Auramist Lodge - Pet Boarding & Transport

Auramist Lodge - Pet Boarding & Transport Auramist Lodge - Boarding Kennel, Cattery and Animal Transport. For all booking enquiries please complete the form on our website INCLUSIVE.

Our Daily Rates:

Small Dogs = $25 per day
Medium Dogs = $27.50 per day
Large Dogs = $30.00 per day


Standard $25.00 per Cat per day
Deluxe $38-00 first Cat then 15 for add cat per day

Other pets = POA

1.1% Card Fee applired

Discounts may be available for multiple animals or long term stays subject to negotiation and conditions. Please note that rates are charged as date of entry, to date

of exit regardless of arrival or departure times. PLEASE NOTE

Monday thru Saturday: 9am - 5pm
Sunday & Public Holidays: 11am - 5pm
Christmas Day: 11am - 3pm

We thank you for respecting these hours. Please appreciate that this is a home, as well as a business, and so although we may be here, we will not be able to help you outside of these hours, unless pre-arranged. Welcome to Auramist Lodge! Auramist Lodge is happy to accommodate any pet, so long as they are immunised (where applicable) and considered safe to be handled. It is a legal requirement that we sight your pets' vaccination certificates upon their first visit. Unfortunately, if you forget to bring the vaccination certificate/s (F3 for Cats, C4 or 5 for dogs), your pet is unable to stay at Auramist Lodge. How we describe ourselves:
Auramist Lodge doesn't make any false claims! We are not a facility with 5-star accommodation! There are no "fully furnished real beds complete with fluffy toys". We satisfy your pets physical needs, and we like to think we consider all our "guests" as family during their stay at Auramist Lodge. Where your pet will stay:

Enclosures are either single (as per legal requirement), or super large being suitable for multiple dogs from the same household. Single Dog enclosures measure 4.5m by 1.5m, are fully enclosed and have concrete floors and walls, as these offer the highest level of hygiene for your pet. Super large Dog enclosures measure either 2 sq m or 35 sq m. We have 8 of these enclosures but are in heavy demand. Standard Cat enclosures are 6ft high, 1 m wide by 1 m deep, and feature 4 levels for sleep, food, play and litter. Deluxe Cat enclosures are 2 m x 1 m with a mezzanine of 1m x 1m. Therse enclousures are air conditioned and have astro turf floors plus mutiple plush beds and toys. Dog beds are Trampoline-based, unless your pet has their own bed that you would prefer they sleep on. Personal toys are also welcome to be dropped off with puppy or puss (or snake or lizard...). Covid Conditions: Whilst Covid 19 is prevalent in Australia we are not allowing beds to accompany animals and ask only one toy. Please note:
Auramist Lodge takes no responsibility for damage caused to beds or toys whilst within the facility. The bed will only be accessible to your pet, however pets have been known to get a bit grumpy with Mum & Dad for leaving them behind while they go to Bali, and decided "I'll show them!" and destroy they formerly-loved bed or toy/s! :)

Exercise & Playtime:

At least once a day, the enclosures are thoroughly cleaned and sanitised, and your pet exercised, groomed and played with. Food:
Rob chooses food that he believes best nourish the vast majority of the pet population! Dogs are fed Advance or Supercoat and cats are fed a combination of tinned food and Supercoat. These are NOT mixed with cheaper fillers. Should your pet have certain health requirements, please discuss these with us when booking your pet in. Your pet will never miss their important medication whilst in our care! Medical Assistance:
In the unfortunate event that your pet should ever require medical assistance, they will be taken as soon as possible to the closest available Veterinary Clinic. Animal Transport:
Auramist Lodge are also able to look after your animal transport requirements as an agent with DogTainers. Animal transports can be fraught with confusion, especially in regards to overseas rules and regulations, which vary from country to country, and even state to state. Rob keeps up-to-date with all the formalities required, so that you can rest assured your pet will get to it's destination safely and legally.

Very limited space available between 23/12 and 2/1. Some space may become available after 10/11 as payments for advance ...

Very limited space available between 23/12 and 2/1.

Some space may become available after 10/11 as payments for advance booking are due by this date.


We have been advised that availability for some Kennels in the Port Stephens Area may be reduced for this Christmas period and beyond due to a facility stopping boarding and focussing on Daycare.

Please note this is not us we continue to operate as normal to service the needs of our guests.

Normally by this time of the year we are about 25% full for Christmas however we are currently running at about 60% full.

At this rate we expect to be wait listing by end of August.

Should you be looking to boarding for dogs and cats over the Christmas period it is suggested that a booking be made sooner rather tan later to guarantee space.

No payments until 10 Nov.




Training!!!! Who is Training Who?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to what is the best method of training animals, as each animal has its own unique temperament, personality, and learning style. However, many animal behaviorists and trainers advocate for positive reinforcement training as the most effective and humane way to train animals.

Positive reinforcement training involves rewarding desired behavior with treats, praise, or other positive stimuli, while ignoring or redirecting undesired behavior. This method emphasizes the positive aspects of training, building trust and a positive relationship between the animal and trainer, and encouraging the animal to make more positive choices in the future.

This method of training is particularly effective for dogs, cats, and other domestic animals, as it leverages their desire to please their owner, and strengthens the human-animal bond. Positive reinforcement training can be used for basic obedience training, as well as to alleviate problem behaviors such as separation anxiety or aggression.

This positive reinforcement should be combined with a consistent approach.

Other training methods, such as negative reinforcement or punishment-based training, may achieve results in the short term, but can damage the animal's mental health and overall well-being in the long term. These negative approaches can also strain the relationship between the animal and trainer, leading to serious behavioral problems.

Overall, animal training should prioritize the animal's welfare, and positive reinforcement training has shown to be an effective and humane way to improve animal behavior and strengthen the bond between the animal and their trainer.


Nature Versus Nurture. A Laymans View

The nature versus nurture debate is a longstanding issue in animal psychology that concerns the extent to which an animal's behavior and temperament are determined by its genetic makeup or by its upbringing and environment. This debate has important implications for understanding and improving the behavior of pets.

Genetic factors play a role in shaping an animal's behavior and temperament. Some traits that we consider are good and others to reinforce traits we see as bad or dangerous. I am not commenting on which traits are which though. I am commenting from a factual rather than an emotive position.

Some breeds of dogs, for instance, have been selectively bred for certain traits for generations, resulting in predispositions towards certain behaviors. These genetic factors can also affect an animal's susceptibility to certain health problems or behavioral disorders.

However, environmental factors also play a critical role in determining an animal's behavior. An animal's upbringing and experiences can shape its social skills, learning abilities, and response to stress. Factors such as early socialization, training, and exposure to different environments can all influence an animal's behavior and temperament.

Overall, the interaction between nature and nurture is important in understanding pet behavior. Genetics can provide insight into breed characteristics and certain behaviors, while a pet's upbringing and environment can be crucial in shaping its behavior and development. Understanding these factors can help pet owners create a positive and enriching environment for their pets, which can lead to happier and healthier lives for both pets and owners.

The most difficult aspect of this discussion, which I might add has been ongoing, is how to reverse traits that have been bred into the pets that with the change in human society not has these traits as undesirable.

An example might be the Jack Russell Terriers which were selectively bred to have short legs, a solid body and a strong bite. Their behavioural traits are being inquisitive, solid in temperament and willingness to take on Rats and Vermin on farms. In present society, where this need to hunt out vermin is not now needed, this bred in behaviours may manifest into digging in a Lounge Suite or digging in a yard.

To change bred in behaviours is not possible in just one generation and is not a definable process. Just as evolution can remove physiological attributes of dogs over time such as the rear dew claw, time is the best remedy to remove these now negative traits.

Nature Versus Nurture..... The debate goes on.

What is Animal Psychology and how does it apply to my understanding of my pet!Animal psychology, also known as comparati...

What is Animal Psychology and how does it apply to my understanding of my pet!

Animal psychology, also known as comparative psychology, is the scientific study of animal behavior and mental processes. This field of psychology aims to understand how animals interact with their environment, how they learn, remember, communicate, and solve problems, and how these processes are related to their brain structure and physiology. By studying animals, researchers hope to gain a better understanding of the evolution of behavior and the functioning of the brain in general. Animal psychology has important applications in many areas including conservation, animal welfare, and animal training.

One practical application of animal psychology is in understanding and improving the behavior of pets. As with other animals, pets have unique personalities and behaviors, and understanding these can be key to helping them live happy and well-adjusted lives.

One key aspect of animal psychology is understanding an animal’s natural behavior patterns. By understanding how animals typically behave in their natural environment, it can help us identify what is normal and abnormal behavior. This can be used to help diagnose and treat behavioral problems in animals, such as aggression or anxiety.

Animal psychology can also help us understand how animals learn new behaviors. Through positive reinforcement or other training methods, trainers can use insights from animal psychology to shape animal behavior and improve animal welfare.

For example, using animal psychology principles, pet owners can modify their pets’ behavior, such as training them to respond to commands, reducing or eliminating problem behaviors like digging or excessive barking, and managing separation anxiety.

Animal psychology also helps in understanding how pets perceive their environment, which can inform decisions about what kind of toys, food, and living space is appropriate. By understanding the behavioral needs of pets, owners can help reduce stress and increase their pet’s overall well-being.

Overall, applying animal psychology to pets can help owners build stronger relationships with their pets by understanding and meeting their behavioral needs. By doing so, pets can live happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives.

The overall aim of Animal Psychologists is to understand the animals they are dealing with, both from a Nature and Nurture viewpoint to provide for as satisfying a life as is possible. This may include modifying their physical environment or education of the owners / carers to meet the psychological and physical needs of the animals.

Next tip will be the debate about Nature versus Nurture.

Todays Tip.Can pets and humans be a Pack?  Part 1.Yes, animals and humans can be a pack, but it depends on the context. ...

Todays Tip.

Can pets and humans be a Pack? Part 1.

Yes, animals and humans can be a pack, but it depends on the context. Packs are typically groups of animals that live and hunt together, such as wolves or lions. However, the term "pack" can also be used more loosely to describe groups of humans who work or socialize together closely, such as a team or close-knit friend group. In both cases, the members of the pack rely on each other for support and protection, and work together towards a common goal.

Pets and humans share a unique bond that makes them more than just companions. They form a pack, a family unit that thrives on mutual respect, love, and loyalty. Whether it's a dog, cat, or any other furry friend, pets offer unconditional love and support that can boost our mental and physical health.

Pets are known to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression in their owners. Their presence alone can calm us down and make us feel safe. As pack animals, pets also understand our moods and emotions, often providing comfort in times of need.

On the other hand, humans provide pets with companionship, food, and shelter. They ensure their pets' well-being and take care of them during their entire lives. By forming a pack with their pets, humans give them a sense of belonging and security.

Overall, the bond between pets and humans is an incredible thing. It's a beautiful relationship that enriches both parties' lives and brings out the best in them.

Daily Tip and its not about a pleasant subject.Why do animals eat their own Doo Doo?Animals eat faeces (a phenomenon kno...

Daily Tip and its not about a pleasant subject.

Why do animals eat their own Doo Doo?

Animals eat faeces (a phenomenon known as coprophagia) for a variety of reasons, depending on the species. In some cases, it is a natural behavior necessary for survival. For example, some herbivores like rabbits eat their own f***s to extract nutrients they were not able to digest the first time.

In other cases, coprophagia is a social behavior that helps animals to establish and maintain a bond with their group members.

Additionally, some animals such as dogs may eat f***s due to a medical condition or nutritional imbalance. This may indicate that the nutrients in the foods have not been absorbed into the body and need to go around again.

From a human point of view this is disgusting but for animals it is instinct.

Remember animals do not need to be told what to eat, they have survived for millennia and they know what they need to survive. We as humans are just passengers on their journey.

Maybe just refrain from face to face contact. If this conduct of your pet upsets you please consult your vet or local animal psychologist to assist you.

Tip of The DayWelcome dog owners! Need some help with your canine walking companion?Do you want to know why your adorabl...

Tip of The Day

Welcome dog owners! Need some help with your canine walking companion?

Do you want to know why your adorable pooch may be pulling on their lead? We’ve got the answer! Introducing Auramist Lodge Dog Boarding & Cattery Tip of the Day – where you can learn all the little tips and tricks that you need to become a dog-parenting pro. Our tip of the day will tell you why your pup might be straining on their lead and we’ll even point you in the direction of a solution.

The best way to stop a dog from pulling on its leash is through consistent training and positive reinforcement techniques. Here are some steps you can take:

Use a control harness such as the Sporn Ezy Walker. This type of harness goes under the dogs front legs and slides up through strategically positioned rings. In effect it takes the dogs motor away and acts as a Govenor would on an engine. Instead of pulling upwards on the neck like a traditional lead and collar it takes the animal towards the ground, which reduces the dog's ability to pull and gives you more control.

Stop walking if the dog pulls: When your dog pulls on its leash, come to a stop and wait until it loosens the leash before walking again. Repeat this until the dog learns that pulling will only make the walk slower.

Use positive reinforcement: Reward your dog with treats and praise when it walks by your side without pulling. Over time, the dog will learn that walking calmly is the best way to get rewards.

Practice often: Consistency is key when it comes to training a dog. Try to practice these techniques every time you take your dog for a walk so it becomes a natural behavior.

Learn the skills of training using a long lead to achieve a bonding with your pet

Remember to be patient and consistent with the training. With time, your dog should learn to walk calmly by your side.

Will try to put tips up every couple of days.




As a responsible pet owner, it's crucial to keep your furry friends up to date on their vaccinations. Vaccinations can protect your animal from several harmful diseases that could be life-threatening, and also help protect the human family members in your home.

Vaccinations, such as distemper, parvovirus, adenovirus and Kennel Cough vaccinations for Dogs and F3 for Cats are required by law to have current to stay at Kennels and can keep your pet safe from serious illnesses that can be tough to treat. Preventing illnesses through regular vaccinations can save you money in the long run, as treating a sick pet can be expensive.

Make sure to work closely with your veterinarian to make a vaccination schedule that is appropriate for your animal's age, breed, and lifestyle. Some pets require more frequent vaccinations than others, and each animal may have different risk factors based on their living environment.

So, be sure to talk to your veterinarian regularly to stay up to date on your pet's vaccinations. It's a small price to pay for the peace of mind of a healthy and happy pet.


Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 11am - 5pm




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