Vines Pets

Vines Pets Vines Pet information

UPDATE.... We have a carer from the awesome charity Deedlebug Cat Rescue Perth who will foster the cats when she returns...

UPDATE.... We have a carer from the awesome charity Deedlebug Cat Rescue Perth who will foster the cats when she returns from Europe in 2 weeks. In the meantime they are going to board together at a Cattery used by the charity. They will be together and get lots of attention and quality care.

If you would like to donate a few $ towards their stay please do this via the following link and reference 'Misty and Oscar'. Every cent will help towards their stay and also their future Vet check. All donations above $2 are tax deductible.
Many thanks.

All their mum/owner Irene wished for was that they would be ok when she passed away, thanks to everyone for making this happen X

Please donate and share. I have known this cat loving family for 12 years, they have always supported my fostering and a...

Please donate and share. I have known this cat loving family for 12 years, they have always supported my fostering and adore their indoor cats. Sadly 1 cat has passed away while hiding under the sofa :(. As you can imagine this is such a terrible time for them. Please please lets pull together. Thanks x

Hi my name is Tyra fynn, my family’s house has burnt down in an unexpected house fire on hedlo… Tyra Fynn needs your support for Family house burnt down

Hey kitty loving friends 🙂As most of you know I can no longer foster as our cats are getting older and a few need ongoin...

Hey kitty loving friends 🙂
As most of you know I can no longer foster as our cats are getting older and a few need ongoing vet care 🙁
One of my friends has asked for my help in finding urgent care for this sweet young girl, either fostering or adoption. She is so young to have had kittens and her babies now have new homes. She is healthy, very friendly, just a little shy. Please please help make her feel loved and welcome her into your home, if you can't do this please please share. This young lady is currently in the care of Deedlebug Cat Rescue. Thanks all 🙂


*Edit: ADOPTED*🦩 Maggie 🦩

DOB: Approximately 7 months old
Breed/Colour: Black and white DSH
S*x: Female

Maggie is a smoochy sweetheart.
This delicate and petite little lady is very curious and will always want to know what you are up to. She will announce her arrival with a little chirp and let you know when she wants a cuddle and loves to be held.
Maggie is extremely affectionate and will take any opportunity to give you a face boop or curl up in your lap.
Maggie loves a scratching post and playing with hair ties and bottle tops. She also loves to climb and explore. A home where she has a lot of engagement and enrichment is a must.

She is extremely vocal at food times, currently eating biscuits and wet food. She uses a litter tray with no dramas.

Currently living with another cat and dog, if there is enough space and a slow introduction, she will be fine with other animals.

✅ Maggie must be rehomed to an indoor-only home or an indoor home with a secure cat enclosure/catio (please see examples here if unsure what this means:

🐱Adoption fee $200 which includes Maggie’s sterilisation, microchipping, up-to-date vaccination and flea/worm treatment.

🐱If you would like to meet Maggie for a cuddle please fill in this form - or email [email protected]

🐱Viewing location of Maggie is at our Deedlebug Cat Rescue Carers house in Bassendean.

❇ If you see this advertisement then the cat is still available

❇ Please make sure you fill in this form - or email [email protected]. Our inbox is not monitored at all times and we require you to fill in adoption form first.

❇ Please note successful applicants will be contacted only

🔗 Instagram:
🔗 Facebook:
🔗 Website:


🏆Apple-solutely Purrfect Raffle🏆

You would have seen us posting a fair bit about our ringworm cats lately. Cat Haven is one of the only WA shelters that takes in these cats and gives them the treatment and the time to recover, here on site and in foster. As you can imagine this is quite costly for us as they stay here from 3-8 weeks usually while they are in quarantine on medication.

Our next fundraiser is raising money for this much needed program to improve enrichment in the ringworm area, get our ringworm warriors program off the ground, add cat TV and lots of toys for the cats to play with while we are not there.

Tickets for this raffle our only $10 and the prizes are purrfect!
1st Prize – Apple iPhone 13 (valued at $1,349)
2nd Prize – Apple Watch SE (valued at $429)
3rd Prize – Apple Airpods Pro (valued at $399)

You’ve got to be in it to win it! Make sure you purchase your tickets today!!


🐈‍⬛Black Cat Appreciation Day! 🐈‍⬛

Here is a perfect list of why you should adopt a black cat:
1. Black cats look sleek and sophisticated
2. Holding a black cat is very slimming
3. Black cats will match any décor
4. A lint brush isn’t required for a black-tie affair
5. When you love a black cat, luck is on your side
6. Black cats are like a mini panther
7. They don’t care what colour YOUR hair is!
8. Love knows no colour
9. Adopting a black cat may be lucky for you … and definitely lucky for them!
10. Simply the best reason to adopt a black cat is that black cats are the least likely to be adopted. And they’re AWESOME!
🐈🐈All our current Deedlebug cats/kittens needing a forever home, they are located in:
➡️ On the home Deedlebug page - click the 'Photos' tab
➡️ Click on the photo album 'Current cats & kittens available for adoption!'


Help them share in $500,000 worth of grants


Hi. We have more chocolate boxes for fundraising and Rambo says that he'll give away a Cadburry Teddy Bear to the person who sells the most boxes!


It's tomorrow! A sale not to be missed! Amazing quality hand-made gifts starting from $2

Julie Church...look 🥰🥰

Julie Church...look 🥰🥰

ADOPTION 🌑 Akorn 🌑

DOB: Approximately 3 months old
Breed/Colour: Domestic Short Hair – Black
S*x: Male

Akorn is a very friendly, cuddly kitty, he loves sleeping on the bed with loads of cuddles but also gets a little nervous and scared around loud noises. Akorn loves playing with kitten toys and chasing his foster brother around the house. Akorn has lived with two other cats, dogs and birds with no concerns or issues. Akorn has also lived with children and although can get a little scared if they move to quickly or are to loud, he still loves a good pat and cuddle from them. Akorn also loves going outside into the cat enclosure and loves baking in the sun.

✅ Akorn must be rehomed to an indoor-only home or an indoor home with a secure cat enclosure/catio (please see examples here if unsure what this means:

🐱Adoption fee $275 which includes Akorns sterilisation, microchipping, up-to-date vaccination and flea/worm treatment.

🐱If you would like to meet Akorn for a cuddle please fill in this form - or email [email protected]

🐱Viewing location of Akorn is at our Deedlebug Cat Rescue Carers house in Serpentine

❇ If you see this advertisement then the cat is still available

❇ Please make sure you fill in this form - or email [email protected]. Our inbox is not monitored at all times and we require you to fill in adoption form first.

❇ Please note successful applicants will be contacted only

🔗 Instagram:
🔗 Facebook:
🔗 Website:


Please note this in your diary, it will be an event not to be missed. You will not be disappointed. 🐾😻🐾


*Edit ADOPTED*🍀 Hugo and Monty 🍀

Hugo and Monty are a bonded pair of brothers who love lots of attention. They can seem a bit timid to anyone new but they love lots of attention so will settle fast in a new loving home. Hugo is extremely affectionate and loves to snuggle into you and loves kisses. He is very demanding for attention but with those beautiful long whiskers and long bushy tail its hard to resist him. He drools terribly when you fuss him. Hugo is not really keen to be picked up but any opportunity he has he will snuggle into and wrap himself around you.

Monty is a calm kitty, super chilled, sits on the cat tree like he is sitting on a thrown. Monty loves belly rubs and likes to be picked up and cuddled. He always looks forward to you kissing him and paying him lots of attention. He is such a sweetheart.

These two boys adore each other. They wash each other and cuddle up and sleep on top of each other. They are playful and adventurous and have lots of love to give.

🐱DOB: December 2021
Hugo – Tuxedo (Black and White)
Monty - Tabby

🐱Adoption fee $400 which includes my sterilisation, microchipping, up-to-date vaccination and flea/worm treatment.

🐱If you would like to meet our Hugo and Monty for a cuddle please fill in this form - or email [email protected]

🐱Viewing location of Hugo and Monty is at our Deedlebug Cat Rescue Carers house in Ridgewood

✅Strictly indoor or indoor with a catio/secure enclosure

❇ If you see this advertisement then the kitten is still available

❇ Please make sure you fill in this form - or email [email protected]. Our inbox is not monitored at all times and we require you to fill in adoption form first.

❇ Please note successful applicants will be contacted only

🔗 Instagram:
🔗 Facebook:
🔗 Website:


❤️We urgently need your help!❤️

Our ringworm is overflowing with kittens housed in temporary crates. Cat Haven does not believe in euthanising for a simple treatable fungal disease like ringworm and we need your help to find foster homes so we can continue treating cats and kittens that are coming in daily.

What is ringworm? It is not as scary as it may sound!

Ringworm is a fungal infection affecting the skin, hair and occasionally nails of animals. We often see it on the head, around eyes, ears, feet and tail with hair loss that is rough and scaly.

It is NOT a worm as the name may lead you to believe. In fact, it is very closely related to Athlete’s foot found commonly in humans. While it is a zoonotic infection – meaning it can be passed between species, it most commonly affects young animal and those with suppressed immune systems.

If you search ringworm on the internet, you’ll find lots of scary pictures and medical information that makes it sound very difficult to deal with – however, it is not as hard to handle as it sounds, and the Foster Care Team are here to support you every step of the way.

What do you need to do to prepare your home?

· Love and affection! These kittens need just as much love and socialisation as the next kitten, they just happen to require a different kind of care.

· Ideally, the cats/kittens are kept in a space in the home that you can completely clean with a cleaning product F10 that we supply. This could be a spare bathroom, laundry or a room with limited furniture or carpet.

· If you have other pets, they absolutely need to be kept separated. So no socialising your foster kittens with other animals in your home.

· Understanding: the amount of handling does not have to be limited, but you need to take extra precautions when handling the kittens – no rubbing their fur on your face! Being diligent about washing before interacting with others after handling the infected kittens.

· It’s best to not have someone in the household who has a compromised immune system that could be susceptible to getting infections.

What does Cat Haven provided to the foster home?

· Medication and treatment for the fungal infection.
· Instructions on the treatment process
· Support from our Foster & Veterinary Team
· Emergency After hours contact
· Litter, Bedding, Food, Scratchy Pole – everything you need for your kitten.

Why should I consider helping?

· Every foster parent is a true life-saver!
· Due to exposure risks for other cats & kittens – Cat Haven have to handle cases of ringworm in a very regimented way, isolating cats and kittens and limiting contact with them since we are handling so many other cats and kittens. This is a rather sad situation for kittens who need lots of attention, love and playtime.
· Shelters are a high stress environment and cats tend to get healthy and stay healthy in a less stressful home environment.

If you can open your home and hearts please complete the Foster Care Application and Agreement before heading down to Cat Haven.


Eyes on the golf course please
Vines golf driving range. There is a small joey with a broken front arm. She isn’t really little and not in a pouch . it is dangling. She would be in a lot of pain. 0417926130 if seen please. She needs help asap.


“My name is Mútu, and I almost died yesterday 🥺”

It might sound dramatic, but it’s a reality for many of the cats that we take in at The Mad Catters Inc.

Rescued in his last hours, Mútu (mar-too) became an official Mad Cat yesterday after our wonderful volunteers came together to find him an emergency foster care placement and transport to prevent him from being euthanised.

Mútu was a stray cat that had been noticed by someone who realised he needed help, and fast! They were able to humanely trap him and take him to a vet clinic to be assessed and scanned for a microchip. Unfortunately he was not microchipped and needed urgent sedation, pain relief, and antibiotics for an infection/abscess which the vet team provided him with.

Mútu was not claimed by anyone and was assessed as being undomesticated. After passing his holding period, we were asked to take him on and he was given another 24 hours for us to find that care.

Cats like Mútu are the reason that The Mad Catters Inc. was founded - to give a chance to urban street cats that are at risk of euthanasia because of their temperament or lack of human interaction.

These cats are often unwell, injured, and they typically have higher veterinary costs compared to the domesticated cats we rescue. This is where our supporters can step in and offer their assistance with the costs of our cats medical care, by making a tax deductible donation to our charity.

If you are in a position to donate before the financial year ends, you can do so with the following methods:
The Mad Catters Feline Rescue Inc.
Bendigo Bank
BSB - 633 000
ACC - 170 067 326
Reference - Donation
💳 You can also donate directly to our charity PayPal account:

*Donations over $2.00 are tax deductible and can be claimed with a copy of your banking transfer. Receipts can also be issued by emailing us at [email protected].

✨ Our cats are thankful to each and every one one of you for your support this financial year ✨

Ps. Mútu is also looking for a foster home with someone who has patience and understanding, and is happy to work at his pace to get him settled in to his new life of love. If you think you might be able to help please send us a message or email us at [email protected]


Each year we give $500,000 in grants based on your votes


**EDIT: Adopted**✨KAITO & KIRBY✨

Welcome these adorable brothers into your home and you won’t regret it, they will fill your life with love and laughter!! Kaito and Kirby are both very social boys and love being involved in everything you do. When not adoring their humans, they trot off on little adventures together and their hilarious antics will keep you entertained for hours! 😻

These brothers are never far apart, they love hanging out and playing together and are not fussy with their toys. Give them a cardboard box or even a piece of fake plant and they will keep themselves entertained beautifully. They currently love bathrooms and you’ll often find them rolling around together in the bathtub, or investigating that strange noisy hole in the shower floor! When not playing they love giving each other a good clean and will snuggle together wherever they drop, they especially like a warm window spot if you have one 😽

Kaito and Kirby adore other cats and everyone is greeted with purrs and head rubs. With these type of greetings, the older cats in the house have simply given up showing any displeasure towards these fluffy interlopers! The resident dog isn’t left out either, they are totally fascinated and will constantly sneak into bed with him for cuddles and kisses (much to his secret delight!) 🐶

When done with their adventures, Kaito will be up on your lap in no time or snuggling up beside you as close as he can get. Kirby’s monster purr starts before he is even picked up and he also adores a good cuddle, he’ll even snuggle into the hood of your hoodie if you’re kind enough to put it on backwards for him! Both boys enjoy a good suckle and will lovingly make you some bread if you have their favourite blanky on hand 🐾

🐱DOB: 12/02/2022

Ginger and white DSH


🐱Adoption fee is $450 which includes their sterilisation, microchipping, up-to-date vaccinations and flea/worm treatment.

🐱If you would like to meet our Kaito and Kirby for a cuddle please fill in this form - or email [email protected]

🐱Viewing location of Kaito and Kirby is at our Deedlebug Cat Rescue Carers house in Mullaloo

✅Strictly indoor or indoor with a catio/secure enclosure

❇ If you see this advertisement then these kittens are still available

❇ Please make sure you fill in this form - or email [email protected]. Our inbox is not monitored at all times and we require you to fill in adoption form first.

❇ Please note successful applicants will be contacted only

🔗 Instagram:

🔗 Facebook:

🔗 Website:


EDIT: adoption pending

😺😺Name: Furby 😺😺

About me info: I am an adventurous boy and was found all on my own in an industrial area. I was all alone and it was very scary. A kind lady found me and took me to a local vet where I was diagnosed with ringworm. I had to endure several weeks of medication and baths. Totally not cool, I know… my foster mum said I was a brave boy.

Thankfully I am now ringworm free and am so excited to find my furrever human(s).

Just like my name-sake, I love to play and get tickled behind my ears. My ideal home would be somewhere indoors and a cat run would make it even better. I’d love a home that will give me lots of attention and lots of toys to play with too. I don’t mind sharing my home with other cat siblings either and am full of energy (hopefully they won’t mind).

🐱DOB: 24/02/2022

Grey DMH


🐱Adoption fee $275 which includes my sterilisation, microchipping, up-to-date vaccinations and flea/worm treatment.

🐱If you would like to meet our Furby for a cuddle please fill in this form - or email [email protected]

🐱Viewing location of Furby is at our Deedlebug Cat Rescue Carers house in Hazelmere

✅Strictly indoor or indoor with a catio/secure enclosure

❇ If you see this advertisement then the kitten is still available

❇ Please make sure you fill in this form - or email [email protected]. Our inbox is not monitored at all times and we require you to fill in adoption form first.

❇ Please note that only successful applicants will be contacted

🔗 Instagram:

🔗 Facebook:

🔗 Website:


**Edit: ADOPTED**🐈 Otis 🐈

Drum roll please..... introducing the amazing, spectacular, the one and only Otis!!! What a little package full of fun he is! Otis is super snuggly, adores human attention and is looking for his forever humans to give his love to. Otis has boundless energy and will play with you for hours. He loves toys and yummy treats. When he is done playing he's happy to jump up on your lap for a cuddle and a snooze. Otis doesn't like to be on his own, so would suit a home with another kitty or with people that are home a lot. Otis has grown up around lots of foster sisters and brothers and is great with other kitties. He has never seen a dog, but this chilled out guy would get to know a pup in no time. He is confident and will always let you know what he wants. He'd be great in any family and would be fantastic with kids. He is the total package wrapped up in a fluffy ginger coat. You will lose your heart to him at first sight.

🐱DOB: 12/03/2022 male
DSH ginger

🐱Adoption fee $275 which includes my sterilisation, microchipping, up-to-date vaccination and flea/worm treatment.

🐱If you would like to meet Otis for a cuddle please fill in this form - or email [email protected]

🐱Viewing location of Otis is at our Deedlebug Cat Rescue Carers house in Kinross

✅Strictly indoor or indoor with a catio/secure enclosure only

❇ If you see this advertisement then the kitten is still available

❇ Please make sure you fill in this form - or email [email protected]. Our inbox is not monitored at all times and we require you to fill in adoption form first.

❇ Please note that only successful applicants will be contacted

🔗 Instagram:
🔗 Facebook:
🔗 Website:


🚨Cat Haven is going through a crisis and needs local heroes to help!🚨

We have over 30 cats just like Salt and Vinegar Chips here that are in desperate need of your lifesaving help! These cats have behavioural issues and cannot continue to live in the shelter. Cat Haven does not believe in euthanasia for behavioural issues which can be resolved in a home environment. With some of them being here for over 6 weeks, we desperate to get them out so they do not decline further, a shelter environment can be extremely stressful for any cat, which can lead to weakened immune systems and the chance of catching unnecessary illnesses.

Due to the on-going rental crisis and other factors, we are still seeing large numbers of cats coming in daily. We do not have the capacity to provide enough enrichment and companionship for these cats to ensure they have the best chance at improving their behaviour and being adopted. We are asking for people come forward and choose a cat that they can provide a temporary foster home with the view to adopt.

Due to past experiences, or being a stray and not trusting people, these cats that are coming through can be very timid and scared. It is extremely important that these cats are taken out of the shelter environment and allowed the time, space and love to become confident. A lot of the time these timid cats will resort to hissing, swiping, and hiding out of fear and may bite. It is very important they are placed into homes which can provide the necessary environment and patience for them to slowly build up the trust they have lost.

Does this sound like something you would be prepared to help us with?

These cats deserve a chance at life. And without your support we can’t provide this.

Please fill in a foster application here or come down to Cat Haven and fill one out:

What we need:
- Anyone with a spare room, bathroom or office space that can house a cat
- Quiet homes (no small children)
- Commit to 10 weeks minimum of foster care to give the cat enough time to settle in

We provide:
- Behavioural support
- Information on how to set up your home with the necessary hiding spots etc.
- Food
- Enrichment tools
- Bowls
- Bedding
- 24/7 Veterinary emergency line
- Vets on site
- Rescue service can assist with getting your cat to appointment, while you are working on their behaviour.

Additionally we also have 30 cats in ringworm that are looking for homes, more about ringworm here:

If you don’t have a quiet home we are still in need of foster carers for our friendlier cats and kittens so please don’t hesitate to fill out an application.



Perth, WA



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