Meduzah Bullies Disclaimer
On behalf of meduzah bullies we would like to address the current deformation and slandering towards us. NONE of our dogs are stolen. We put our heart and souls into our program and breed standards. Time, money, emotions, work & resources have all taken us years to build.
We are extremely sorry if you have been impacted or affected by complexity of this legal matter. The person who has sold you the dog without permission or approval should be answering this for as they are well aware of the legal letters and multiple attempts for answers.
We have had 3 previous pups returned to us from this particular litter.
All these pups have flagged microchips we are surprised how they managed to be kept this long.
We please ask you to stop commenting, threatening & abusing us as this does not and will not help anyone. We will be taking a break from social media as we have a legal team representing the matter.
Details have been given out to the relevant people.
Kind regards,
Meduzah Bullies.