*Language warning*
We are only use to seeing the ground erupt with ants. Never before have we removed a snake!!!! She will be safely returned in nature
Alates mating! We did a Myrmecia Brevinoda rescue today and we separated out the alates. Someone is happy to see his sister.
A Myrmecia Fulvipes colony we have available. Queen Aurelia II. Australian residents only excluding WA & TAS. Includes formicarium. #myrmeciafulvipes #myrmecia #ants #formicarium #hva #huntervalleyants
Myrmecia Nigrocinta - High Risk Dig
We were asked to return to a previous property we did a removal at, where the landowner was moving scrap metal and ended up being surrounded by angry ants everywhere, including one on him. We moved the fencing prior to taking this video, which did not please the ants.
I will post footage later (which Lauryn terms means "one day", but this ended up being our most dangerous dig in terms of being rushed by ants. We have never been swarmed by so many at once. It became incredibly dangerous).
Poisons have been previously used on this property to remove ant nests due to one of the children having an allergy.
The really exciting thing about this rescue is the fact the owner would like to turn this into a captive colony at their home in a safe and securely designed HVA tank formicarium.
Update: trying to move in Queen Shazza
Update: Transfer success! Time to move in!
Moving Queen Shazza's Myrmecia Brevinoda Colony into their "holding cell"
Queen Hathor update! This colony is where we expect it to be at. Not ready for sale yet. We are waiting for the population to stabilise and for Queen Hathor to lay. She is Lauryn's favourite Gulosa queen so far.
A gorgeous Myrmecia Gulosa colony moving into a Hunter Valley Ants 2ft tank.
End of Day 1: Myrmecia Brevinoda Dig
Video update: Myrmecia Brevinoda dig we are currently undertaking. Approx an hour into the dig and stumbling upon a brood chamber filled with ants and larvae