A feel good story for Friyay!
On the 20th Nessie gave birth about 5-6 days early and wasn’t dilated fully 😥 It was quite a shock and she was even acting completely normal that morning before the birth.
These tiny babies were born, survived the birth but were so weak they couldn’t stand. I was very guarded about their prognosis, but bought them inside and supplement fed them the first day. Nessie was very shell shocked and wasn’t being a good mum, so I had to stimulate them to go to the toilet as well. The next day, they both refused their morning sup feed and I had to rush off to work, so left it to the universe.
I got home from work and they had latched and suckled 🥰 Nessie had also decided being a mum wasn’t bad and loves her babies so much.
These babies are still so tiny but so tenacious! It will be very interesting to see how their coats grow in after a very rough start. I know the sows ears are bloody atrocious but I’m hoping they will flop more with some growth 🫣🤣
They are from my favourite boy Kaisen who is producing some amazing pigs ❤️🥰