Wow wow 2024 was certainly a roller coaster of all kind of crazy ! Inbetween starting a new job and leaving that job to then start temping and still maintain making items for our market stand ! Yep it’s been a heck of a ride want to do. A big shout out to all our fabulous customers, friends and followers who have supported my little side hustle throughout the year . It means a lot and I love nothing more than meeting you all and your Houndz ! We look forward to seeing you in 2025 ! #hotrodhoundz #dogwear #dogsccessories #handmade #dogtreats #dogsofinstagram
These kick ass Kookie jars are ready to rock n roll for tomorrow’s twilight market at Kinglake !! These are the perfect stocking stuffer for your hound!! All natural Kookies, no preservatives or additives just quality ingredients! This years jars are a little different to previous years, there is only one size this year and because budgets are tight, I want to make sure they are still affordable . These awesome gifts will be available tomorrow at Kinglake market ! And yes I’m taking orders so you can DM me if you can’t make the market ! See you tomorrow !! #hotrodhoundz #kinglakemarket #kustomkookies #handmade #dogsofinstagram #christmastreatsfordogs #dogtreats
We are baking up an absolute storm today !!! Fresh baked kookies for all our customers at Kinglake Twilight Market tomorrow - yep you can come see us from 3-7pm at the magnificent Kinglake twilight market !!! Come see us, say and pick up some awesome gifts for your Houndz and the dog lover in your life !! See you there #hotrodhoundz #dogtreats #dogsofinstagram #dogaccessories #handmade #fordogs #dogs #kinglakemarket
One of Ty’s absolute fave things is a sausage in bread when we are at a market . Honestly the joy on this dogs face when I say let’s go get a sausage is just the beginning of a full cup for this hound !! #hotrodhoundz #ringwoodeastmarket #sausageinbread #itsthesimplethings #labradorsofinstagram #dogsofinstagram
How beautiful has this night turned out? The rain has subsided and despite the soggy start we are rocking out with tonight’s event !!! Yep we are rugged up and so should your Houndz be!!! Come check us out for all your Houndz winter needs and some fresh treats !!! Free pats from Tyson!! @thelocalmarkethealesville #hotrodhoundz #countryiscool #winter #healesville #dogwear #dogsofinstagram #handmade #buylocal
If there’s one thing Ty loves it’s a sausage in bread - watch our reel to see the end result !! That’s one satisfied Labrador !! #hotrodhoundz #sausageinbread #aussiefood #dogswim #labradorsofinstagram
Honestly there is nothing like being able to swim with one’s hound !! Once a year the pool near us has a dog swim afternoon for their last open night of the year . Lucky for us the weather is super warm this year !! For those of you who have known Ty for awhile may ( or may not ) know that he just turned 13! Yep this dude is 90 in human years and he’s still having a great time ! Whilst he wants to go full party mode, we are making sure he paces himself … the last thing we need is an injured Tyson ! Being in the water with Ty and enjoying his total love and carefree vibes makes me so happy. It’s not often we get an opportunity like this and as our boy gets older, it’s time to savour every moment we can . If nothing else Ty reminds us all to not sweat the small stuff and to enjoy all that life has to offer ❤️#hotrodhoundz #dogswim #ballobsessed #labradorsofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #swimmingwithdogs