Before I bring out a real live decoy dog to help my client work on their dog’s reactivity, I like to first bring out my “Buddy”.
If I bring out a real dog too early on it can sometimes have a negative affect on everyone depending on the level of training we are at, so now my helpful Buddy has been helping me take things at the owners’ pace.
This gives my clients a lot more confidence and a bit more of a practise run which in turn helps their dog feel more confident too.
Dogs can pick up on our energy and are very intuitive. If you are anxious, that energy can easily radiate to your dog who needs LESS anxiety from you and MORE confidence.
If they sense we aren’t confident, capable leaders, they’ll find it next to impossible to trust our judgement during high stress situations let alone listen and follow our lead - hence their reactive behaviour.
But I also appreciate how challenging it can be to calm your nerves when you own a reactive dog and are still learning new techniques! It’s like learning how to drive a manual car. Throw in a real dog too soon, it could turn into a 4 car pileup leaving everyone worse off 🫣
You’ll also notice how far Chewy and his owner were in this video. This is because thresholds are so important, in the beginning we always try to expose the stimulus *under* a dog’s threshold before working our way closer to set them up for SUCCESS!
Need help with your reactive dog? Contact us at