of their milk can be justified, those whose welfare is entirely at the discretion of their “owners”. The animals are the true victims here.

To remain competitive, standard operation is necessarily cruel; requiring repeated impregnation of mother cows, only to have the male, as well as excess female, calves sent to slaughter after 5-7 days. As financial conditions worsen, the welfare of the animals becomes a lower priority. At Gamble’s dairy, cows have, for years, been left to starve to death. The mandatory 5-7 days of care becomes an unnecessary cost, and calves, especially the males, are killed at birth, left to die in the harsh weather, or given away, illegally transported on the back of a trailer with their legs bound.

Frustrated workers are seen taking their angst out on the animals they and their industry see only as property, dragging newborns by their legs and even ears, kicking them if they attempt escape. To deny animals their inherent moral rights is rationally indefensible. The price of reducing animals to property status is high for the animals, whose welfare then lies entirely in the hands of people who seek to use them to retain survivable profit margins. Unsurprisingly, operations move closer towards cruelty than stewardship in the face of economic challenges.

What can we do to help you might ask?
Be an advocate and be vegan. Please join your local animal rights groups and speak up for the innocent victims who are unwillingly involved in these industries.

Farming Animals Vs. Farming Plants - A Comparison - Faunalytics

Many people argue that animal agriculture is more efficient in terms of land and water. That simply isn't true. Crops need to be grown to feed 'livestock, so land is used to farm animals and land is used to grow their feed. In the US 70% of crops grown are for 'livestock' animals. 815 million people are starving while we feed 70 billion land animals. It is neither efficient or ethical to farm animals. Animal agriculture is killing the planet.

A report from the Humane Party analyzes the land-use, efficiency, and profitability of animal farming versus plant farming.


Jane Fonda says she is eating a lot less meat and fish because of global warming.

We MUST stop animal agriculture. A recent study by Oxford University claims that by going plant based you can reduce your carbon footprint by as much as 73%. Why wouldn't you go plant based if you want to see the planet survive.

Jane Fonda accepts the Award on behalf of Greta Thunberg and says Greta inspired her to step up her activism.


Concerned citizens came together to highlight the devastation and cruelty of farming animals for food. They are aware that climate change is real, is an emergency and that animal agriculture is a massive contributor.
It's time to go vegan to save animals, your health and the planet.

40+ Facts and Statistics About the Meat Industry to Inspire You to Eat Less Meat

This information has been put together for school students but it is a very interesting tool to have. The unfortunate thing about this though is that it only cites the damage done by animal agriculture, when you include the byproducts of this industry, which gives the full picture, it shows that animal agriculture and its byproducts has the biggest impact on greenhouse gases.

"If every family in the UK removed the meat from just one meal a week, it would have the same environmental impact as taking 16 million cars off the road. (WalesOnline)"

"Plant-based diets can reduce food’s emissions by up to 73% depending where you live. (University of Oxford, 2018, ‘New estimates of the environmental cost of food’)"

Writing a report about the meat industry and need global meat consumption statistics? Or just keen to understand the links between livestock farming and climate change? This post sets out some facts and statistics about the meat industry to help you become more informed about your food choices.


Science 🤣

BUSINESS MAVERICK: Food disruption: Our time of eating meat could be drawing to a close

Animal agriculture is clearly not a good investment when a cow consumes 100 calories to return only one calorie of protein for human consumption.

"A monumental shift in the way that we produce and consume food, in particular protein, is essential if the Earth is to avoid a climate catastrophe. Scientists, it seems, are well on their way to a solution, but it could spell the end of the beef industry."

A monumental shift in the way that we produce and consume food, in particular protein, is essential if the Earth is to avoid a climate catastrophe. Scientists, it seems, are well on their way to a solution, but it could spell the end of the beef industry.

For the love of Earth and its beings

This article stems from India outlining the concern that animal agriculture has on the planet.

"Then there is the unresolved problem of India’s huge underproductive cattle population, which contributes significantly to global warming and must be brought down."

"We will never address climate change, Foer tells us, until we acknowledge that our planet is an animal farm. Every year, animal agriculture funnels more than seven times the amount of grain and corn — enough to feed every hungry person on the planet — to animals for affluent people to eat. We might call that crime “genocide.”

Foregoing meat and animal-based products may just help us soften the blow of climate change


10,000 years ago the biomass was 1% humans and 99% wild animals. Things have changed drastically and while we have that many animals being farmed climate change will always remain as the number one problem that affects the planet and all that exist on it.

Dam levels in South East Queensland fall to lowest in 11 years

It is hilarious that the government is advising people to cut back on water usage without a mention about how much water animal agriculture uses. Animal agriculture uses up to 70% of our fresh drinking water. You save more water by not eating half a kilo of beef than you would by not showering for six months.

You can significantly reduce the amount of water you are using by simply eating a plant based diet. They should be praising people who are vegan, a vegan's water footprint is negligible in comparison to someone who eats animal products. How serious are these people when it comes to climate change, land usage, water usage etc...the one thing that they can do to have the greatest impact and all they can say is to take shorter showers or to turn the tap off when you are brushing your teeth.

Queensland's combined dam level capacity falls to 60 per cent in the south-east of the state for the first time in 11 years.

Scott Morrison says no evidence links Australia's carbon emissions to bushfires

What can you do when you have a government in power that refuses to admit climate change at a time of complete and utter carnage?

There is one thing you can do and you don't have to wait for governments to act and that is adopt a plant based diet. Only recently a study from Oxford University found that you can reduce your carbon footprint by as much as 73%. Go vegan and save the planet.🌏

"Scott Morrison has argued there is no direct link between Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions and the severity of fires ravaging the continent, even suggesting Australia could increase its emissions without making the current fire season worse."

PM suggests Australia could increase emissions without worsening current fire season, and says government finalising plans to crack down on environmental protests

New Study: Vegan Diet Reduces Carbon Footprint by 73% - vegconomist - the vegan business magazine

"According to a new study, a vegan diet is the “single biggest measure” that can be taken to reduce environmental pollution. Researchers at the University of Oxford found that not eating meat and dairy products can reduce a person’s carbon footprint by up to 73%."

According to a new study, a vegan diet is the "single biggest measure" that can be taken to reduce environmental pollution. Researchers at the University of Oxford found that not eating meat and dairy products can reduce a person's carbon footprint by up to 73%.

Leonardo DiCaprio weighs in on Australian bushfires in Instagram post

The harsh reality of climate change in Australia. Thankfully celebrities like DiCaprio are speaking up highlighting the governments inaction over climate change.

Our wildlife is being decimated in these fires, entire colonies of koalas are being wiped out. Along with koala habitat being destroyed through land clearing for cattle every single day, what hope does the koala as a species have.

"Leonardo DiCaprio launches scathing attack on Australia saying the country is the WORST in the world at looking after animals - as he blames climate change for the bushfire crisis."

Leonardo DiCaprio has weighed in on Australia's bushfire crisis and has called for a 'radical overhaul' of the country's conservation efforts, in an Instagram post.

See How Beef Is Destroying The Amazon

It is a well known fact that land clearing in the Amazon by fire has been sanctioned by the Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro but he claims that the fires have been set by NGO's. That is all these people do, deny and place the blame at the feet of people who are fighting to keep this planet alive.

It’s true, the Amazon rainforest is being destroyed by our global appetite for beef. In Brazil, beef production is actually ramping up under new president, J...



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