The two most under utilised beneficial exercise in horse preparation.
There are many but these two popped to mind while warming up my old boy.
1. The good old in hand walk, leading side by side helping the horse feel relaxed yet in shape, calm yet active. Helps in way more ways than we give it credit.
2. Core strengthing before riding or being started under saddle. Crucial for protecting the horses back and having sound horses.
But what does both of those exercises look like for you and your horse.
They both go hand in hand. (No pun intended). Both really beneficial and can build a horses mind body and soul. As well as give the added benefit of strengthing our connection and relationship with our Equine friends.
I don't mind if the horses are 100% ok, sound, and calm with said task.
Where it becomes dangerous is, it can give a false narrative to how your horse feels, are they truly out of fear or pain. Or they are just masking it by eating.
It is my experience whilst eating they will learn how to condition to the correct behaviours. But it dosen't get to the root cause and help the horse feel safe in the task.
But once they feel safe it can add enrichment..
Answer: Listen to your horse adjust accordingly.
Important we feed to keep the belly coated and prevent acid splash up, but feeding too much , can make a horse sluggish, or not wanting to go forward.
Give a light meal or wait just a bit after they finish a big meal.
Today half a biscuit of hay, Was bit to much and Dusty was sluggish. Other days he has been ok.
I find the horses are happier to ride if the ratio is right.
Back in my young days riding horses, I had been mocked by many horseman on how I mounted a horse from the ground.
The words echoed "if you can get on from the ground now, what happens whilst all day mustering when you need to hop off and there's no mounting block? It will be a long walk home"
I get it. A much needed Survival skill needed for then.
Years later Starting Horses for the public, I need to mount from the ground both sides to prepare a horse properly for their owners. And help them get balanced horses with that from both sides.
Now I'm a heavier rider, and well educated in bodywork and biomechanics. I am looking for the mounting block for my horse not for me. (Ok a little for me..)
Mainly, to save his back from being pulled out, and twisted in the process of me hopping on.
Creating a positive experience, not one to be endured.
Plus it is a great spot to gather my feelings hanging with my horses before and after a ride.
So, If your a mounting block horse lover!
Own it!
Drop a π comment or photo of your back savers (mounting blocks).
Horses on the trail need support.
If they are confident in their own skin and love changes often the horses can relax and absolutely love the new adventures and change in scenery both in hand and riding.
The more under confident/ anxious your horse the more support from you they will need.
Not unlike any relationship this is where the friendship and connection to the horses mind body and soul can be built, or diminished based on if the horse felt supported enough to trust us to relax.
Supporting your horse to feel relaxed on the trails is so important. .
π Drop a comment if you want to see more post like this.
Peace, harmony, Emotional Regulation, Energy intelligence, socialisation, living congruent, with equality, Authenticly, with clear communication, in families in unconditional love, all come naturally for horses.
Yet it's being sold in Horsemanship we need to teach our horses this.
They know already.
Some just aren't convinced we are a safe place for them to be vulnerable enough to share it.
What we see is behaviour, what they show is how they feel.
Saftey check list.
Over the past 10yrs I have taught the safety check list to many Ppl and fellow trainers. It was in our Face book Group and clinics.
The ground work with the body checks were designed to keep you safe in clinics and have the horse prepared, relaxed, connected and both confident.
Now days with my personal horses who are in work, it is less
and broken down to a the "sore body check" and reading how relaxed and ok they are feeling there is no longer any circles replaced with gentle core strengthing warm up.
The safety checks are still really important for people to learn and do with all horses. I recommend it as they help you read and truly listen to your horse. Empowering you to make informed decisions.
It still dosen't mean that accidents don't happen. Just means you done all you could to minimise it. Horses are still Horses. "RIDE SAFE RIDE SMART"
MILLY'S First ride back from her leg injury. AFTER OVER 18 months off.
First rides are bare back and relaxed.
BECAUSE "Authentic Equine Connection" has been achieved.
Not only that her mind body and soul has been considered and rehabilitated for her to feel her best.
There really dosent need to be such thing as a cold back horse not ever.
Monday mornings trail. GOOD MORNING EQUINE LOVERS. GRATEFUL TO be able to interact with you again. Leave a β€οΈ π if your heart horse is sitting in the paddock while you work for them. Lol #horse #horsewoman #horsemanship
Dusty first attempt at learning the Hat pick up.
This horse is full of joy in our rides.
DUSTY knows he can express himself in his rides. Today he playfulness shone through.