I am 99.9% sure that Hugo, the 9-yr old Labradoodle, was a husky in a previous life. 😂😂🐾🐾 🎶
Did I mention they can be drama queens as well.
A simple brush is all it takes. 😂😂😂😂😂
If you hear a dog screaming and sounding in pain. Don’t stress. It’s probably a husky getting washed
21/22 clients “hoppily” posed for an Easter themed pic with Michelle this week. Hope ALL our furry clients and their owners had a lovely Easter long weekend!!
This is Charlie. He is a classic example of why we use a hoody.
With the hoody he is perfect. As soon as I take it off, he wants to bite the hose. Back on and perfect again.
This is why we use a hoody. With it, Charlie is perfect. Without it, we wants to bite.
Waggy tails very own Luna and Max decided a bath in mud was way more fun that the hydro bath.
Oscar is a menace 😂😂 when I visit to wash him and his brothers. I took this video when he stole a hoody for the third time!!
Titan isn’t even finished yet. This is about 3/4 done!!
Had a helper today. Doug having his bath and William decided he would be my offsider.
Can’t quite hear him, but Zeus is telling me all about the fur flying out of him. He spoke to me for the full 2 hours. He would have to be exhausted after this.
Kita singing some early morning songs
Some serious songs being sung this morning. Doesn’t Kita have a lovely voice.
Charlie after his bath
Charlie is reluctant to get in the trailer……
but once there is a perfect pooch and after his treat he is happy to return to the trailer for more rewards!! 😂😂 These photos show his scruffy before and sleek after shots. The video shows him wanting to go back to the trailer for more treats 🤪. #ellenbrook
Bear was in for todays de-shed. Sing he did, along with some loving.
When you go to Stratton and Bear wants to sing you some songs. The mobile hydro bath needs to sort its acoustics so I can get better Sound
Waggy tails very own Luna and Max. They have found the mud and water. They are having the time of their lives. Looks like they will be in the mobile hydro bath very shortly.