The Journey Continues
RanchBoss Cortez fans will be pleased to know that the Golden Stallion, RanchBoss Cortez, has not finished making his mark on Australian horse lovers.
We are so excited to announce that Cortez will be continuing his journey in educating and drawing more people to the wonders of the Morgan Horse with his old Amigo, Linda Shore, back on the Darling Downs.
As Kath and I slow down in our retirement years we thought it only right that Cortez should spend the rest of his life with someone who loves and respects him as much as we do.
For those who may not know, Linda was one of those I turned to in those early days in trying to find the perfect Stallion for Wilga Park’s breeding program. We would sit around the TV and watch videos of Cortez in all sorts of situations from when he was a foal to the five year old he was when we decided to import him to Australia.
It is something we will never forget, the first time we saw him in the flesh! We were filled with both excitement and trepidation. Excited that he was finally here, after almost a year of planning and negotiation, but on the other hand, full of trepidation of how we would go handling a stallion, not ever having handled or been around one before.
How could we have known he was such a gentleman; so confident in his own space no matter where that was, with his magnificent temperament and willingness to please the people handling him.
Kath and I would like to thank all the people in Australia, America and Canada who have supported us and Cortez over the years. Owning and breeding such wonderful horses has been the most enjoyable and exciting, life-changing experience we both have shared. A life style that created many, many wonderful friendships.
I hope you will all join us in congratulating Linda and Cortez as they continue their journey together. We know it will be full of stories, friendships and joy.
Greg Lyons