The dogs have been keeping me on my toes, there has been much rearranging to fit the big boy Angelo in. Angelo is the easy one, if only dachshunds were as laid back as him but then they wouldn't be dachshunds. Dachshunds spend 24 hours a day working out how to push your buttons and they are very clever at it, I am sure some weeks they conspire and plan on being the naughtiest dogs, then they are perfect the next, it is then that you realise they fooled you. They know where their rooms are, they know not to p*e on the floor when you are not looking, they can hear you fine when you call them, they know. Dachshunds love games of all sorts and there are times where reverse psychology comes in handy. If a dachshund plays "catch me if you can" if circumstances allow for it, don't even go there, the best thing to do is run in the other direction, away from your dachshund or better yet pay attention to another dog as you ignore them and your feral dachshund will come back with their ears flying. Dachshunds get quite possessive and jealous. To make sure that Angelo is liked and accepted by every dog here I have been spending more individual time with all and try not to fuss over Angelo in their presence too much. Domino my old boy is the most possessive of all and though he has accepted Angelo as he knows he has to I am going to work on these two to have a better bond. I will take both boys on a beach trip after Easter where they share some quality time together.. Looking very forward to it. Have a great Easter and enjoy your dogs. ;)