Sarge and Deanna

Sarge and Deanna Sarge, Deanna & TJ -They needed adopting as much as us for a little more patience, time and cuddles.

~We needed to be adopted just as much as they did!~
Sarge & Deana were rescued, loved, rehabilitated & gifted to us by the amazing volunteers at GSDs in Need where the motto is "The German Shepherd, To Care for One is an Honour, To Rescue is a Privilege".

~The Pitter Patter of the Fur Babies' Paws~
We became parents on 6/05/2017 to the cutest and sweetest fur babies. We were the last in our exten

ded family to become parents and the words, "Finally!!!" echoed loudly.

~Follow the Paw Prints~
Many loving, knowledgeable and devoted people have volunteered their personal time, emptied their wallets and worked tirelessly to not just rescue these "difficult" and failed behavioural assessment rejects from pounds and shelters Australia wide but given them the love, time, medical attention and training transforming them into German Shepherds ready for their forever homes. They do this with ONLY DONATIONS from their supporters, pet suppliers, remortgaging homes and maxing out credit cards as they will not turn a German shepherd away as they know if they do not take them into their care the innocent dog will be euthanised.

~Paw Prints Around The Heart ��~
Due to the dedicated passion the GSDs in Need volunteers have for German shepherds and the compassion they pour out into the rehabilitation of these precious dogs they become exceptionally attached to their chargers. Tears are shed when they entrust these precious gems to their forever homes and they worry about their welfare and transition into forever family life. This page is to keep them updated on Sarge and Deana's progress, sharing about our extended fur baby family and doggy fun.

It's with the heaviest of hearts and a deep sorrow we said goodbye to our beautiful girl Deanna on the 22nd August. She ...

It's with the heaviest of hearts and a deep sorrow we said goodbye to our beautiful girl Deanna on the 22nd August. She was such alast beautiful gentle sole who never seem to have an aggressive bone in her body.
When we bought her home with Sarge we didn't know how she would settle in but after a wonder around the back yard and the house it looked like she was so comfortable right from the word go
At times we used to nick name her the cat as she had traits just like a cat but we always knew when a storm was coming as she would either jump onto your lap hide under our bed or dive straight into the wardrobe to hide.
But at times she would be protective and caring as well.She loved when our grandson would come over she would sit by his side,licking and sniffing him and we could see this real gentle side of this beautiful sole.
She was Sarges calming lead on walks and just loved going on trips in the car.
But with all fur babies time isn't a great friend and as with our beautiful boy Sarge we lost them way to early.
For the last couple of months Deanna was starting to have trouble with her hips with arthritis but she never whined or seem in pain but we got her injections to make her more comfortable which seemed to do as she was starting to bound around like her old self..
But on the Tuesday 22 Aug I knew something was wrong as she turned her nose up to her favourite beef brisket bone so I let her wonder out to the patio. She seemed to be very unsteady, almost drunk on her feet occasionally tripping over.
I went back inside when I saw lay down and when I came back I could see her breathing was very laboured and shallow. I knew she wasn't right so I got a towel and layed down with her patting her and comforting her and then after 5mins or so she struggled to get up and walk so I helped to to her bed where she layed down again and again I layed down with her this time holding her paw and patting her head and letting know that it was OK to cross over the 🌈 bridge, she looked straight into my eyes and I reassured her she could go as Sargey would be there to show her the way as she did when they walked together.
With that looking into her eyes she did one last wee and took her last breath😭.
And with that I knew she had passed, but even thoughi was devastated I knew that she had me there so she didn't die alone.
Both me and Leeanne are so heartbroken to loose the last of our beautiful rescues and hopefully she was happy, we think she was.
It's been so hard on what to wright on here and thats why it's taken so long to put this up as its so hard to do...even now I've got tears streaming down my face.
We will never forget you our beautiful girl and hopefully your running free and happy with Sarge

Cuddles with dad

Cuddles with dad




TJ exploring his new home.🏠


TJ loves peanut butter and his Kong bone. Welcome to your new home TJ 😘


This about sums up TJ and Deanna’s relationship from the start.🤓


TJ enjoyed his drive home from Toowoomba to Brissie 🐕‍🦺

Welcome TJ🐕We have had a new addition to the canine family that we have kept under wraps for a few months. Sarge cannot ...

Welcome TJ🐕
We have had a new addition to the canine family that we have kept under wraps for a few months. Sarge cannot be replaced, our hearts broke and we miss him dearly but what he taught us about loving and caring we need to give to other special fur babies who need a little more patience, a little more time, and a lot more cuddles.

We recently adopted TJ and are having some fun and some challenges getting to know each other.

TJ is a German shepherd and Australian shepherd cross. He has been an outside dog but is learning the rules for inside dogs quickly with a few accidents and finding some inappropriate toys along the way but enjoying sleeping on our beds and the dog beds and keeping us company as we work around the house.

He is extremely affectionate almost to the point of anxiety if he does not get attention and physical touch straight away. When he sees us he jumps up on us constantly, scratching and nibbling and this escalates to an attack then barking at you if he does not receive it instantly. We are working on this behaviour with turning when jumping up but he doubles his efforts with the jumping and scratching. We firmly tell him to sit and tug on his collar handle when jumping up and offer praise, pats and treats when he complies. If it does not settle he is wrestled outside.
We have a handle on his collar to pull down, tug and take him outside when the behaviour progresses to barking, constant jumping and biting. This handle has become his dummy when he gets bitey and he plays with it like chasing his tail and often just runs around with it in his mouth like a toy. He also has several Kong bones and food wobbler, rope and squeaky tennis balls to chew on when bitty that soothe him but has to be directed to use them as he is learning the verbal cues.

We would be open to any further training techniques as we need to draw boundaries on this behaviour for health reasons and nice visitor behaviour.

Other than the above he is a very sweet, gentle boy who just wants to be with us getting lots of hugs, pats, affection and shake paws.
We will update you on TJ and Deanna regularly so stay tuned.


Looks about right 😂

Deanna among the zygotes. Such a pretty girl 😘

Deanna among the zygotes. Such a pretty girl 😘

Goodbye Sargey 😢 This is a long and very raw post. Grab a tissue and a drink as we share about our gorgeous Sargey who h...

Goodbye Sargey 😢
This is a long and very raw post. Grab a tissue and a drink as we share about our gorgeous Sargey who has gone way too soon.

It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that Adrian and I have to share the sudden passing of Sargey our beautiful, loving and protective boy. Early in the year we took Sarge to the vet as he had lost his bark, had his head lowered and pain on lifting his head. We thought he may have choked on a rock as he never lost his need to chase rocks around the yard instead of doggy toys. After a work up which involved the vet not being able to touch him and Sarge needing to be put to sleep with great difficulty due to his anxiety and fear from his past terrible treatment, anaesthetic to explore his throat and X-rays, the vet surprised us with the news that Sarge had lymphoma after biopsies were taken for confirmation. We were devastated with this news and took Sarge home on a palliative regimen of steroids to continue to love him for as long as the cancer would allow us or he let us know it was time for him to leave us due to poor quality of life. He recovered slowly from his work up and he started to live with the side effects of his steroids of increased thirst and urination, primal hunger drive that caused him to lose his food manners and the loss of his body fat and change of shape but he was coming back to being our usual happy, loving, protective Sargey who just needed more nana naps through the day and would lay down instead of standing when attached to us like Velcro as we went about our usual daily tasks. We walked in the mornings with Deanna which he loved but it was obvious he was losing his muscle strength and knocked up quicker. He was now on a diet of whatever he liked and he would be ready and waiting for any opportunity to snack due to the increased hunger. Sarge was such a happy personality in our lives, full of confidence, protecting his family and yard, very affectionate presenting for pats every half an hour or so and so gentle and perceptive to our needs. He trusted us exclusively and his trust had grown to the place where we were the only ones to be able to touch him all over without fear or cringing. Those who loved Sarge and rehabilitated him at the German Shepherds in Need over four years ago will remember how frightened and affected Sarge was from the cruel treatment he received at the hands of his previous owners from puppyhood. He would shriek and fall to the ground if anything touched his legs after being dragged around by a chain wrapped around his legs. When Sarge was entrusted to us by the angels who gained his trust to walk on a lead and get into a car and have a bath by giving him a gentle wash from a bucket, he grew in leaps and bounds. We started with gentle brushing where he would try and bite the hand that brushed him, to walking with a harness that he grew to love with great excitement when he heard it ring ready for walks and gently allowing us to touch him all over to finally playing patter cake with mummy with his sensitive front paws when lying on the queen bed. As his trust grew so did his affection and need for reassurance with regular pats to greeting us excitedly at the door, his tail wagging in excitement, where we got a good sniffing to make sure we had not been out with any other dogs☺️.
We always knew when someone approached the house or yard as Sarge would notify us with his warning barks followed up with Deanna’s husky screaming. The two of them often gave us a recital of howling whenever a siren was heard in the distance although Sarge was more of a tenor barker rather than a soprano howler in their choir of two. Sarge liked chatting to the dogs as they passed by on their walks but to some because of his size and breed that could be seen as scary but Sarge was all heart. Tennis balls remained his toy of choice and he loved playing fetch in his big backyard and would often hog all the balls with one in his mouth and two under each front paw. He would often drop the ball into his water when drinking for safe keeping. Sarge was one of a kind and he was our perfect puppy, with no naughty behaviour apart from guarding and mounting Deanna as dinner was being prepared for them. Deanna tolerated this and had taken on the cat role in our household preferring to keep to herself and only present for meals and the occasional pat as she let us know to open the door to let her out. She is happy with her bed in the office window at the front of the house and enjoys watching the world go by in between naps.

Sarge was doing well weaning the dose of his steroids with all his lymph nodes hard to feel and just acting like an older dog than his 6 years needing more rest time. We were thinking perhaps the diagnosis was wrong as he really was doing so well and so much more like our old Sargey. Then on 29/07/2021 after a great morning walk and his usual sleeps in the office with Deanna as mum worked Sarge started to circle when trying to get comfortable on the ground but would get up again and circle again. He could not get comfortable in the office so went to the ensuite bathroom where Adrian heard him fall on the floor hard. He got up and moved himself to his bed and started to lose his ability to swallow and was frothing at the mouth. His paws were very cold and under his tongue looked blue. We got ready to take him to the vet and he managed to walk himself to the door with some excitement when he heard his harness but collapsed again at the door. It took everything he had to walk to the car and he tried to put his head out the window which he always loved when we took him in the car but his legs could not hold him. He moved himself so his head was in between our seats as we drove down the highway in peak hour traffic getting some reassuring pats on his head and us telling him things were okay. He then moved himself on the seat with his head near the door and we heard a little groan as his neck and face contorted and he took his last breath. I shook him while shouting his name as Adrian negotiated the car to the vet but our boy was gone. It was 20 minutes from his first symptom to his passing. He was not in pain and was in the car with us which we knew made him happy. We arrived at the Bundamba Vet very upset and shocked. Their care for us and Sarge was exemplary and we were offered time to say goodbye to Sarge after the vet confirmed he was gone. They even did a paw print and put some of his soft teddy bear fur into a vile posting it to us which was very touching.
Our path of grief without Sargey has been a sad and hard one. I felt upset initially that he had gone too soon and that we did not get to give him the goodbye we had planned for him but I was reassured that Sarge went in his own way and time, without pain and knowing he was loved. It was quick and he did not suffer. Our house is now a lot quieter with a lot less activity. Sarge’s bed and toys are still where he left them and Deanna has spent time looking for him around the house and yard. We miss him dearly as we go through our daily activities thinking about what he would have been doing at those times as the shadow and protector he always was instinctively. There have been many tears, great support from our family and many thoughts and comments about our beautiful boy Sarge who was taken way too soon from us. It has taken some time for us to be able to share Sarge’s story on the Sarge and Deanna page as we needed selfishly to hold Sarge close to us as we worked through the early weeks of grief as his immediate family. We know Sarge touched many lives in his short life so have chosen to share.

Thank you Sarge for taking us on as your forever mum and dad. You made our house a home full of excitement, fun, happiness, hugs, loyalty and trust. You walked your paws well and truly across our hearts and left a hole that at this moment feels can never be filled. We miss your “paws up” on the back of dad’s chair when he came home for kisses and cuddles which you loved, your big tail wagging excitingly through the glass in the door at any time day or night, the eyes peeking above the kitchen bench when we cooked, you jumping into bed to snuggle with us and the softness of your teddy bear fur as you nuzzled up for cuddles and pats. Run free Sargey with Kuda who has been waiting for you over rainbow bridge. We miss you ever so much.
Farewell our beautiful boy
Love Mum and Dad and Deanna XX 🐾


Brisbane, QLD



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