Anddddd while we are on the topic of first canters, remember the video I posted recently where my darling mother filmed the ground instead of the rider? 😂
Well we had a take 2 and have the evidence of her first (second…) canter now!! 👌🏼
Very proud of my riders who are currently experiencing big milestones, onwards and upwards! ❤️🐴
This rider has been beyond excited recently after doing her first canter!!! I love this video as it shows the work and training she put in beforehand to improve her balance and seat. I think it’s a pretty good job for the first try 😍🐴
Also, I am currently in an extremely busy part of the semester with final assessments and exams approaching, so please bear with me as it might take a while longer to respond to messages ❤️
Well, one of my riders this morning achieved a huge milestone by practicing her first ever canter. Luckily for us, my mum was kind enough to film it… perhaps next time we can hit record a bit earlier? 😂😂😂
Able Stables
Lessons for 2022 have now finished!
I have been reflecting upon the past 12 months recently whilst reading Christmas cards given to me by riders, and I cannot believe all we have achieved this year.
There are plenty of rider accomplishments that deserve a mention, but this post would become way too long! So, before we head into the new year I owe you all a big thank you for your support, encouragement, and for allowing me to share my love of horses with you.
For now, I am on holidays! I am looking forward to continuing your Equestrian journeys once I return ❤️
Rocco strutting over for his 3:30pm lesson 🐴
❗️remember❗️ I have a 3:30pm lesson available tomorrow (Wednesday) due to cancellation, send me a message if you’d like some extra time with some of our fav horses!
Arena is all ready for a busy Saturday full of lessons!
Lately our focus tasks have been keeping a consistent temp when riding, reminders on the correct position, as well as accuracy. All of these skills are improved on through fun (and sometimes challenging) activities for both the rider and horse 🐴
Come find me at the Equine and Livestock Expo at AGFEST 2022!
If you missed Sandbeck Equestrians demo yesterday, we are on again today at 11:45am and tomorrow at 10am ❤️
We have a range of exciting equine demos throughout the 4 days of AGFEST, there is something for everyone so come and join the growing crowd!
My mum is gearing up to open her Equine Assisted Learning venture here on the property under Able Stables. Today, her newest additions arrived and they thought Nelly was quite the catch! 😂🐴
If you’re interested in interacting with horses and discovering the benefits they so easily provide (without wanting to ride), head over to the tagged page and get in contact to book your session!
Karot looking forward to his lesson this afternoon! We are going to play some games to improve his little riders control and coordination in an interactive and entertaining way🐴
A fantastic bond between this pair is forming.
We had a great discussion about what we can do to set ourselves up for success, it is a privilege working with so many young riders that are able to identify issues and work towards solutions 🐴🖤
Morning cuddles with the horse that helped start the riding journey of so many people ❤️
Rocco meeting our property mascot for the first time!!
Eccles is a great desensitisation tool and quickly becomes best friends with the new residents. I love how Rocco goes straight back to figure out what on earth his new neighbour is 😂