When everyone has to have their pieces of chicken...
Gamora (in yellow) and Storm in pink lure coursing this weekend. Thanks to Penny Parker Photography for capturing the video.
When "somone" closes the gate of fun and adventure with the smallest siblings so you just have to make the best of the worst dad ever!!!
When you have had a HOOOOOGE day...
When Big Sister Storm just can't wait for you to grow up so you can play with her...
Week 4 Chaos and mayhem...
Puppy spam ... sorry not super organised for week 3 photos to go up yet 😞
OMG mum had a hooggeee win with doing Storms nails last night with the dremmel.
She fell asleep in the middle of it!
Dear Hoomans
It is raining and we, the ridgebacks, dont like it. Tell the sky to stop weeing on us!
Also - i have decided there is something wrong with Storm (mum edit: be careful, she is your progeny) It must be due to the environment then and not my genes. Or maybe its all gamora's fault ... but when is she going to stop chewing on the corners of everything? It is simply not satisfactory that it this time of the sky weeing on us that we all have to be outside when there is no hooman at home! #sigh #harddoneby
Stay safe minions
Grootus Maximus the furst
Swim during a walk is the best!