I love seeing Aussies and MAS next to each other.
There is 3 month age difference with these 2 girls.
Might be 3 months and some height between them, but they are equally just as beautiful π₯°
Your facial expressions are the best!!
Kano you Lil stud muffin
#miniatureamericanshepherdaustralia #dogsnsw #dogsarefamily #dogsaustralia #mas #dogsnswmagazine #miniatureamerican #miniatureamericanshepherd #miniatureamericanshepherdsofinstagram #miniatureamericanshepherds #ankc #jenzsa #studmuffin
Grandpa Buddy, mum and dad and the army of MAS.
The pups are all so confident and Buddy is so proud..... Always!
It's nearly home time for these puppies...
Where has 10 weeks gone??
#dogsaustralia #miniatureamericanshepherdaustralia #miniatureamericansheperdpuppy #dogsnsw #ankcshowdog #miniatureamericanshepherd #miniatureamericanshepherdsofinstagram #miniatureamericanshepherds #ankc #jenzsa
Nothing like clean puppies and their favourite feast!
Lucky we cleaned them BEFORE they ate π
#dogsnsw #bluemerlepuppy #fluffypuppy #happiness #miniatureamericansheperdpuppy #ankcshowdog #miniatureamericanshepherdaustralia #miniatureamerican #miniatureamericanshepherd #miniatureamericanshepherdsofinstagram #miniatureamericanshepherds #blacktriminiaussie #blacktriminiatureaustralianshepherd #blacktrimas #jenzsa #puppieseating #lovefood
My girl Koda thinks she is the mum.
I love how gentle they are together.
#australianshepherd #miniatureamericanshepherd #miniatureamericansheperd #fluffypuppies #jenzsamas #masaustralia #jenzsa #ankc #puppyfamily
The little clan are socialising with the big kids and their mum!
They are so intrigued by Buddy and Koda and both, Buddy and Koda are really gentle with them helping them build their confidence being around bigger dogs.
Please excuse my painful voice...... The puppies love it!
#miniatureamericanshepherds #australianshepherd #fluffypuppies #miniatureamericanshepherdsofinstagram #jenzsamas #miniatureamericanshepherd #dogsnsw #miniatureamericanshepherdpuppy #dogsaustralia #smallfluffydogs #merlelovers #miniatureamericansheperd #mas #fluffypuppy #masaustralia #dogswa #dogssa #ankc #jenzsa
This mornings adventures with the proud mumma and her puppies.
Gemma has been the most unbelievable mother to her pups. Always attentive and checking in in them yet still giving herself the space to be free! Gemma really has set the benchmark.
All the puppies are very happy and healthy and growing perfectly.
Each puppies personality is starting to come through but all are undoubtedly lovable!
#miniatureamericanshepherds #miniatureamericanshepherdpuppy #dogsaustralia #australianshepherd #miniatureamericansheperd #smallfluffydogs #jenzsamas #fluffypuppies #masaustralia #dogsnsw #merlelovers #fluffypuppy #miniatureamericanshepherd #miniatureamericanshepherdsofinstagram #mas #sograteful #ankc #jenzsa #dogswa #dogssa #dogsvic #dogsvictoria #dogsnt #DogsQLD #dogstas #miniaustralianshepherd #dogsact #dogscanberra #dogsaustralia
5 weeks old and their teeth are working!
It's a little bit of Merle Monday today.
I will have photos available shortly of each puppy.
A link to the application will be posted in the comments. Please fill it in if you were interested in adding one of these precious puppies to your family!
#fluffypuppies #mas #masaustralia #miniatureamericanshepherdpuppy #miniatureamericanshepherds #miniatureamericanshepherdsofinstagram #jenzsamas #miniatureamericansheperd #miniatureamericanshepherd #fluffypuppy #smallfluffydogs #merlelovers #australianshepherd #showdogslife #showdogaustralia #showdog #dogsnsw #showdogs #dogsaustralia #showdoglife #jenzsa #ankc #merlemonday
4 weeks old and the most adorable fluffy puppies ever!!!!
They are all growing very quickly!!! Jumping in and out of their pen! These cuties are definitely going to keep me busy!
#ankc #jenzsa #miniatureamericansheperd #miniatureamericanshepherds #miniatureamericanshepherd #miniatureamericanshepherdpuppy #masaustralia #dogsnsw #dogsaustralia #mas #miniatureamericanshepherdsofinstagram #jenzsamas #showdoglife #showdogs #showdogaustralia #showdogslife #showdog
3 weeks and they are off!!!!
Most of these precious puppies have started walking and opened their eyes.
Gemma is such a great mumma to her babies. She is attentive and so caring. I am so proud of her!
Can't wait to see what the next 7 days of growing!
#miniatureamericanshepherdsofinstagram #mas #dogsaustralia #masaustralia #jenzsa #miniatureamericanshepherdpuppy #miniatureamericanshepherds #ankc #miniatureamericanshepherd #miniatureamericansheperd #dogsnsw #jenzsamas
3 weeks old and they are off!!!!!
Most of these precious puppies have now opened their eyes and started walking.
Gemma is such a great mumma, so attentive and loving to her babies.
Can't wait for the next 7 days to see how much they have grown!
#jenzsamas #ankc #miniatureamericanshepherdsofinstagram #miniatureamericanshepherdpuppy #dogsnsw #dogsaustralia #miniatureamericansheperd #miniatureamericanshepherds #masaustralia #jenzsa #miniatureamericanshepherd #mas