Jinx is saying hi to an incubator chicken.
A chicken egg at day nine of incubation. Both mother and father are heterozygous naked necks.
Candling some eggs tonight. The first I will post (the video) is a muscovy duck egg, due to hatch any day now. If you look closely, not only can you see the duckling moving, but that black spot that moves nearest my thumb is the duckling's bill! It's ready and in the perfect place to start pipping it's way through the egg!
The babies got moved outside today and given a low waste feeder. I guess it truly is low waste if they get in it!
More chickens hatched! Definitely colours we weren't expecting, too.
They are hungry little buggers!
Of the two, Sir Benedict Farnsworth II, the Fifth Earl of Camelnot, is the most wary. Especially of the cats on the rare occasion they get out. Even his trusty sidekick, Jorge LaJoya, looks at him here like "Dude. Shut up. Mum knows he's out." Fatty is either oblivious or doesn't care! He was outside for a total of about five minutes while I finished up chores. Once inside, he immediately collapsed in a heap in front of the aircon.
Jinx meeting babies before they even fully hatch.
Sam caught a few swarms this morning.
Our alpacas, Sir Benedict Farnsworth II the Fifth Earl of Camelnot, and Jorge LaJoya, alerting us to eminent danger.
That danger being the cat...
Not quail but we just got home to find that one of our miniature silver appleyard ducks had hatched a clutch of eggs. We found six ducklings alive and well, unfortunately two were found dead. We've brought them inside to the brooder to save as many as we can.