Say hi to Frank. Frank was found in a forest and rescued as a senior dog. He bit the gardener in his new home and was very wary of men. Here Frank’s owner is handing him over to practice leash work. It was a big surprise for Frank’s owner to see him walking with an unfamiliar man. A big part of Frank’s training was teaching him to go his “place” whenever guests came over. And most importantly, providing him a safe space to switch off amidst a busy household. Frank has since passed away from natural causes and was a much loved dog in his final months. I learned so much from Frank and my thoughts go out to his family and anyone who has lost a dog. #rescuedog #dogtraining #retriever
Say hi to Rex the foster dog. Rex was abused and is aggressive towards people and other dogs. Here I am walking calmly next to him and trying to slow his pace down. Like Rex, many aggressive dogs are often fearful dogs who require a high level of compassion. #rescuedog #fosterdog #dogleadership
Say hi to Benji the rescue dog. Benji is a Staghound cross who who came to The Dog Leadership Academy as a very unruly pup. In this video his behaviour with working dog, Lili, is relentless. If Lilo did not have neutral behaviour towards other dogs this interaction could have easily escalated. We use working dogs to safely assess the behaviours of new or unfamiliar rescue dogs. Benji has since graduated his training and been adopted. He now lives in Victoria. #dogleadership #rescuedog #unrulydog #dogtraining
Say hi to Luca the foster dog. Luca’s carers got in touch with me about his unruly behaviour. His assessment showed he had great training potential - likely thanks to his Kelpie background. Luca has now been adopted. Reach out for free support carer support if you have a dog like Luca! #dogleadership #rescuedog #adopted #kelpiecross
Say hi to Kelvin! Kelvin was a rescue dog who has now been adopted. Here he is learning to track my feet so we can practice loose leash walking. Being a Kelpie he is a super fast learner! #rescuedog #dogleadershipacademy #adopted
Say hi to Luca. Luca is a rescue dog who was pulling on the leash as a puppy. Here I am demonstrating the “brace” - a technique to prevent pulling. I am also using my voice to draw his attention to me. Luca has since been adopted 💫 My apprenticeship with Dog Leadership Academy involves providing free support for foster carers in the Bondi Beach area. Reach out if you need support with leash pulling! #dogleadershipacademy #dogleadership #rescuedog
Say hi to Roxy! Here’s a quick overview of what she was fed while in rescue and foster care. Dog nutrition plays a vital role in overall health, and incorporating real food ingredients offers significant benefits. While kibble is convenient, it is essentially a baked product that loses many essential nutrients due to high-temperature processing. It also relies on binding agents like wheat, resulting in a mostly vegetarian diet. Consider feeding your dog raw and real foods instead. Though slightly more expensive, these options can still be affordable and lead to better health and longevity for your pet. More likely saving you vet bills in the long run! For high-quality, handmade dog food delivered to your door, check out Your Best Friend’s Butcher, Lyka or Barksmart. #rescuedog #dogvideo #hermionesstory #leadershipdogtraining
Say hi to Mutley from Jade’s Dog Rescue NSW. Mutley came to The Dog Leadership Academy as a scared and shut down dog. Here he is learning to enjoy affection & lapping up the sun. He’s a sun lover! This scruffy boy has been adopted. #rescuedog #scruffydogs #hairymaclary
Roxy (a.k.a. Hermie) came into foster care as a scared and psychologically shut-down puppy. Without a push she would opt to hide in the darkest corner. Here’s a video showing her transformation after being adopted out of foster care. #dogleadershipacademy #hermionesstory #backstory Roxy was rescued as a 7 month old German Shepherd who was nearly 20kg underweight and came from a backyard breeder. She was transported to The Dog Leadership Academy to undergo rehabilitation before finding her way into care.
Say hi to Rhonda the foster dog from Jade’s Dog Rescue NSW. Rhonda is a puppy who is highly reactive to other dogs while she’s on the leash. Here I am calmly moving her away from any potential triggers. Please support the wonderful work of rescue organisations who volunteer their time to rehome and rehabilitate abandoned dogs like Rhonda. #fosterdog #rescuedog
Say hi to Duckie the working dog. Meet Max the German Shepherd. Duckie is helping Max to have calm dog interactions. Max was meant to be euthanised for human and dog aggression. He was rescued, rehabilitated and has since been adopted. Have a great weekend! 🐾
Meet Duckie 🦆 Duck is a working dog trained to be neutral around other dogs. Here she is enjoying a day off. It’s her first time at the beach experiencing the sand and ocean water! 🌊 This was filmed on a very wet day in between rain storms when Bondi was empty. We had the place to ourselves (and got soaked)!