Our eggs come from a wide range of chook breeds, and so our eggs are made up of different sizes, shapes and colours. Great way to show the kids that life is full of diversity!
What sorts of chickens do we have?
Standard breeds: Australorp, Buff Orpington, Columbian Wyandotte, Faverolles, Light Sussex, Plymouth Rock, Rhode Island Red
Bantam breeds: Ameraucana, Ancona, Silkie, Pekin Frizzle, Rainbow (Mixed)
But where exactly does the colour of egg shells come from?
Different breeds of chicken carry different pigment genes. The colour that a chicken lays for its very first egg will be the same colour it will lay for its entire lifetime. Itโs all part of the chickenโs DNA.
White egg layers have no pigment genes. Brown egg layers have a pigment called porphyrin that creates the brown outer shell. The pigment is released near the end of the egg development, leaving the inside of the egg still white. Blue egg layers have a pigment called oocyanin. Unlike the brown, the blue pigment is released much earlier in the egg development, resulting in blue eggshell inside and out!