It is with much excitement that we would like to announce the arrival of ……..SHUTZSHEP LILITH ………to our kennel. Lilith has the genetics to drool over, drive that’s through the roof coupled with stability and a bite you’ll feel for days. . Lilith is from fully imported lines - Dad is Forny ze Soutoku Sazavy IGP 3 Multiple National / International & FMBB competitor & FMBB IGP World Champion. Owned by Jany Böhm. x. Mum is Arwen Force of Destiny (Import Czech) Bred at Shutzshep Kennels and there for her first few years we feel very honoured to be entrusted with this amazing girl. Huge thank you to Maurice , Michelle and Brooke there at Schutzshep Australia - German Shepherds & Malinois. Safe to say Lilith is settling into her new life like a duck to water 🔥
Keiko going up and down a ladder on voice command. Clever boy 🐶 A dog that has learned how to learn is such a delight ! #dog #dogtrainer #dogtraining #dogtrainergeelong #geelong #dogsgeelong #cleverdog #belgianmalinois #dogtricks #teachmydog #dogclass #puppy #puppytraining #puppyclass #ultimatecanine
Great evening walk down the river. Playing, swimming and sniffing out Roos great time had by all!
Koda recall training. Repetition repetition repetition!!
Meiko great work for a puppy who used to refuse to drop! Clever boy!
Baby Tsunami practicing her speaking on command. Only 14 weeks old such a clever girl! 🐶
The week that was. A snapshot of a little piece of my training over the past few days🐶
My Malinois pups day today. Trip to Harvey Norman and a few other shops topped off with their first puppy chino which I might add they LOVED! Yes they were in a dog pusher - why?Because puppies have a critical period in their development that’s 3-16 weeks of age. During this time they are not covered by their vaccination yet but it is development time that you will never get back. Once the critical period is over you will never gain the same learning and development after that and what they do learn during their critical period (good and bad) will never be forgotten. (So positive experiences!!) What I am doing is setting up my high drive, working bred, extreme personality pups for a full filled adulthood where they will be confident, well socialised , desensitised , non fearful and overall well rounded dogs. This will allow them to go many places and do many things when they are grown. Do I look like a crazy dog mum? Probably Do I care ? Nope Why? Because it is worth it for the development of the dogs they will become …