On Tuesday a meeting was held between RWWA & Club officials informing us that Narrogin would see a reduction of race dates cutting us from 6 down to 2. To say we have been blindsided by this move is an understatement.
This season consistently our thoroughbred fields have stood up & our grass track is in pristine condition. We strongly believe that you cannot ignore grass roots racing, and you cannot have an elite top tier of Metro racing without a base to their pyramid, which is tracks like us.
The economic and social impact on our community will be significant and whether it be our love for the animal, the strong Community bond we have, or our fierce determination to succeed... we will fight for our Club!
We will keep you updated as we have written and implored the RWWA Board to reassess their decision and allow us to maintain a minimum of 4 meetings per season. We would love to keep all 6 that's for sure!!
The fabric of most rural communities is sports, and the impact of this loss is larger than just face value.