Recognising that we need help along the way is often the most important step to making things better. We’d love to help you with that. Please like and share this around and join us at one of our clinics and then enjoy making great changes.
I could elaborate on this video and about refinement for hours. Join us at one of clinics to discover more.
What makes this video cool is that I’m holding the phone with my right hand the whole time
We still have a couple of spots available for our one day Cowhorse school on Saturday 1st February
This is a lovely gelding that belongs to a client
It’s not about his head, it’s about his thoughts. Once his head lowers though then I know the quality of his thoughts are better and that he has relaxed.
So then it’s the relaxation and fluent forward movement that create the different posture. That’s all! It’s truly a great exercise and that’s all it is, an exercise.
Oh and by the way the date that I quote in this video for the Cowhorse Clinic should be the 1st of Feb, not March (but I can lift heavy things). Please like and share
Just ooze around
Just ooze around
Ozzy Cat 24/25
Please watch this two part video.
Our little way of thanking everyone that has believed in Ozzy Cat already and rewarding those that do in the future.
Feel free to contact me for further clarification.
Please like and share.
By the gingoes it was cold here at 8:00 this morning