Sundays are for playing in the sand pit 🌞
All my little ducks in a row 🦆 🦆 🦆
The track stars are heading to a new section that has been opened up ready for a new arrival tomorrow. The section joins up the tracks they are on now to the completely grass free track where the new mare will be when she arrives.
She’s a senior lady who doesn’t agree with spring grass so she will be on the dry track with the herd near her for now so she can stay safe and they can slowly get to know each other before joining up together.
Mirror image 🥰🥰
The horses have moved to their new tracks and summer grazing plus gained a new friend🌾🌱
The weekend was filled with much excitement and gallopy shenanigans as they explored new places and remembered old ones 🌳☀️
The paddocks are constantly rotated and rested. Right now that gives the adorable duck family with the teeny tiny ducklings a safe path to and from the river each day. 🦆 🐣
My lovely neighbour sent me this video of Clara and Spirit doing their morning exercise in the fog 🥰🥰
It a magical day on the farm after the storms and rain yesterday. Lovely warm sunshine and happy horses 🥰🥰
Frosty grass and frozen gates this morning 🥶
Everyone wants to be involved 🐴😍😂
Clara and I are trying to do our thing but we have Spirit hanging out in the middle of our circles and the other two following from behind 😂😂
Fresh baked potato 🥔 Still steaming 😂😂
Welcome to the herd Spirit 🥰
We have a new member of the crew and what a handsome fellow he is 😍😍😍
Spirit has come to stay for a spell and is getting a couple of feeds a day with his custom mineral mix and some herbal goodies to help support his recovery.
After talking to his human about his history and personality it was decided he could manage going straight into the herd. He grew up in a herd, is usually near the top, is happy with mares and geldings and is a pretty confident horse. Depending on the horse the introductions can be done a few different ways.
Monty immediately thought it was one of his childhood friends and claimed him. They stomped and squealed and bit faces for hours. He’s won over Clara which is no easy feat and has settled in so well it feels like he’s been here forever. The two boys are rascals together and the three have formed an alliance 😂
The change for horses is huge - new location, herd, pasture, hay, feed, sights and sounds and handling so it takes time to adjust. Some find it easier than others. Spirit has the hang of the nosebags, feed routine, is grazing and resting in the same cycle as the others, is happy to explore and be on his own but also gets along with everyone and is laying down to sleep.
Both him and I are getting used to each other too. He’s come and hung out with me whilst I sat on the grass and I’m figuring out what is normal for him so I know if anything is off. I notice his thresholds and concerns and he’s figured out I’m pretty good at scratching 😂 He is extremely easy to handle and thats been lovely as I can do it all at liberty.
He’s a super horse and I’m so enjoying having him here ❤️❤️❤️
Roo desensitising is free 😂
The Roos have always been welcome as a natural part of the environment and efforts are made to co exist with them along with all the other flora and fauna. The whole idea is to be in harmony with nature rather than working against it and to encourage as much biodiversity as possible.
The fences have been built with a high lowest strand which is safer for horses and the Roos can pop underneath easily without causing any damage. The horses don’t worry about them and are very used to the whole mob speeding through their paddock.
The little ones are such characters when they hop out the pouch and do zoomies, they all lounge around in the sun like they are on a luxury cruise and are very peaceful. They can come and go as they please and it’s a bit of a safe haven for them.
And there are some ponies making their way to water in the background 🙂
The winter paddock is looking great with the grass nice and long 😊 All ready for the horses to come over the hill from their summer grazing 🍃
This paddock is one of my favourites. It’s so pretty and peaceful and tucked right down near the river. The herd is perfectly protected from the winter rain and storms by the hill and the forest.
The cockies were out in force this morning (might need the volume down a bit on this one 😂)
You need volume for this one 😍 I can listen to this one slurp up his dinner and think only of how smart and amazing and adorable he is. If a human ate like that…..😂😂