We had a fun filled and educational session at our DogEd puppy class yesterday, with our handlers and their pooches learning all about how to keep their puppies physically and mentally stimulated, not just through foundational obedience skills, but through learning what their puppies were bred for, what innate skills they can put to use during fun activities throughout their lives, and what awesome tricks you can teach them to keep both handler and puppy entertained on a daily basis.
From discussions on scent detection, water sports, herding classes and agility, to teaching beg, rollover, how to pray, and nose touch targeting, our class had a ball while getting useful tips to put into practice going forward.
If you want to learn how to raise a happy, well rounded and fulfilled canine citizen, give our training team a call today to discuss the best training options for you. With on-site classes, day care and training, private lessons and home consults, we have a range of services to suit your lifestyle and family schedule.