So cute! Saw this challenge and thought it was cute 😂😍❤️
Disengagement pattern!! Great for learning to disengage and come away
Real life dog training!! There was a time Shadow would definitely not disengage from this cat!! He also gets far too close for comfort! Found him on our deck one night which is not only illegal but dangerous. I don't want anyone getting hurt! She spotted it before us and went to sniff but recalled straight back to the top deck. DMT and disengagement pattern for the win. No barking or whining like she used to do! Some days you forget how far they've come!!
Shadows walking is getting so good!! Loosh leash the whole way. It's only starting to get cool enough to walk in the mornings (without it being dark) she did so well. She saw the dog that barks at her over the road. Disengaged multiple times, still too worried to take food when there's outdoor distractions but that's ok. Saw a metal cut out of a cat, she was a bit confused but disengaged. We walked down a different street so she was more alert but a dog stuck it's nose through the fence and was barking but again she disengaged!! She was a bit worried but she was such a good girl 😍♥️ it's a slow process but so worth it to build her confidence and help her feel safe in life!!
😍 she loves a good scatter feed.
Chin is far too difficult with the biscuit hand as it tastes too good 😂😍
Don't play with your food doesn't exist in this house! Shadow used to be terrified to go under us but as you can see she has no issues anymore! Still not got our middle game on point 😂
I realise I don't record much because I'm always in my PJs 😂 so ignore the dressing gown it's a brisk 23 and I'm chilly 😜 learning a new game 1,2,3 to work on more proximity and lose lead walking. First getting them used to feed on 3
We decided to get up super early and take the pup to see the sand for probably the first time ever. She did so well. Tail up and floppy ears. Didn't see any dogs and the actual beach probably wouldn't have been the best spot for her but this was perfect ♥️😍 happy dog. Good to start opening up her world and if she wasn't feeling it then at least she got a car ride 🙂
Sometimes positive trainers feel like they are fighting a never ending battle, but if we don't speak up for animals without a voice who will? This week a vet nurse of all people said one of the reasons they used a prong collar was because you need to train them from a puppy. 🤦 This is what we think to that 🤣♥️
And a bit of giving into leash pressure. Again to work on loose leash walking and to get her comfortable with the lead. Making sure pressure on the lead doesn't mean there's something to worry about ♥️
It's always important to remember to go back to the easy steps and easy wins in dog training. No one wants tests and pressure all the time! Also important to note 7 months ago Shadow was unable to have any pressure applied to the lead otherwise she'd stick to the floor and not budge.
It's raining today so she went for a non event car ride (again used to bark at everyone and everything outside the car) now she loves car rides!
We played a little bit of orientation game, magic hand (she wasn't able to catch when we got her, now she's a pro and loves catching) of course sometimes she still misses 🤣
Practiced A to B (awesome to get your dog out of a sticky situation or away from distractions)
These are all positive reinforcement, short 3 minute games to help with loose leash walking and proximity (she may not go off leash for her safety but time will tell) All games are Absolute Dog games and Shadow highly recommends ♥️
Training does not need to be hard or expensive. When we started off with one box, a year ago she was scared now she dives in with her tail up. This does wonders for her optimism ♥️
Enrichment does not need to be expensive. Shadow still needs to build her grit and tolerance of frustration. I.e. she gets annoyed and gives up if it's too hard! We still can't freeze Kong's, but she's made progress and loves a stuffed Kong now! Note never leave your dogs alone with these. Shadow has a thing for eating cardboard so it goes straight in the bin once done 😍 What's something you have around your house you could use?
Every dog really is different. We tried every which way to get shadow to use the scratch board. Finally onto a winner. Which is great as it means less stress whilst still working on cooperative care. Eventually we will hopefully be able to clip or grind her nails and keep them short, but for now we will keep using the scratch board so they don't keep growing and hurting her!
Super proud of this little lady. She's come on leaps and bounds with her cooperative care. Happy to have paws held and learning to scratch her own nails. She kind of taught herself head down and chin. She just started offering it and I put it on cue 😍 clever girl ♥️
Had a lovely sniffy walk. No pulling and she made some friends with a group of kids and their parents. She really loves people but we don't say hi to everyone as disengagement is key and I don't want to put her in any bad situations to guard her optimism ♥️
DMT (Distraction, mark, treat) really is life. For some reason there's fireworks nearby. Closer than Shadows heard before. You can tell she's unsure. She did let off a small bark but DMT shows her there's nothing to be scared of. We don't usually train in the situation we train for it, but you can't help some situations you find yourself in. Now I know from my personal experience of terrified Staffys it wouldn't be this easy with fireworks and I definitely wouldn't recommend even being in earshot with them, but I know she's ok just a little unsure and we were in the garden already. Ignore my voice 😂 needs must! ❤️
Progress is progress. Ignoring the fact that I went arse over t*t trying not to stand on her when we had a little jog and she cut in front of me 😂🤦 hopefully everyone on their drive home got a good laugh (you have to laugh when things go wrong). Today we got some lose leash walking and she's now taking food on walks and playing proximity games (I know that sounds crazy as she's a fatty) but the world is too much sometimes for this big pup 😍 All this has been done through games based training at home. Never train in the situation train for it! ❤️