The Black Dog is a free community art exhibition, showcasing creativity as a powerful source of healing during periods of depression, anxiety, isolation and loneliness. This exhibition aims to help focus public attention on issues faced by those with depression and/or anxiety by breaking down stigmas and barriers associated with Mental Health. Artworks can consist of paintings, drawings, collage,
mixed media, photographs, writings, stories, sculptures (small - medium in size) and craft items including wall hangings. You can have a personal experience of depression and/or anxiety or reflect on how depression and/or anxiety has played a role in your life through family, friends and/or colleagues. AMAROO NEIGHBOURHOOD CENTRE ART THERAPY SHOW OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM
CLOSING DATE: Friday 22nd September 2017
EXHIBITOR’S NAME ............................................................................
TELEPHONE NO: Home....................................... Mobile.........................................................
Name of Exhibit
6. All exhibits require a description in a 100 words or less of your artwork and how it relates to
'THE BLACK DOG: A Modern Take’.
OR EMAIL TO: [email protected]
I have read and accept the conditions of Entry…………………………………………………
FOR ‘THE BLACK DOG: A modern take’.
1. Entry forms to be returned not later than Friday 22nd September 2017.
2. Amaroo Neighbourhood Centre Inc. will retain 15% of sales, with all proceeds going back into Amaroo for the Art Therapy group on Depression and Anxiety.
3. All exhibits to be delivered to : Amaroo Neighbourhood Centre
34 Amaroo Street,
Chadstone, Vic, 3148. between 9am - 12 noon on ....(updated date coming soon).
4. Artists who sell their work will receive payment within 10 working days of the exhibition closing.
5. Artworks can include: Paintings, Photographs, Drawings, Poetry, Craft, Mosaics, Mixed media, Collages, Small quilts, Small sculptures, Jewellery, and Hand made knick - knacks. All creative writings and artworks need to be original pieces of art which reflect the theme of the exhibition.
6. Artworks must be clearly labelled on the back with -
* Title.
* Artists Name, Address and
Contact Phone Number.
* The technique used.
* Price: if it is for sale Yes/No. if yes
what price.
* Pairs to be marked A and B.
* Artworks to be framed:
All paintings, drawings, photographs and wall hangings must be presented for hanging, work will not be hung without a proper hanging system. Works to be any size but no bigger than a metre squared. (Frame included in this size)
7. More than one piece can be entered, but Amaroo makes the final decision as to what
works will be put on display. Should exhibits offered exceed space available Amaroo reserves the right to limit the number of works submitted by each Artist.
8. All exhibits require a description in a 100 words or less of your artwork and how it relates to THE BLACK DOG a modern take’.
9. Unsold exhibits must be collected between 4pm - 5pm Saturday (date coming soon) and will only be released on presentation of Exhibitors Receipt.
10. All Artists works will be hung and displayed at their own risk.
11. Admission: A gold coin. Pensioners 50 cents, Children under five free.