It just doesn't stop ...I am just glad I still have the energy to keep going but what is going to happen when I can't keep going ....it's obvious that nothing is going to change out Bush ..the only organisation that can make some sort of difference the RSPCA wont!...this little puppy was alive when I picked her up of the ground so close to death all alone ..people walking past her as if she wasn't even there..she is one of puppys out of the chained dogs ..the only reason I found her was I pulled up to give food to an emiciated dog out the front ..the owner came out I commented that the puppy's look very skinny he said he just wormed them ..I believe that like I believe war will stop..I said there's some missing he said a couple died and one is sick ...hence this little skeleton ...I asked could I see if I can help he let me in ..my heart sank as soon as I saw her I picked her up and said I'm taking her to the vet to end her pain ...ahh my god ...he said ah I wormed her she just got sick over night ...this is not overnight this puppy starved to death she was totally riddled in hookworms ...he reluctantly let me take her ...my strength is weakening as I started crying when I got into the truck...I laid her on a towel on the seat beside me ..I held her paw and told her she wasn't alone as I drove to the vet ... little puppy died within 5 mins all I'm grateful for out this horror is that I had ahold of her paw and spoke to her as her little heart stopped beating ......I did take her to the vets for record of her death the cause of death ...STARVATION .....so government you waste so much money ....how about providing a vet to have a practice in YARRABAH 4 days a week so when atrocities like this can be dealt with straight away ..the constant flow of dogs with broken bones from being run over ...yes there will be many that couldn't be bothered taking their dog for treatment but there will be many that will ... governments constant excuse when I've tried and tried to get a permanent vet in YARRABAH financed by government ...many will say why should YARRABAH get a free vet I agree BUT without help for the dogs the suffering will never stop ...I put it forward that a vet could assist in setting up VETPAY etc in certain circumstances.there are so many options that government could assist with ...if this could be done it would also show the next generation the responsibility of owning a pet if they could iether walk their pet to the vet or a parent figure take them so the children can see the importance of taking their pet to the vet to be treated instead of acceptance that a pet goes untreated ..I'm clutching at straws ATM so much loss over the weekend this puppy was just the beginning of the carnage ...thankyou to everyone that supports the Bush Dogs I appreciate you all ....and thankyou to all the dog owners out Bush that do care for their dogs 🌷