Liberation Sanctuary is currently home to 138 animals. In this short 14 second video, all of the animals who reside in the main paddock are visible. That’s 13 cows, 14 sheep and 7 alpacas. With 45 acres of hills and forest to roam, having them all visible from one spot at one time is sometimes a rare occurrence! If you would like to learn more about our animal family or help support the work we do, head over to our website #sanctuary #animalsanctuary #liberationsanctuary #cows #sheep #alpacas #animalliberationvictoria
Cluck Norris the silkie, and Bella the broiler found companionship with each other after being picked on previously by some of the other roosters. This pair have become good friends and enjoy living their lives together 💕
#chickens #chickensofinstagram #chickensofig #happychickens #chickenfriends #silkierooster #broiler #animalsanctuary #liberationsanctuary #animalliberationvictoria
Bruce enjoying his wallow 🐷💗
Thanks Danni for keeping Bruce cool and happy in this summer heat and for the reminder for us all to look out for our animal friends during the warm weather!
🎥 @dannidolittle85
#wallow #piggywallow #stayingcool #pig #pigsofinstagram #pigsofinsta #piggy #piggys #piglover #pigsofig #pigstagtam #piglife #piglove #animalsanctuary #liberationsanctuary #animalliberationvictoria
Sound on for a happy “Hello” grunt from Forrest!
You may notice Forrest’s bed here resembles that of a dog kennel, but that’s not the only likeness pigs share with dogs. Pigs are highly intelligent, even more so than a dog, and can be trained to sit, amongst other things. They are also very social beings, capable of forming loving bonds with their fellow pigs and other animals, including us humans, and they too loveeeeee belly rubs and ear scratches.
If you wouldn’t eat a dog, don’t eat a pig, or any other sentient being, because they are no different in all ways that count, and they deserve the same love and moral consideration. Visit and make the switch to vegan today!
#piggygrunts #pig #pigsofinstagram #pigsofinsta #piggy #piggys #piglover #pigsofig #pigstagtam #piglife #whyloveonebuteattheother #animalloversofinstagram #animalsanctuary #liberationsanctuary #animalliberationvictoria
Our beautiful vision impaired steer Yowie 🤍
Yowie was found as a calf in 2014, partially blind and suffering from a painful eye infection that had been left untreated for months.
You can read all about Yowie’s rescue and his journey to his forever home with us here at Liberation Sanctuary on the “Our Family” page on our website.
#visionimpaired #specialneeds #cow #cows #cowsofinstagram #cowlove #cowstagram #cowsofig #cowsarecool #cowsmakemehappy #animalrescue #animalsanctuary #liberationsanctuary #animalliberationvictoria
Chats with William duck
#duck #ducksofinstagram #pekingduck #drakes #animalloversofinstagram #animalsanctuary #liberationsanctuary #animalliberationvictoria
The moment Bella spotted the juicy grape 🍇
#grapesaregreat #hen #hensofinstagram #henstagram #happyhens #chickens #broiler #animalloversofinstagram #animalsanctuary #liberationsanctuary #animalliberationvictoria
Forrest helping Ruby dig out the wallow 🐷
#wallow #pigwallow #pig #pigsofinstagram #pigsofinsta #piggy #piggys #piglover #pigsofig #pigstagtam #piglife #animalloversofinstagram #animalsanctuary #liberationsanctuary #animalliberationvictoria
One of the chickens favourite places to enjoy a dust bath in the sunshine.
Dust baths are a natural and important part of health and wellbeing for chickens, which many are denied the ability to do. Rolling around in the dirt helps to keep feathers clean and to keep lice, mites and other parasites at bay. Chickens will dig a shallow burrow and roll around, throwing dirt over themselves until the dirt has settled down to the skin before standing up and shaking the dirt off again. This action helps to absorb excess moisture and acts as a natural insecticide. Dust baths are also a social event with chickens often happily flapping about enjoying their dust baths together as seen here in this reel.
#dustbath #dustbathing #dustbathingchickens #dustbathsandsunshine #chickens #chickensofinstagram #chickensofig #happychickens #rooster #hensofinstagram #isabrown #animalloversofinstagram #animalsanctuary #liberationsanctuary #animalliberationvictoria
Sound on for Rudolph’s blissful moos as he makes the most of his free life rolling in the grass without fear of harm.
Rudolph arrived at Liberation Sanctuary 5yrs ago today with Bambi as young Bobby calves. You can learn more about them at
#cowrelaxation #cow #cows #cowsofinstagram #cowlove #cowstagram #cowsofig #cowsarecool #cowsmakemehappy #ditchdairy #animalloversofinstagram #animalsanctuary #liberationsanctuary #animalliberationvictoria
30 seconds of happiness while the pigs devour their lovingly homemade dinner full of beautiful donated produce.
#pigseating #pigasmr #piggydinnertime #homemademeals #pig #pigsofinstagram #pigsofinsta #piggy #piggys #piglover #pigsofig #pigstagtam #piglife #piglove #animalloversofinstagram #animalsanctuary #liberationsanctuary #animalliberationvictoria