The horses are officially on holidays after a short but sweet season.
Yoicks Kimikain made the step up to 3* really well this season having completed Spring, Shirley heights and Albury successfully. Kimmi and I have lots to work and improve on as a team but she definitely earned her break. Next season we look to Adelaide 3* in May
Yoicks Mighty mako also made a big step up to 95 and completed 3, placing in 2. Very impressive Kev. While kimmi and I have lots to work on ‘as a team’, Kevin needs to learn that I’m boss and just because he has all that talent doesn’t mean he knows where we are going or what is written in the dressage test. After a long journey with Kev and handling on the ground it’s nice to have the reward under saddle (because I’m telling you if it was as bad to ride as it was to deal with no thank you!! He has grown up a lot now however). Kevin and I will look to a 1* start early next season 🤞🏼
I had so much fun with Heir to the Throne this season and she finished with a lovely calm dressage followed by a double clear in her first ever 3* at Albury CCI s this past weekend, what a good black fat rat!! Holly is now back home with her favourite person in the world Charli.
Im currently sitting (definitely lying) in hospital post surgery number 3 on my nose. This one was a bigger one in detail but littler in surface area with some cartilage as well as skin taken from my ear to replace what was “removed” 😬. Since I have to have 4 weeks off riding there is no point in kimmi and Kev doing 2 weeks and going back out again so they can just have a good summer break that they’ve earned and back to it on Jan 2nd. I have two cute thoroughbreds to play with and rising 3yo Ziggy (Tulara Zinero x Americain) to get going over summer!!