Don't forget to look after your 4 legged family with this heat
With the weather warming up, why not let your 4 legged family play under the sprinkler? Bruce loved it so much that he even did some of his famous 'Bum Tuck Zoomies!' ðĪĢ
I loooovvvve getting updates from my puppy class families! Look at Scout the German Shepherd walking so nicely on the side of a busy road. See how she's checking in with her mum?
Percy trying out the mini agility course I'm going to have at the Moss Vale Showground Market Dogs Day out Event
Registration opens at 10 with the main event starting at 11. Come on down to see us!
What a lovely email from one of last night's graduates. I really love what I do. Comments like this make me think I must be doing something right!
Have you tried the hand-in, paws-in challenge with your dog? I was nicely surprised when Percy figured it out the first time!
Just practising some basics with Percy on a cold Sunday afternoon
Bruce got a new jacket today... he wasn't too sure he could move in it... Lucky a trail of food showed him the way!ð
Nuky the Kelpie showing her singing skills at the Dogs Day Out at Exeter Markets today. Thanks to Khris's Dog Coats & George's Dog Treats for hosting a wonderful morning.
Tongues out Tuesday! ððĪŠð
Percy is 1 today! He has a special pupcake of kibble, potato, chicken and left over breakfast. What do you give your birthday pup's?
Greenbah Dubbo