Look at Teeter go!
It can be a common misconception that when preggie mums come into care, all is taken over by the mums. This is often the case, but unfortunately not in Teeters case.
Thankfully we were aware that Vanessa (Ness) was pregnant when she came into care, and was placed with an experienced preggie foster carer. Not 24 hours after coming into care, Ness gave birth to 4 bouncing babies. All seemed perfect. Mum was very attentive and gorgeously social with her foster carer… This is our dream.
Unfortunately after a couple of days Teeter was losing weight and not latching on to mumma as we had hoped for. Our foster carer picked it up quickly (we weigh twice daily and check vitals constantly). Soooo… Teeter began being bottle fed. She loved her bottle and fed well. She was, and still is with her mum and siblings and thriving, and at 5 weeks old yesterday, is still bottle feeding ~ complimented with slurry.
Unlike the “big” rescues, Heart and Soul receive no Government funding. Our carers spend their time and money on getting our babies adoption ready. Heart and Soul pay for the vetwork (desex, vax, microchip and when possible flea worm) but the rest is out of the pocket of carers. This little cutie has been on supplements from 5 days old. She would not have survived in a big organisation, nor would she be the best that she can be. but.... SHE IS THE BEST.
Thank you Heart and Soul for bringing her into care. Thank you anyone that wants to share her story or donate food or supplements to the carers that look after the ones in trouble x
After 3 days in Emergency care, Arthur was sent home Xmas Day as he had had no further seizures. He was sent home with Anti-Seizure medication, antibiotics & drops for the Ulcer on his eye
The Bile Acid test that was done was not indicative of a Liver Shunt, however, the pathologist stated that due to the pre-prandial results being elevated (although the post-prandial result was normal), that Liver disease could not be ruled out (5 different vets had varying opinions, most saying it’s not Liver disease, based on the results)
Arthur had been doing very well, then on Monday night he had another Seizure. He spent another night in Emergency care where he was monitored & fortunately, there were no further Seizures
Tomorrow Arthur is having a CT Scan at Melbourne Animal CT, with the wonderful Dr Andrew Kapsis, to check his brain & liver. Due to Arthur's size, they may not get a great look at his brain with a CT, but it will at least tell us if he has a Liver Shunt
With Arthur’s CT tomorrow, his costs so far will have come to approx. $5,500 (We have only paid $2500 as we are juggling the payment of various other vet bills)
Any help towards Arthur’s costs would be very much appreciated – If you are unable to donate, please share & please send positive thoughts for this darling little boy <3
Heart & Soul Rescue
BSB 063237
A/C 10451048
Update on Kayden (one of our two cats with a broken Pelvis)
Just over 5 weeks ago, Kayden was found unable to move in a local park
Kayden had sustained a broken pelvis, which the vets believe was as a result of animal cruelty (due to shoe scuff marks that were found on his body)
This boy is just delightful, but he isn’t a big fan of being kept in a crate!!
Kayden has a follow up appointment at Lort Smith on the 31st of December, fingers crossed that all is good so he can finally be released from his Prison Cell!! HOWEVER, he will likely require, part, if not all of his tail amputated :(
Thank you so much to Laura, for caring for Kayden <3
Links to Kayden’s original posts
-> https://www.facebook.com/share/v/17szFbXfye/
-> https://www.facebook.com/share/v/15DsV2RdEa/
Our cheeky Baby George, after 9 days in Emergency care, is finally home!! <3
He will require a nebuliser 3 times a day, along with Anitbiotics, Bromhexine (to help break up the mucus) & eye drops 4 times a day
We are so happy that he made it, it was touch & go at times, but this little man is a fighter <3 <3
Thank you again to the Vets & Nurses at Lort Smith for their care
Please welcome 4 week old darling baby Poppy to the rescue <3
Poppy was handed into a vet clinic by a member of the public who claimed she was found all alone in her garage (Yep, we all believe that BS, especially given her condition!)
Poppy likely has Twisted Leg Syndrome (Contracted tendons, which are most likely the result of poor positioning of the fetus within the amniotic sac or crowding of foetuses within the uterus itself) However, the vet is also concerned about her knees, so she will need Xrays
If you can help towards Poppy’s care, Poppy will think you are the Cat’s Pajamas! <3
Heart & Soul Rescue
BSB 063237
A/C 10451048
We can’t save little lives without your help <3
Thank you to Belinda for taking in Poppy on short notice <3
Mumma Gemma is teaching her baby, Kiara the importance of keeping herself well groomed in preparation for her adoption photo shoot in a couple of weeks <3
Her cheeky brothers, Prince, Ollie & Kumi are also preparing themselves to look their best, well not all of them!!… (See comments 😊 )
One of our pregnant Mums, Holly, had been in Labor for quite some time, with not a kitten in site. Holly was showing signs of exhaustion & was quite stressed, so she was rushed to Heidelberg Vet Clinic.
Initially, the vet tried Oxytocin in the hope it would progress her Labor, but after an hour nothing had progressed, so it was decided that an urgent Caesarean needed to be performed to safely deliver Holly’s 4 bubs
Fortunately, all went well, and all 4 babies survived. Two of the kittens were a little flat initially, but picked up, thanks to the vet & nurses
Holly’s babies were quite a decent size, 120gms, 110gms (x2) & 100gms, which is why she probably had trouble in the first place
Holly’s Caesarean has cost the rescue just under $2,000.. This is another unexpected cost that has left us stressing as to how we are going to cover our vet bills.. We have had many cats requiring emergency care, and several others requiring specialist care, including eye & skin issues, not to mention the numerous cats who have required dentals…
Our account is currently sitting at just over $6,000 and we owe close to $7,000 in vet bills.. With many kittens and cats requiring vaccinations, desexing etc and other cats requiring dentals, we are asking for your help
All donations are tax deductible, and if you are unable to donate (even $5 will help), please share <3
Heart & Soul Rescue
BSB 063237
A/C 10451048
*Video of Holly & her babies is with their temporary carer, she will be going to her new carer on Saturday (Thank you, Lauren)
Please comment SHARED or DONATED to help boost Holly's post <3 <3
UPDATE ON KAYDEN (Boy with the broken Pelvis)
The Surgical team viewed Kayden’s Xrays and it was deemed too dangerous to operate due to the fracture in Kayden’s Sacrum – Operating may have caused permanent damage..
It is likely that Kayden will require part, if not all his tail amputated, due to the fracture (He doesn’t have any feeling on the tip of his tail)
What has been our biggest worry, was Kayden’s ability to urinate & defecate on his own… The good news is that he has managed to stand enough to use the litter tray and has done both (although he is a bit constipated, so he has been given an Enema)
Kayden is spending his 5th night at Lort Smith & will remain at Lort Smith for at least another 2 days as his progress is monitored, and a decision is made regarding his tail, he will then need to be kept crated for 6-8 weeks while his body mends.. He is currently receiving strong pain meds to manage his pain
BUT! Kayden will need a carer when he is ready to come home, so we are seeking a patient someone to help with his rehabilitation…
Kayden is only 12 months old at most and the vets at Lort Smith have fallen in love with this sweet, gentle boy <3
Kayden’s costs have now exceeded $3000 which will increase over the next few days, and if his tail requires amputation, this will be an additional cost…
If you can help towards Kayden’s costs, we will be ever so grateful. We simply cannot help cats like Kayden without your support – Thank you to everyone who has donated, thus far <3 <3
Heart & Soul Rescue
BSB 063237
A/C 10451048
*Video footage is from Monday night when Kayden was brought into our care
Late last night I was alerted to a situation involving an injured cat, who had been found lying amongst shrubs at a park
Teresa took him into her care and this morning he was taken to Lort Smith Emergency – We have named him Kayden
Xrays have revealed Kayden has a fractured Pelvis & a fractured Hip.. (And due to him lying in the same position for quite some time, his rear end became a breeding ground for Maggots, fortunately, they were superficial)
We won’t know until Wednesday when a Surgeon is available to view the Xrays, what his prognosis will be, but more so the risk of permanent nerve damage, deeming him permanently incontinent is of a high concern…
What is going to anger you all, as it has us, is that the vet believes his injuries are not as a result of being hit by a car, but as a result of Animal Cruelty, due to scuff marks on his body, which appear to be from shoes/boots….
Kayden is not a street boy; he is way too friendly & trusting (which is why he was probably targeted), but Kayden is another cat we have taken in as a result of people who do not give a sh*t about their cats, not desexed, not microchipped (and he also has healed wounds on his body from cat bites)
We can’t continue to pick up the pieces of irresponsible owners, but the ones who need help the most are always our priority; however, the costs are always in the thousands - Please help us to help these neglected souls, they deserve so much more than the hand they have been dealt…
We have paid a deposit of $1500 towards Kayden’s care today, and we don’t know as yet how much his care is going to blow out too..
Heart & Soul Rescue
BSB - 063237
A/C – 10451048
Please share Kayden's story <3
My name is Caelan, and I need your help…. 🙏
Caelan was found earlier today, lying on his side behind a shed on someone’s property, he was unresponsive & his breathing was extremely shallow
Caelan was rushed to Lort Smith and on arrival he was taken straight out the back, due to his severe condition
He was Hypothermic & Hypoxemic. (His Oxygen saturation was only 72%) Caelan was immediately put in the Critical Care ward where he was put on Oxygen & a heat pad
What was quite disturbing was that Caelan was also covered in several clusters of Fly Larvae ☹
What is also quite upsetting is that Caelan was TNR’d through another rescue, a few years ago. I don’t have a problem with TNR (yes, I know it’s illegal in Victoria & we don’t do it), but if you TNR you need to manage the Colony, not just return them to fend for themselves
Caelan is fighting for his life & we need your help so we can help him.. After having two cats in Emergency care in the last two weeks at a cost of $7,000 (on top of all other vet costs) and having to pay a deposit of $2,000 for Caelan’s care today, we are heading back to a zero balance..
Please share Caelan’s story & please donate if you can.. Caelan’s life depends on it..
Thank you <3
Heart & Soul Rescue
BSB 063237
A/C 10451048