I had to take Denim to an appointment today and before that appointment we had to chat to a nurse.
We discussed medication and medication history.
I explained Denz’s history with addiction and certain medications that we have to avoid.
She looked up from her notes and directly at Denim, I felt myself becoming defensive and preyed she wouldn’t say anything to embarrass him. I’ve experienced so much secondhand judgments since being with my husband that I am well prepared for the attitude of a lot of medical professionals.
Until her face melted into this huge smile and she said, “that is incredible. I cant even imagine the strength it’s taken to overcome that. You must be pretty proud of yourself?”
He was silent for a second.. waiting to find out it was sarcasm..
But as she sent us through to the specialist I noticed Denz had a slightly new walk.. in fact. I think he thinks he’s John Travolta all the sudden.
I’ve always known he was pretty incredible, but overcoming addictions is probably one of the hardest and most unrecognised things you will ever achieve. So if you have done it, or are about to do it, from me, Denz and a random angelic nurse that you have never met..
You are incredible.