And the answer to why my horses have been anxious lately is....anxious deer. 🥹 Recently, Doc and Wishes have sometimes been displaying anxious behavior: yawning and yawning when I arrive, being nervous out on a walk, itching, looking around around a lot. My daughter even suggested deer but the horses have never been bothered before, they have existed together happily it appeared to me. A few weeks ago a shooter came to the property and shot a lot of deer . This did not appear to bother the horses much either. Now, though, some of the deer have returned but they are very nervous. They used to stroll around and keep an eye on me but we're not overly worried and we're not skittish. I am terribly saddened by the whole ordeal but it's a hard one, deer are feral and do damage habitat. Anyway, clearly my horses have a connection with the deer herd, and the nervousness of the deer is affecting Doc and Wishes. I am going to try some Trust Technique to see if that helps.
grooming should be enjoyable.
He pins his ears back when I try to brush him, she bites at me when I try to brush her.
Comments like these are common to see on my intake forms.
My video will help you understand why.
Is Wishes a stress eater or just an eater eater? Lol. Both from my observations. Survival of the eater.
15 minutes post dental sedation she was nibbling grass. 30 minutes later she dragged Doc over to the left over hay. #equinelife #docnwishea
What do to when your horse eats half a bale of hay in a short time.
Monitor for colic, use Sure Foot pads to help relax the intestinal fascia and put your horse into parasympathetic nervous system. Feed small amount of salt to encourage drinking. #equinemiracleeducation #surefootpads
I love wildlife, I really do
Is this bodywork? A valid part of the session, or a waste of time?
I am not touching Lady for the moment, just witnessing.
And my answer is yes! Definitely worth the WAIT and Witness, allowing body and mind to process changes.
'Hi Robyn
Hope all is well.
First day with pads today'
Just love getting these updates from clients.
Rosie is one happy mare
I love wildlife. I really do.
#equinetherapy #equinerehabilitation #equineveterinarymedicine #vetkintape #equinemassagetherapy Brianna Thompson
Why do I offer horses stacked pads in front?
The following list are my observations:
*This helps engage the thoracic sling, important for enabling the horse to come up off the forehand.
* The ribs open out and expand, allowing for more activation of important back muscles and more lateral bend.
* The spinous proceses of the wither open out, the fascia relaxes in that area and more mobility occurs.
* The horse 'feels' what it is like to take weight further back onto the hindquarter.
*The fascia of the forelimbs releases unwanted strictures caused by imbalance and posture
* The recoil system is activated improving ease of movement and lightness over the ground
* Proprioception improves significantly creating confidence over the ground
* The neck lengthens as balance improves
* Deep relaxation is often reached allowing for profound change
*With repetition horses begin to hold the new posture for themselves as their neural system reprograms itself
*The horse will feel more elastic, lighter, freer and straighter to the rider.
I usually only offer stacked pads to horses with previous experience of SF pads but sometimes I meet confident horses who embrace the concept on their first try.
Seen here is Bubs on the Hard and Soft pads. A combo I offered him because he tends to be 'stuck' on the forehand and he also has tender feet. So the Hard pad supplies a steady base and the soft pad a lovely feel for his feet.
I usually stack with Hard as the base and Firm on top but I might also use Hard ans a Slant on top.
I do so wish our Aussie instructors and trainers would embrace the use of SF in their sessions. Many problems with balance issues, such as falling-in or hurrying, can be quickly remedied with the pads. Allowing the rider to focus on being straight and comfortable and not get out of balance themselves.
Tarzan feeling safe enough to actively release his physical and mental stress during his session at the weekend. Earlier he had clearly indicated a need to move and had trotted over to a water bucket and dunked his head halfway into the water.
This is his third session, it was wonderful to have earned his trust in this way. In our first session Tarzan was somehwat anxious and defensive of his body and releasing discomfort.
In our 2nd session he was not defensive but still guarded.
It is such a joy for myself and the horse owner when these changes occur, we also know we are accessing the horse at a deep level and empowering both physical and emotional change. Thankyou Daniella JW for trusting me with Tarzan.
I will be available in central coast nsw in july.
Usual area covered: darkes forest to ulludulla.