Star hangin' put
Star enjoying a different view of the world 😄
She's a special needs rescue, found a few years ago and non-pbfd, perfectly fine and able to fly (surprisingly), and just randomly choosing that spot this morning.
Cos why not? The world might make more sense upside-down 🙂
Hope everyone's doing well.
#accessibility video description: Star, a near-nakey female budgie, is hanging from a forked twiggy branch, next to a thicker hanging branch with some other budgies chilling on the right way up. She just hangs around for a while, watching the world and the budgies chilling on the branch near her. One of them flies off. That branch is swinging quite wildly. She eventually pulls herself up by flapping a little and using her beak, and starts a quick and confident climb up and between branches to a higher point in the aviary, passing a few other budgies along the way. What a champ.
Weiros are the bird version of TV static
Weiros are the bird version of TV static 😏
#accessibility video description: in an unsheltered section of aviary with one main hanging branch and several other smaller branches in the background, weiros, budgies, and kakarikis are chilling. A couple flying around. Not long in two weiros come to check out the camera and provide solid blur coverage, moving again after a long few moments. They repeat this a couple of times during the clip, allowing the birds in the back to get some attention in the breaks.
Kale obsessed
Reasons why we need to protect the planet:
So there's never any kale shortages.
And also, most importantly, so their wild counterparts always have a place to flourish and call home.
The feisty blue budgie in this with an overgrown lower beak is maintained and the condition, as you can probably tell, does nothing to get in the way of her activity.
#accessibility video description: a human hand is holding a kale leaf in front of hanging branches in a parrot aviary. Several budgies and a weiro land on it and fight a a bit over apparent good bits. Other birds are busy in the background.
Canaries deserve better
I saw a post last night on one of the community pages... someone giving away a couple of small cages (one round, one square), some seed, and various types of seed treats.
The cages obviously intended for a small bird, although as many would say here, really only suitable for transport.
Someone commented on the post quickly, saying they're getting a canary this week.
Now, I don't know the story beyond this, so I'm making some assumptions, but what I do know from experience is that it's likely a single canary that will now be bought and end up in one of those cages, sentenced to a life there.
Again, I don't know the story, and could be totally wrong. But what I would've loved to have seen was someone (else) jumping in saying something about the cage sizes, politely and respectfully.
Instead, what we continue to see is pet stores selling the same cages that are ridiculously small and allow no space for adequate flight or the type of activity these birds would have in the wild.
Did you know wild canaries can travel several kilometres each day moving between foraging areas and safe roosting spots? It's time to cut the crap with what we consider acceptable for their domestic counterparts. They may live domestically, but they still have their wild instincts.
Little birds deserve just as much care and attention as the big guys.
#accessibility video description: on the ground in a canary aviary, several canaries are gathered foraging around a piece of kale.
Simply the best
Simply the best ❤️
Why do you love birds?
#accessibility video description: on a branch heading away from the camera, a few weiros are chilling, along with a budgie towards the back. Other weiros and budgies are on neighbouring branches. Another weiro comes in in front of the camera to take centre stage, along with a second blurry. The original weiro at the front seems put out and keeps bowing their head in a gap to still be seen. They muck around a bit, while the original weiros now look sleepy in the background.
Morning breakfast rush
The breakfast rush ❤️
One of many food dishes.
Hope everyone is having a good week.
#accessibility video description: in a hanging ceramic bowl is a heap of mixed shredded vegies with budgies and weiros enthusiastically competing to get the best bits. Other birds are in the background on branches. The sun is casting a glow over things since we're filming from a less than ideal direction.
Scritch wars
Scritch wars.
Tell me birds don't have personalities.
Just try. 😏
#accessibility video description: two weiros are on a branch beside each other, taking turns to try and get the other to scritch them. They are scitching each other so not being total jerks. They're actually playing a lot more nicely than weiros usually do, with the typical scritch-off.
Vegies and treats for the birds
A platter of cool vegies including some treats for the birdies today, a very hot day, since they've been such troopers in the heat.
This summer has been relentless! While most of the species here are Aussie natives and used to this climate, the 40+ degree (celcius) days particularly are still tough for them.
Bring on winter!
#accessibility video description: on the ground of a parrot aviary a black tray is sitting with an assortment of brocolli, some corn, carrot, and celery leaves on the stalk. A thin bit of foliage is hanging over the top. Several birds are waddling around enjoying it, including a yellow kakariki, budgies, and quail, plus Pudge. A weiro also makes an appearance in the background.
Buddy, and the reason we exist
This boy right here...
We get a lot of people asking after him, expressing their delight in seeing him thriving and happy.
He's a symbol for so much of what we're about and why we exist.
While many of you know the story, for those who don't, Buddy was nearly killed as a baby, due to a bad case of splayed legs (easily preventable) and a breeder who didn't want to deal with it.
Thankfully, a pet store intervened, and many of you wonderful people helped to make sure he got the surgery and care needed to be able to live a quality life.
That was March 2023, and here we are nearly 2 years later with this handsome head-bobbing lad ❤️
We're here to make sure birds like him don't have to suffer, and don't lose their lives unnecessarily. We're here to fight against unethical breeders and to raise welfare standards to protect birds like this.
It's a long and hard battle, but totally and utterly worth it to see these sorts of outcomes.
Thank you to everyone here for supporting Buddy and all the birds ❤️
#accessibility video description: Buddy the blue male budgie with one leg sits on a branch just above the aviary ground, chattering away and doing a bit of head bobbing. Some other budgies are climbing in the background, and there's some blurry greenery in the background to the side.
Special needs budgies ❤️
Morning noms with very special babies ❤️
Having special needs birds or other animals isn't a burden in any sense. It is a complete privilege, and a wonderful way to learn at a deeper level about these creatures.
They are adaptive, resilient, creative, and love life just as any others.
The special needs bubs are hugely cherished at the sanctuary ❤️
#accessibility video description: special needs budgies and some of their friends are waddling around a black rectangle tray on the aviary ground nibbling at some shredded vegies. Some are on the tray and some are just off to the side. A king quail joins at one point.
Lucky loves his scritches 🥰
He has an old beak injury and gets beak trims, and will be due for one soon.
Beaks grow at different rates so it can be hard to judge how often they need it done, so monitoring is important.
Despite not being able to fly, he's a happy boy and takes life in his stride ❤️
#accessibility video description: Lucky the weiro is on a branch, bowing his head and body from side to side kind of with heart wings, before getting onto my hand. He climbs up my arm which is extended out, before I bend my hand to be able to scritch his head a bit. He makes some happy noises.
Birds love coriander
We all know how good coriander is, right? 😜
Edit: sorry Americans and anyone else, I think it's what you call cilantro! 😅 it's similar (same plant) but not quite the same.
(personally, I love it on pizza. As well as pineapple.)
#accessibility video description: firstly a couple of weiros getting at a bunch of coriander hanging off a few branches, followed by budgie who lands on top. The birds continue coming and going and the movement vets a bit rough and wild. One weiro manages to nab a decent stalk. Then a couple of budgies at the end finish the show after the coriander has nearly been knocked off.