Lumi aka the purple lady💜First on leash stand
Tofu’s on leash training 🥰 she’s doing great!
Puppies socialization day in Puppy Yoga Sydney😆❤️ @puppyyogasydney
The only way to sanitize one area is to keep the puppies in different playpens. Otherwise, it’s gonna be endless biting and stealing of pee pads 😂
Some are sleeping and someone is…learning how to chew my arm💜😂
Sweet Nagi watching her puppies🥰
We’re blessed with many girls this year 💕😆
Nagi had four girls last night😇Nagi is reliable as usual😚both mama and girls are doing well😄
We do have few spots available for girls. Pm us to express your interests🐾
Smart Puff patiently wait to cross the road 🚦🐾🧡
Kiba back visiting us on his one year old birthday 🎂
Happy Birthday to Kiba and his siblings Koda, Biki and Yukimi❤️