I just wanted to share this as a bit of a fun way to education so please no-one get upset.
I own a poodle and shihtzu just so we all know lol. And yup I can get slack at times especially towards Christmas when I am really busy.
We need to understand the difference between a simple knot and matting or pelting.
Knots can happen overnight and can usually be brushed out. Just like our own hair. If not brushed and combed out will tighten and turn into mats, usually takes a few (3 to 4 weeks). They can be be accidentally
missed, especially under the arms, belly, tail and behind the ears.
The more water that’s applied to these knots without a brush or comb cause the knots to tighten turning into larger matting. The larger and tighter it gets the more it will pull on your dogs skin.
This hurts them every time they move when it’s severe. It can turn a nice quiet dog into a raging land shark. And then becomes dangerous not only to themselves but to anyone who touches them.
So when groomers start clipping or trying to brush these pull on their skin. Often if it’s too tight the skin can be caught in the clipper teeth causing the skin to be cut. I have seen many owners try to cut them out with scissors and have this happen.
Anyway, it’s better not to let them become this way with a regular (every 2 to 4 weeks) grooming rather than having them shaved every 6 to 12 months.
I do understand that it can be expensive however it’s in yours and your pets best interest so just have a chat with me.
Oh and please please please start them as young as possible. Don’t let them bite the brush or growl at you. Training is essential to them tolerating grooming and lessen the chances of your groomer being bitten or scratched.
Of course he did Sharon 🙄 ...