2024: “I was pretty horrific right? Nothing can beat me 😜”
2025: “Hold my drink 😎”
Both Banjo and Harley were at the vet yesterday for ultrasounds. When the vet wanted to see me in person rather than explain things on the phone, I knew it wasn’t going to be sunshine, rainbows and daises.
Firstly, Banjo, because he’s the somewhat less complicated of the two. In short, he’s developed chronic kidney disease (I for one would like to give kidney disease a good slap in the face, anyone else?). In addition to this, his ureters (the tube that connects the kidney to the bladder) are huge. One is triple the size of normal, and the other one double. It’s odd that there isn’t more fluid present on his scans due to the jumbo ureters, but we’re calling that a win at least. Banjo doesn’t do things in halves apparently 🥲
Due to the enlarged ureters were are worried about a stone or some other form of blockage but we’re not freaking out about it just yet. We’re beginning him on daily subcutaneous fluids for the kidney disease, waiting for his bloodwork to come back, monitoring and will be booking him in for X-rays in the near future (once funds allow).
Next, Harley, who’s now almost 6 years old (when the hell did that happen?!). She is…complicated. To begin, she has a (tiny 2mm) stone attached to the wall of her gallbladder. Her kidneys look good, but her liver not so much. It’s developed mild changes, which we honestly aren’t that surprised by given her symptoms. Lastly, the thing that we’re most concerned about, is that her spleen is enlarged. There is also some fluid in her abdomen, which could either be caused by the spleen or liver.
The plan is to give her a month on liver supplement medication and recheck the ultrasound in a month. If the fluid is down, hopefully it was related to the liver and things will be managed on the new med. If the fluid is still there, expands or if the spleen looks any larger, we will have to look into surgery. So crossing literally everything that we can avoid surgery and the fluid resolves soon 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼
The beginning of this year has been a baptism of fire. Behind the scenes, I’m also having a really bad spell with my health so it’s made things even more difficult. We’ve extended our break by a week, which is helping (not on the financial side, but I’m almost beyond caring at this point) but I’m keen to get back into things when I can. Thank you to everyone who’s been so patient and respectful over our break! I really do appreciate it.
Happy new year! I hope everyone is having a better start to the year than we are 😅