Puppies have had enough of the air con today and just wanted to get out in the shade and enjoy the breeze. They had their first bath today, ears cleaned, 3rd worming and 3rd nail clipping. A couple were a bit sooky, but I wont embarrass them by telling you who 🤣 All in all, they were pretty good. Vaccinations and microchipping tomorrow, except for Dudley and Declan who are all done and are, infact, leaving us tomorrow afternoon. 😭😭
Puppies come and go as they please now. Until it gets hot, then they will come inside to the air conditioning.
Dexter and Dudley spent their first night without mum last night. I brought them up the house. They were very timid at first but soon got over that. Slept in a crate together. Virtually put themselves to bed. Up once for a toilet break, both used their potty pads, no accidents. Not a peep out of them all night and I woke them before 6am. Very proud nanna moment. 💕
Declan and Dudley had chicken necks for breakfast this morning. Cut up very small with secaters. Nom nom nom. Declan was the biggest guts and tried to pinch Dudley's.
Blossom's pups have had their early morning visit to Lexi's pups. Now it's nap time (for most). Went looking for Lexi's pups but they are all asleep under the recliner 💕
Blossom's pups were hungry little tackers this morning. Love the sound of them tucking in 💕💕
Declan and Dudley don't want to play outside on the grass. They cry to come inside to play with their little cousins, Blossom's litter. Blossom's litter turned 3 weeks old on Tuesday and today is the first day they have shown any real interest in playing.
Declan and Dudley learning what grass is 💕
Declan and Dudley turned 4 weeks old today. They had their 2nd worming and nails clipped and were very good little boys. 💕 Then it was time for some chicken and vege stew - or more like soup actually. Nom, nom, nom 💕
Declan has found his voice 😂
Unfortunately at this stage puppies can only have toys if I lock their mums out (Bossom and Suzie). Both Blossom and Suzie eat the soft toys and destroy the hard toys. So frustrating! 🙄😫
Declan and Dudley having a drink of goats milk with egg. They look like they could do with a good feed 🤣🤣