https://www.facebook.com/onetreeplanted is the organisation that is allowing their good name to be used for this Horrible Harry Potter forbidden forest experience inside a wildlife sanctuary.
Im not sure they understand what will happen to animals inside a wildlife sanctuary that have never experienced a light and sound show they cannot escape from!
Let me explain firstly these animals many that have been victims of tragedy all ready being orphaned by car hit or predation, which until now have only know a peaceful existence in a quiet sanctuary. Wallabies, Kangaroos, Koalas, Emus, Sugar gliders, Feathertail gliders and echidna. This sanctuary usually has foot traffic of maybe 50-100 people a day which walk through in a quiet respectful way- is going to have 3000 people per night walking through experiencing a light, sound,special effects and Props show with the squeals of excited children which all together will cause a huge rush of adrenaline, which then causes lactic acid to build in heart and leg muscles.When they cannot escape and retreat this causes a heart attack and death! depending on how stressed they get- it will take 1-6 weeks to succumb. Can you in all honesty be selfish enough to buy a ticket, make money or promote yourself as caring for the environment with a good conscious