Having a dog that struggles with other dogs is hard and sometimes you just don’t know what to do to help them. Sometimes people here things like “you just need to socialise them, take them to the dog park”… If only it was that easy.
The first thing is understanding the “why” the behaviour is happening, understanding the emotional needs of your dog and putting them in situations where they can feel safe and comfortable enough to take the time to learn new associations.
If you are struggling with your reactive dog give us a call. We have another round of reactive classes starting in a few weeks, so sign up now.
#reactivedogs #reactivedogsunite #dogs #dogstagram #sydneydogtrainer #forcefreetraining
Today we talked reactivity being reactivity week.
We talked about where reactive behaviour comes from. It’s not as simple as it’s just “fear”.
As Caregiver’s it is our job to really understand who we have in front of us and why they are struggling in our world.
We also talked about the human side and how difficult it is being a Caregiver with a dog that struggles with things in life.
Understanding these struggles and advocating for both ends of the lead is our job as humans.
We have all reacted to things in our lives, sometimes we know why, sometimes we may be judged, sometimes someone will be there to hold our hand, sometimes we learn to understand the why we reacted.
These are the advantages we have as humans.
Our dogs only have us, it is up to us to be there for our dogs, to advocate for them, to take the time to understand and hold their paw through the journey for them to be happier and comfortable and confident in our human world.
#dogs #dogtranier #reactivedog #reactivedogweek #caninecaregivers #cookiefeedernotpackleader
I am thrilled to launch a brand new course!! I have teamed up with Ian from @bondibehaviourist !! We have designed this Course for:- Dog owners looking to understand their dogs and their unwanted behaviours- Dog owners looking to learn about their dogs and how to work with them- Dog professionals looking to gain a deeper insight into dogs and dog behaviour
The course is for 8 weeks starting Tuesday the 26th October at 6pm - 7.30pm and will run on consecutive Tuesdays. The webinars will be live and recorded and will allow for 30 minutes of Q&A at the end of each week.There are limited spaces available. To reserve your spot head to the link below. Course information can be found on the same link but don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.We’re excited to see you therehttps://dogs-unpacked.teachable.com/p/dogs-unpacked
Ian from Bondi Behaviourist and I have a very exciting announcement today because today is the day that we launch our first ever course collaboration.
We have been working our buts off the last few months to create a course for dog owners and professionals looking to get a deeper understanding of their dogs and more specifically... their behaviour.
It's an eight week course, held live on Tuesday nights at 6pm - 7.30pm starting on the 26th October. Each week will be recorded and sent to each student afterwards.
If you have any clients, friends or family, or even if you wanted to do this course yourselves we'd love to have you there.
Course information can be found on the link at the bottom, the same place to reserve a spot. But if you have any questions (or suggestions because this is our first time and we respect all of your opinions) we'd love to hear them.
Thanks in advance for any and all support guys.
Goggle training
I was asked by a friend to do a video on conditioning Archie to wearing goggles. This is what we got...
CUTENESS ALERT #cutenessalert.
. This little bundle of fluff is 9 week old Sebastian. This is our second puopy visit.
. What I am focusing on with him is using play and food to reinforce him. We worked on sit, target and drop. Yes that sounds like a lot for a puppy, but as you can see each thing is short and sweet.
.Capturing them in a play mode and using that while teaching, you will find you will getfaster or much more solid results over doing a solid 5 minute of one behaviour. As you can see Sebastian did not approve of my camera angles....
.#puppies #puppiesofsydney #puppiesofbondi #puppytraining #cookiefeedernotpackleader
This gorgeous boy is Toby. Toby was a serious puppy mouther that had learned to bite, hard, to get attention, or when he was frustrated. His bites got harder the more frudtrated he was to the point he punctured skin.
So we taught him an alternative way of getting attention. In a week the biting has stopped!!
. Now he approaches sits and waits and then will put a gentle paw.
.Puppies need to be taught what you want them to do. Many people will try and ignore, this only builds frustration which intensifies behaviours.
.Teach your puppy what you want this helps prevent behaviours getting worse, as well as teaches what you want from them as they get older.
#puppyschoolsydney #labrador #labradorpuppy #cutenessalert #puppiesofinstagram #dogsofinstaworld #dogtrainersydney
Thank you @hallietherescue for such kind words and for being such an advocate for Hallie. Because of your hard work and dedication she is where she is. Thank you. #rescuedogs #dogsofinstaworld #posituvedogtraining #dogtrainersydney #cookiefeedernotpackleader
Sound up!! After a lovely long Sunday walk.. #snoringdog #rescuedogsrock #rescuedogs #dogsofinstaworld #bondidogs #dogtrainersydney
Archie's enthusiastic about 2021. How about your pups? #happynewyear #waggytail #rescuedogsofinstagram #happydog #dogsofinstaworld