We have a male and a female pup available (Beyond Lucky X George Washington); both parents were bred by us and kept here at the farm for a few years. Since we sent them to Queensland to our associates who share our vision. This is a line breeding on Calma of JUB’s a female we imported from the USA several years ago. Should you have any queries feel free to contact Marty on 0499011028. Pups ex QLD
Our’s Nugget, putting in the work controlling the invasive swine population somewhere in these land of Oz.!
Training day, Cisco 5 months old
As Pups explore they connect with their instincts. Their environment helps enhance or suppress their temperament and disposition.! A Bulldog as said previously is a verb, an action, a doing from which all other doings can be trained in!
Know your dogs, know what they were supposed to do, connect with and use its ancient traits to train what ever else is it that you want or require from the pup.
Having said that though, one can’t ask an orange tree to give you milkshakes .!
A word speaks a thousand images
Training a bulldog is a team effort at Flocki’s place. Remember to always include your children and teach them appropriate handling Techniques. This makes for a super fun experience for both child and Bulldog
PABA’s Pablo of Old Southern at the Nationals BH2 trial in South Australia back in September. As another year ends, I must acknowledge the efforts our dog’s owners put in (countless hours, many challenges, obstacles, distances, balanced diet, etc.). My respect goes to you all!
Although Mr. Escobar did not break his grip on command and as a result failed to pass the last test; Historically, Bulldogs are not known to loose their grip. In fact this is quite in contrast to their natural instinct (hence hybrids are normally used to this end..).
I am grateful to you all, it is your dedication that place us on the shoulders of giants.