3 days and a new dog: Training

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3 days and a new dog: Training 3 DAY DOG TRAINING:

HAVING ISSUES WITH YOUR DOG? Pulls on lead? Jumps? Gets too excited? Barks? WOULD YOU LIKE HIM/HER TO BE ABLE TO:
Heel when walking?

Stop jumping? Stay when told? Remain in a sit/drop no matter what is going on around them?

What qualifications do I have to be able to train your dog, teach you, and (if you choose to do the therapy or assistanc...

What qualifications do I have to be able to train your dog, teach you, and (if you choose to do the therapy or assistance dog course) provide you with certification post course?

In the dog training world these are very valid questions. So let me answer:

1️⃣ I am a qualified Cert III Dog Trainer and Behaviourist through Australia's National Dog Training Foundation: NDTF. This means I am an accredited dog trainer through our highest institution in Dog Training.

2️⃣ I have studied and trained in dog training and behaviour through courses in England and America. This means I have an in-depth understanding of dog behaviour, and a broad awareness of how to deal with most behaviours. Different countries approach dog training differently, I feel my education abroad enables a wider lens into dog behaviour.

3️⃣ Over a 10 year span, I have trained thousands of dogs in obedience, therapy, working, and assistance dog roles. This means my name means something. Dogs have left me and are currently working in all levels of government, courts of law, schools, nursing homes, hospitals, and more.

4️⃣ I have my Bachelor of Education, Graduate diploma in Ministry, Theology and Counselling, and my Masters degree in Community and International Development. This means I know how to teach and interact with you as a human, not just your dog.

5️⃣ I have over 10 years of working experience as a Primary and Secondary School Teacher; Wellbeing Officer; Nursing Home Chaplain, Church Pastor, and Hospital Chaplain. The means I have a variety of life experience and professional skills applicable to many areas you are likely to want to work.

6️⃣ I have had my own therapy dog in all of these settings and more. This means I know what it's like to be a therapy dog handler and can offer you specific advice.

7️⃣ I am a Mum. Who is devoted to her children and wants a world that is more compassionate and kind for them to grow up into. Why does this matter? Because it's the reason I do what I do. I provide training to therapy dogs for the millions of other children in the world like my own who would find it easier to learn if a dog was in the room; who would find the emergency waiting rooms or hospital beds more comfortable if a dog was with them. My why, is because I care.

I also have over a thousand past graduates of my course working in every state of Australia, and frequently have people travelling from Western Australia, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia and the Northern Territory to complete my course.

My availiable courses for 2025 are:
April 14-17, Therapy dog, 9am-4pm, $2000
May 11, 18 and 25, Obedience, 9am-12pm, $660
July 7-10, Therapy dog, 9am-4pm, $2000

Please reach out for more informative or to book a place. I'd love to hear from you.


March is booked out. Next obedience course is May 11, 18 and 25, $660. Reach out to book your place or go on the wait list for March. Places fill quickly.

This is a beautiful letter (the original was handwritten to her fans) from Fiona Apple explaining why she had to postpon...

This is a beautiful letter (the original was handwritten to her fans) from Fiona Apple explaining why she had to postpone a concert date. I am impressed at the way she was instantly able to make the decision to choose love over her career. And to prioritise even the animals in her care. Indeed, the world needs more of this.

"It's 6pm on Friday, and I'm writing to a few thousand friends I have not met yet. I'm writing to ask them to change our plans and meet a little while later.
Here's the thing.
I have a dog, Janet, and she's been ill for about 2 years now, as a tumor has been idling in her chest, growing ever so slowly. She's almost 14 years old now. I got her when she was 4 months old. I was 21 then — an adult, officially — and she was my kid.
She is a pitbull, and was found in Echo Park, with a rope around her neck, and bites all over her ears and face.
She was the one the dogfighters used to puff up the confidence of the contenders.
She's almost 14 and I've never seen her start a fight, bite, or even growl, so I can understand why they chose her for that awful role. She's a pacifist.
Janet has been the most consistent relationship of my adult life, and that is just a fact. We've lived in numerous houses and joined a few makeshift families, but it's always really been just the two of us.
She slept in bed with me, her head on the pillow, and she accepted my hysterical, tearful face into her chest, with her paws around me, every time I was heartbroken, or spirit-broken, or just lost, and as years went by, she let me take the role of her child, as I fell asleep, with her chin resting above my head.
She was under the piano when I wrote songs, barked any time I tried to record anything, and she was in the studio with me, all the time we recorded the last album.
The last time I came back from tour, she was spry as ever, and she's used to me being gone for a few weeks, every 6 or 7 years.
She has Addison's Disease, which makes it more dangerous for her to travel since she needs regular injections of Cortisol because she reacts to stress and excitement without the physiological tools that keep most of us from literally panicking to death.
Despite all this, she's effortlessly joyful & playful and only stopped acting like a puppy about 3 years ago. She is my best friend, my mother, my daughter, my benefactor, and she's the one who taught me what love is.
I can't come to South America. Not now. When I got back from the last leg of the US tour, there was a big, big difference.
She doesn't even want to go for walks anymore.
I know that she's not sad about aging or dying. Animals have a survival instinct, but a sense of mortality and vanity, they do not. That's why they are so much more present than people.
But I know she is coming close to the time when she will stop being a dog, and start instead to be part of everything. She'll be in the wind, and in the soil, and the snow, and in me, wherever I go.
I just can't leave her now, please understand. If I go away again, I'm afraid she'll die and I won't have the honor of singing her to sleep, of escorting her out.
Sometimes it takes me 20 minutes just to decide what socks to wear to bed.
But this decision is instant.
These are the choices we make, which define us. I will not be the woman who puts her career ahead of love & friendship.
I am the woman who stays home, baking Tilapia for my dearest, oldest friend. And helps her be comfortable & comforted & safe & important.
Many of us these days, dread the death of a loved one. It is the ugly truth of Life that keeps us feeling terrified & alone. I wish we could also appreciate the time that lies right beside the end of time. I know that I will feel the most overwhelming knowledge of her, of her life, and of my love for her, in the last moments.
I need to do my damnedest, to be there for that.
Because it will be the most beautiful, the most intense, the most enriching experience of life I've ever known.
When she dies.
So I am staying home, and I am listening to her snore and wheeze, and I am reveling in the swampiest, most awful breath that ever emanated from an angel. And I'm asking for your blessing.
I'll be seeing you.

(Fiona's dog, Janet died in 2013, she cancelled her South American Tour in 2012 to care for Janet.)

Fiona’s letter touched me. Her decision to stay by Janet’s side is a true example of love and devotion. It’s a reminder to prioritize what really matters in life.

It was our vet day today. 2 kids (2.5 and 11 months old), and 3 dogs in tow. Shout out to the Ararat Veterinary Clinic, ...

It was our vet day today. 2 kids (2.5 and 11 months old), and 3 dogs in tow. Shout out to the Ararat Veterinary Clinic, specifically to Dr. Olivia. She was wonderful with our three dogs, and very personable with the kids too. Very knowledgeable, even with the uniqueness of Murphy and Ronnie being Peruvian Hairless Dogs and the specifics of their skin. Oral and needle vaccinations done ✔️ for all 3, a bunch of questions answered, and never felt rushed. On time too, which is an absolute bonus in a busy practice. Well done, team.


Another skill you will learn in 3 days- walking your dog on a loose lead, with other dogs around, and having them focus on you instead of drag you over to every Tom, Dick and Harry.

My next obedience course is March 16, 23 and 30, 9am-12pm, $660.


Also what you learn in just 3 days- your dog recalling to you one at a time to their name only. :)
Next obedience course is March 16, 23 and 30, 9am-12pm, $660.


Another clip showing what our dogs learnt to do in just 3 days. Stay in their sit or drop while we left them and went and patted all the other dogs (a hard one for dogs who might have a bit of FOMO or jealousy 🤣). The other part of this is to look at all the other dogs receiving pats and love calmly without jumping or getting overly excited. Another skill they've learnt in 3 days.


Today was a busy morning. In 3 days this is what our dogs learnt how to do. Could any of them do it at the start? 😂 Actually, they did literally laugh at me when I told them what they'd be doing. Yet here they are... doing it. Well done all.

We're on again! 🎊 School Holiday Therapy Dog Training FREE program THIS WEEK. 🎊 please join us.:) FREE PROGRAM. 👌 All ag...

We're on again! 🎊 School Holiday Therapy Dog Training FREE program THIS WEEK. 🎊 please join us.

👌 All ages welcome 0-100.
🙌 Ararat 800 Primary school, times below.
😊Our future Therapy Dogs are gearing up for some intense training next week. And we'd LOVE TO HAVE YOU help us!

🎈Monday 6th JAN: 11.00am-12pm. What: Get to know our therapy dogs, give them pats and love; and put them through their paces with some distraction toys.

🎈Tuesday 7th JAN: 11am-12pm. What: Take our therapy dogs for a walk. Help them with their recall. Give them more pats and love, and distraction training.

🎈Wednesday 8th JAN: Time: To Be Confirmed. What: The full kit and caboodle. Walk our dogs. Pat our dogs. Distraction training and more.

Please note:
🎉 If you would prefer your children not have their photo taken, please see me once you arrive, and point them out so I know not to photo them.

🎉 If you would like to train your own dog as a therapy dog, my next therapy dog course is April 14-17 and it has a few places available also. All obedience training, temperament testing, certification, testing public visits and theory is included. Dogs need to be non reactive to people and other dogs, and enjoy receiving love and pats from people. ($2000 9am-3pm).

School holidays are around the corner- the time where most puppies come into homes. If you're thinking of getting a pup,...

School holidays are around the corner- the time where most puppies come into homes. If you're thinking of getting a pup, please read this. :)

The issue of socialisation vs parvo virus rears it's head all the time. Whether it's in online forums or when a person calls me about their now reactive dog. 100% a lack of early socialisation is the worst thing we can do for our dogs. Please read below and feel free to share far and wide. We need to get the message out: SAFE SOCIALISATION BEFORE FULL VACCINATION STATUS IS CRUCIAL!

Here's the question:
Should I wait until my puppy is fully vaccinated before I take them out or should I take them out now.

Here's my answer:
Yes! 100% please DO take them out before being fully vaccinated. Your pup has a critical socialisation window from 6-16 weeks (with the peak period being 8-12). If you wait until they're fully vaccinated you miss out on this critical socialisation window. This is akin to an adult learning a language compared to a child. A child learns language much faster. Your pup needs to be socialised. It needs to see people. Lots of people. And it needs to happen ideally between 8-12 weeks of age, and continue until they're 16 weeks. This includes (but is not limited to) Men. Women. Umbrellas. Trucks. Kids. Beanies. Hoodies. Bikes. Different ethnicities. Cars. Sounds. Gun shots (from a shooting range in case you ever move house and are near a shooting range). Lightning. Thunder. Rain. And the list goes on. And remember, it needs all (or at least most of these) to see them ideally between 8-12 weeks of age.

Keeping them at home is a recipe for reactivity later on. It is SO much easier to prevent reactivity than it is to fix it. And you prevent it by early socialisation.

But equally, viruses can harm your pup. So, while you socialise you need to do so safely. I read a comment just before of someone saying just walk them on concrete. No. Concrete is not safe. Nor is grass. Nor is dirt. Another comment said take them to non-high traffic areas. No. That's not safe either. It takes one dog to carry the virus and your dog to pick it up.

So what do you do?

Carry your pup. Put them in a stroller. Get a special dog carry bag if you must. But do get out and socialise. Just do so safely. Don't put your pup on the ground when in public. Let them play only with vaccinated dogs and only at yours or their houses. Don't take them to the dog park. Don't let them drink out of communal water bowls (yes, even the water bowl at the vets, don't let them drink from any public water source that's not yours). Don't let them play with the communal tennis balls.

But again, PLEASE make every effort to socialise them. Just do it safely. Please DO NOT wait until they're full vaccinated.

If you're not aware, I have a book I have written on all things puppy which I can send you. The cost is $10. I also run a free puppy page which has information on all things puppy (link below), and run puppy school, 9am Sundays $50 a session, or $190 for all 4.



Who should come to training?

Everyone. Anyone who lives with the dog should come to training if they can. Kids. Teenagers. Partners. Grandparents. If they're living in your house they are welcome to come.


Because it's so much easier to train your dog to listen to everyone if everyone is on the same page. Also, because I think it's an important part of owning a pet- that the whole family see it as their responsibility, including kids. Learning respect for animals starts when we teach our kids to be responsible for what's in our home.

So if you can, I'd love to see the whole family at all of my training courses- be that agility, obedience, or puppy school. If it's a bit difficult to get everyone there, then what I usually ask is for everyone to come to at least the first one, as that's the most important in terms of information understanding. If you can get to the first one together as a family that will be awesome.

My next availiable courses for 2025 are:
January 6-9, Therapy dog, 9am-4pm, $2000
March 16, 23 and 30, Obedience, 9am-12pm, $660
March 17-20 Assistance Dog Boot Camp, $2,500*
April 14-17, Therapy dog, 9am-4pm, $2000
May 11, 18 and 25, Obedience, 9am-12pm, $660
July 7-10, Therapy dog, 9am-4pm, $2000
Puppy School - every Sunday, $190 (for 4 sessions)
Agility Training - every Sunday, $20

*other options exist for me to help train your assistance dog, these start from as low as $100.

Please reach out for more information or to book a place in any of my courses.

Best age to train a dog? Ok, so this one has three main facets to it: 1) The age they are trainable. 2) The best age to ...

Best age to train a dog?

Ok, so this one has three main facets to it:
1) The age they are trainable.
2) The best age to train according to your personality. Young dog, old dog and everything in between.
3) My opinion of the best age.

Read on and I'll unpack each of these.

Looking for a moment, just at the age your dog is trainable. My method of training is suitable and successful for dogs that are 5 months or older. At this age, your pup is old enough to concentrate, learn and manage their impulses (even if they don't do it well before being trained. They are entirely capable of it).

Second, looking at the best age to train your dog.
This one really depends on what sort of person you are.
At 5 months (the youngest I allow in my obedience course) it's likely when your dog graduates they won't be the top of the class. Oh don't worry, they'll be listening, you'll have new skills, and will be amazed at what they can do, but it's likely they'll still have their "pup energy" which leads to brain farts every now and then. If you can live with continuing consistency post course then this is the best age to train. Why? Your dog is not stronger than you. Your dog doesn't already have entrenched bad habits. When your dog goes through the "teenage" stage (usually agreed as around the 9months-2 year stage) you'll have the knowledge of how to nip all new behaviours in the bud straight away before they become solid habits.

If that doesn't sound right for you, then maybe you're a 1-2 year person.
At 1-2 years your dog is usually annoying you more than you'd like to admit. You might have seen my course earlier and thought, 'oh their behaviour isn't too bad, I can deal with this' and now you're like 'darn it, I should have done it earlier'.
If this is you, this is still a fine time to train. Your dog does have some more entrenched bad habits, but they are still fairly easy to manipulate back. If your dog is a large breed, they havn't reached their full size yet making it easier to train them. If your dog is a medium breed, they probably have reached their full height but not weight, again making it easier to handle them. If your dog is a small breed, well, it doesn't really matter as most people will be able to control a 5kg dog if it decides to pull regardless of how old they are.

And if the 1-2 year category doesn't seem to fit, then I'll lump you with every other age from 2-14. Most people in this category have tried many different things. Trainers. Food. Equipment. But for some reason, the behaviour isn't improving on your own. Others of you, may have only just found my training and love the look of what I do. You see I don't use food, you watch the videos, you like the philosophy I use of increasing trust between you and your dog, and so out of curiosity you're joining my course rather than their being a behavioural need. Either way, there's good news: the old adage "an old dog can't learn new tricks" is not true. I can train any dog no matter their age. I do caution people to think ethically if your dog is over 10. Yes, your dog is able to learn, but really, is it fair on the dog in their senior years to change the way they've lived for the last 10 years?

And finally, my opinion:
What age do I consider it best to train?
Anywhere between 5 and 9 months.
They're old enough to have a solid foundation of love with you, and to learn impulse control. They're probably pushing the boundaries but are really not too difficult. Their body size is easy to manipulate if you've got a larger dog, and it gives you the skills to know exactly what to do any time a new behaviour arises so that it doesn't become their default behaviour. This isn't to say I can't train older dogs... of course I can! :) (most dogs in my course are older than 5-9 months) it's just to say if you're sitting on the fence about a young dog, I'd say do it. You won't regret it.

My next availiable courses for 2025 are:
January 6-9, Therapy dog, 9am-4pm, $2000
March 16, 23 and 30, Obedience, 9am-12pm, $660
March 17-20 Assistance Dog Boot Camp, $2,500*
April 14-17, Therapy dog, 9am-4pm, $2000
May 11, 18 and 25, Obedience, 9am-12pm, $660
July 7-10, Therapy dog, 9am-4pm, $2000
Puppy School - every Sunday, $190 (for 4 sessions)
Agility Training - every Sunday, $20

*other options exist for me to help train your assistance dog, these start from as low as $100.

Please reach out for more information or to book a place in any of my courses.


What do I get for your $660 obedience course?

$660 is a lot of money. I know it. So here's what you get from it and why I charge it:

1. Unlike other training courses you may attend weekly for months, if not years on end and still end up with a dog that half listens, this training course is 3 half days in length and at the end, if you follow the instructions, do your homework, and remain consistent you'll come away with a dog that listens even in the midst of the most intense distractions and situations.

2. Unlike other training courses where when you get your next pup you're signing up to do the course again, this training course teaches you everything you need to be able to train any future or current other dogs. Of course, you're welcome to come back with future dogs, but you'll also have the skills not to need to. And if you do come back you're only needing to pay $200 for the course because I'm assuming you do already know everything from the first time you did it.

3. Now onto what you can expect from your dog. Essentially this course is different from all other courses as it doesn't teach arbitrary commands like sit, stay, come (oh don't worry they'll learn those) rather it teaches you a language system to communicate with your dog.

Why is this better? It means you have the ability to tell your dog what you want them to do in any new situation without having to teach them prior.
Taking them on a new walk and don't want them to go too far? You'll have the skills to communicate this.
Moved into a new home and don't want them to go into certain rooms or run out the gate, you'll have the language to let them know.
One family member likes the dog to jump on them but you don't, you'll be able to let the dog know when it's OK to jump and when it's not.
Having visitors over who are scared of dogs? You'll be able to ensure your dog doesn't go near them, thus ensuring your guest feels secure.
Have a dog who often steals things from the bench? Again, you'll be able to put a stop to this. And the list goes on.
All of this, without needing specific commands for each one.

4. The other major difference of this training is that I don't use food. Oh I know the theory - people are meant to use food and then scaffold off it. However, I've been around people and dogs long enough to know the reality is usually different: we never get off the food train. And our dogs are only consistent in their obedience when that piece of chicken is around. As a result, from the start, the food goes back in the cupboard, and we do positive reinforcement with our voice, attention and love only. Yes! That means everything you see on this page is done without the use of treats. Handy, so you don't need to walk around with a pocket full of food on you.

5. You also gain access to continued support through a graduate Facebook group where I periodically provide tips, challenges, and updates post training.

6. Continued opportunity for growth- 5 times a year I offer graduate refresher courses for $50. These can be used to get back on the horse if you've fallen off, or to advance your skills and take them higher.

7. You are being taught by a professional. I hold multiple degrees, certificates, and specialisations which enable what I teach you to be deep in knowledge as well as attainable in a short amount of time. My degrees include, but are not limited to:
1) Bachelor of Education - so when I teach you, you can be confident I know how to teach humans not just dogs.
2) Certificate III in Dog Training and Behaviour- so when I teach your dog, you can be confident I know what I'm doing.
3) Experience in training working dogs to high externally set standards: assistance dogs and therapy dogs.
4) Masters in Community Growth and International Development- not super relevant to dog training, except you know from the topic of my Masters that I am genuinely interested in the weelbeing of others- including my participants.
5) Further study in reactive dogs. This course was undertaken in the USA.
6) Further study into the effect of our energy, breathing, and presence on our dog. This course was undertaken in Europe.

If you'd like to enrol in any of my upcoming courses, dates are as follows:

January 6-9, Therapy dog certification, 9am-4pm, $2000
March 16, 23 and 30, Obedience, 9am-12pm, $660
March 17-20 Assistance Dog Boot Camp, $2,500*
April 14-17, Therapy dog certification, 9am-4pm, $2000
May 11, 18 and 25, Obedience, 9am-12pm, $660
July 7-10, Therapy dog certification, 9am-4pm, $2000
Puppy School - every Sunday, $190 (for 4 sessions)
Agility Training - every Sunday, $20

*other options exist for me to help train your assistance dog, these start from as low as $100.

Please reach out for more information or to book a place in any of my courses.

Shout out to another local business- Simone, operating out of Petstock in Stawell, did a brilliant job today giving Paul...

Shout out to another local business- Simone, operating out of Petstock in Stawell, did a brilliant job today giving Pauley a "haircut". In Thelli's words as she hopped into the car after picking Pauley up, "she's a very nice lady, Mum. And very clever. Pauley looks gorgeous." From the mouth of babes (Thelli is 2.5years old)... If you're looking for a groomer, Simone is excellent. Very knowledgeable, patient, kind and talented. Simone is also a past grad of my course. If I trust her with my fur babies, you know you can too.


All of these dogs were pullers... 3 days later they're walking like this. :)

My next availiable courses for 2025 are:
January 6-9, Therapy dog, 9am-4pm, $2000
March 16, 23 and 30, Obedience, 9am-12pm, $660
March 17-20 Assistance Dog Boot Camp, $2,500*
April 14-17, Therapy dog, 9am-4pm, $2000
May 11, 18 and 25, Obedience, 9am-12pm, $660
July 7-10, Therapy dog, 9am-4pm, $2000
Puppy School - every Sunday, $190 (for 4 sessions)
Agility Training - every Sunday, $20

*other options exist for me to help train your assistance dog, these start from as low as $100.

Please reach out for more information or to book a place in any of my courses.

If you're wondering who I am and what degrees and experience I have that enable me to teach you, read on :) I am a quali...

If you're wondering who I am and what degrees and experience I have that enable me to teach you, read on :)

I am a qualified Cert III Dog Trainer and Behaviourist.

I have studied and trained in dog training and behaviour through courses in England, America, and nationally hold my Cert III through the National Dog Training Foundation.

I have completed courses specialising in dog reactivity and aggression; assistance dog; working dogs; and general obedience.

Over a 10 year span, I have trained thousands of dogs in obedience, therapy, working, and assistance dog roles.

In the obedience dog world, I have people who travel from all over Australia to complete my 3 day course, including but not limited to Darwin, Perth, Sydney, Brisbane and all across Australia- particularly (for some reason?) along the coast :) I chuckle when people from Melbourne suggest the drive is too long... only because people are literally travelling the Nullabor to be here.

In the therapy dog world, I have over a thousand past graduates of my course working in every state of Australia, and again frequently have people travelling from Western Australia, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia and the Northern Territory to complete my course, here in Ararat.

In the assistance dog world, I have partnered with a recent Certificate IV Hanrob graduate to ensure my assessments are fair, equitable and to a national standard. I am training, and have trained dogs as alert dogs, PTSD support, autism assistance, epilepsy alert, and more.

I also have my Bachelor of Education, Graduate diploma in Ministry, Theology and Counselling, and my Masters degree in Community and International Development.

Further, I have over 10 years of working experience as a Primary and Secondary School Teacher; Wellbeing Officer; Nursing Home Chaplain, Church Pastor, and Hospital Chaplain.

All this to say, when I teach you, I have:
- An in-depth knowledge of how to train dogs,
As well as
- How to teach people.
Meaning: You are in good hands!

My next availiable courses for 2025 are:
January 6-9, Therapy dog, 9am-4pm, $2000
March 16, 23 and 30, Obedience, 9am-12pm, $660
March 17-20 Assistance Dog Boot Camp, $2,500*
April 14-17, Therapy dog, 9am-4pm, $2000
May 11, 18 and 25, Obedience, 9am-12pm, $660
July 7-10, Therapy dog, 9am-4pm, $2000
Puppy School - every Sunday, $190 (for 4 sessions)
Agility Training - every Sunday, $20

*other options exist for me to help train your assistance dog, these start from as low as $100.

Please reach out for more informative or to book a place in any of my courses.


Services I offer:
Assistance dog training, from $100
Therapy dog training, 4 days $2000
Obedience training, 3 days $660
Puppy school, 4 sessions, $190
Agility training $20

All of the above have their own FB page, I'll supply links in the comments. Please follow each that interest you.


Teaching our dogs to walk on a loose lead even for a child. :) Taught during my 3 day course and 5 day therapy dog course.

Get a group of 3 friends or more and I'll make an obedience course for you. $660 per person.

Otherwise, my next obedience dates are March 16, 23 and 30, 9am-12pm, $660, Ararat. Message to secure your place.


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 16:00 - 21:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00




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