🏠Has been rehomed house
thank you for all the interest.
Pepper is looking for a new home.
Pepper is a silly, witty, music loving, bossy little comedian. She involves herself in conversations and is always down to party. She spends her days watching ABC kids, listening to music and chatting away to herself. She loves to destroy anything in her path and is an expert paper and cardboard shredder. She comes out of her cage for a quick flap in the morning and has about 20 minutes of free(ish) reign in the kitchen in the evening. She is very food motivated and expects that we share with her if it’s something she likes. She loves to dance and laugh. She’s very clever and seems to know just the right time to drop a one liner that gets everyone laughing. She seems to have the best sense of self worth and confidence and is always singing herself praises (she is 100% correct in her self aware amazingness).
She’s incredibly loved and growing up alongside her has been a unique journey. She speaks in lots of different voices and has a long list of words and sounds.
Saying a permanent goodbye to pepper is not an option I’m willing to take and I’m very concerned about her mental and spiritual health upon possible rehoming. She is a very happy little Chappy but I feel she deserves more enrichment than she gets.
She loves country music, she needs alone time (aka “party at peppers but no one’s invited”), she loves cashews, walnuts, apples, corn, chips (both oven baked and packets). She’s very suspicious of new toys, is scared of her own feathers once they aren’t attached to her anymore, she hates boring podcasts and YouTube videos of people just talking and her favourite colour is red. She’s very cheeky and laughs when people walk into things or hurt themselves but has a lot of sympathy for herself if she falls off her perch for example. She evicts people if they stay in the lounge past her bedtime and gets grumpy if she’s woken up too early. She loves to throw things on the floor and make a mess, getting into electrical cords and generally causing chaos.
She gets motion sickness in the car, isn’t a fan of many vegetables and only allows one person to handle her. She loves head scratches and allows people to pet her through the bars of her cage but can sometimes be cheeky and trick people into it when she really intends on biting them. She hates going to the vet but makes them laugh every time because of her cute little sounds and “ooooohhhhhhh” noises that she does.
She’s very special and is unmistakably herself.
You must have experience with medium sized parrots. Pm us for detail to contact the current owner as they will be involved in the rehoming process.