I stopped the video before she crashed into me 😂 thanks Delilah 🙄😆
When you walk a little dog with a bigger dog...
What three out of today's five dogs will be doing 😸 First up is Roger who may have done some train trips when training to be a guide dog, but probably hasn't done it for a long time. And is a total pro already 🥰
Annie has a few concerns while out in public, her main one at the moment is the ongoing existence of the rubbish truck. Today she vanquished the threat by eating treats, paying attention and being amazing. Good work, Annie ❤️
Emmett + water = swimming and swimming and swimming 🥰 he'll pause for a rest in the shallow areas sometimes but will otherwise just keep swimming for as long as he can 🐟🏊
Bobby assessing the quality of squeaky toys at Bunnings 🤔😁
Despite having walked him for nearly a year, I'd never let Marley offlead before. So having him recall so beatifully was wonderful 🥰
Early morning exploring walk with Kayla before the snakes warm/wake up
It wss time for Roger to learn how to be a horse 😁
Extremely snoozy, cozy Maeve 🥰 she would have taken pats all day if I didn't have to leave to see other doggies