
D0gh0use Dog training and Education services in the southern Gold Coast, Tweed, and Northern Rivers areas. Accredited dog trainer, Certified family dog mediator.

Puppy Training, Challenging Behaviours, Fearful Dogs.

The study of one. Each dog has their own unique set of learning experiences, genetics, environmental needs and challenge...

The study of one.

Each dog has their own unique set of learning experiences, genetics, environmental needs and challenges, and personality.

Traditional dog training “solutions” fail to recognise this.

All things considered (prior learning, breeding, genetics, context) the dog is never wrong.If you think you’re having a ...

All things considered (prior learning, breeding, genetics, context) the dog is never wrong.

If you think you’re having a hard time, I assure you, your dog is having a worse time.

Noise sensitivities are often linked with pain, even at a young age. Being withdrawn is also something commonly associat...

Noise sensitivities are often linked with pain, even at a young age.

Being withdrawn is also something commonly associated with pain or illness rather than ‘typical’ anxiety triggers.

If the behavioural symptoms are indicative of pain that’s where we begin before anything else.

Vet said they’re “fine”? Pain in dogs is often missed and requires further investigation including pain trials.

A growling dog is not a biting dog.A growling dog is saying “I’m not ok with this”.Growling is a precursor, it’s a dog’s...

A growling dog is not a biting dog.

A growling dog is saying “I’m not ok with this”.

Growling is a precursor, it’s a dog’s alarm system to communicate their uncomfortable in some way with the situation.

We do not extinguish a fire by switching off the fire alarm.

Instead, we seek to understand the underlying reasons as to what is causing a dog to feel that they need to growl and work on helping them feel more comfortable to prevent more severe problems in the future.

Dogs are such sensory creatures, they experience the world at an intensity far greater than we can.Your dog may not enjo...

Dogs are such sensory creatures, they experience the world at an intensity far greater than we can.

Your dog may not enjoy being out in the rain or wet for one or a few reasons. They may not like wet paws, rain hitting their back, the sound of rain hitting the ground, the smells, it’s not something they experienced much as a puppy.

If your dog is reluctant to toilet in the rain try altering the environment for them like creating a stable shelter in your yard for them where they can go and not be bothered by the rain or a change of scenery to get them sniffing and searching rather than focused on the wet.

What does your dog love and need to do on a regular basis to keep their mind and body happy and healthy? -A dig pit-Chew...

What does your dog love and need to do on a regular basis to keep their mind and body happy and healthy?

-A dig pit
-Chew time
-Sniff walks
-Play with you
-Comfort and rest
-A scent based activity
-Destruction time
-Safety and security
-Learning a new skill with you
-A doggie paddle
-Nourishing meals

There are countless ways to enrich a dog’s life and different dogs will enjoy different things.

Tell me, what does your dog look forward to each day?

A secure attachment style is the most desired attachment bond as this security forms the foundation for the development ...

A secure attachment style is the most desired attachment bond as this security forms the foundation for the development of independence, confidence, and helps build resilience.

Dogs with a secure attachment style feel protected by their caregivers and trust that they can depend upon them. The caregiver acts as a secure base from which the dog can explore the world, when dog’s feel safe and secure they’ll more likely explore their surroundings knowing they can return to they’re caregiver for comfort and safety if needed. They are also less likely to develop separation related issues.

Insecure attachment in dogs stems from experiences such as being ignored when seeking comfort, being forced into uncomfortable situations, or facing erratic, inconsistent, confusing, frightening, or abusive behaviour from caregivers. This leads to approach/avoidance behaviours, overly anxious and “needy” behaviour often perceived as attention-seeking, as well as distress, fear, and anxiety-based behaviours. Dogs with insecure attachment struggle to rely on caregivers for support and are uncertain about what to expect from them.

There are plenty of trainers and breeders still advising people to ignore their puppy or dog with little to no understanding of the damage they are causing to these dog to human relationships.

How you respond to your dog matters. Be available, be their secure base, don’t leave them hanging in times of need.

Thank you science!

de Assis et al., (2020)
Solomon, J. et al (2019)
Mariti, C. et al (2013)
Gácsi, Met al (2013)
Palmer, R & Custance, D (2007)
Prato-Previde, E. et al (2003)

There are more than enough trainers around who focus almost entirely on obedience to the detriment of the dog and their ...

There are more than enough trainers around who focus almost entirely on obedience to the detriment of the dog and their carers. To focus entirely on “fixing” behaviours with obedience is to disregard the fact that behaviour is an outward expression of the dogs state of mind, their genetic traits and vulnerabilities, their environment, temperament, coping skills, relationships, early learning and experiences, physical health and nutrition.

A dog needs skills of course, these skills depend on the dog as a dog, breed and individual and the lifestyle they share with their humans. These skills also come with consideration of all the elements that impact behaviour.

Obedience also sets false expectations, the “one and done” approach but behaviour is not linear, it changes all the time and how we respond requires a deeper understanding beyond obedience.

Here for the journey, not a quick fix.

One of the most useful things I’ve found to teach many dogs early on is targeting.You can either use your hand/finger an...

One of the most useful things I’ve found to teach many dogs early on is targeting.

You can either use your hand/finger and/or a target stick. A target stick 🥄can be very helpful with smaller dogs to save your back and great some distance.

Here are a few reasons why targeting is so versatile;

-You don’t have to be handsy 👋 with dogs who struggle with handling and manipulation, all they have to do is to follow the target or target your hand into position eg. the scales at the vet.

-For small dogs to avoid constantly lifting or handling them, which can create a small dog being very conflicted about handling. Targeting gives them the ability to choose or move on their own. Eg. Up a ramp on and off the sofa.

-For dogs with sensitivity to handling such as being put in the car. Again teaching them to follow a target stick or target your hand up a ramp or to jump up/out.

-For dogs struggling with uncertainly in situations it brings predictability and provides them something to focus on and control that’s easy and that they know.

-Targeting can be a great option to recall/redirect your dog and get past obstacles in sticky situations.

*With sensitivity to handling and/or noise it is advised to rule out any pain related issues contributing to their behaviour.

The early weeks and months are critical in determining the future wellbeing of a dog as this is when the foundations are...

The early weeks and months are critical in determining the future wellbeing of a dog as this is when the foundations are laid for later learning and healthy development.

Puppies are dependent on their humans to safely and appropriately guide them through this period yet so many new puppy parents are unprepared. Seeking guidance and support from a professional to ensure you are on the right track and catering to the needs of the puppy in front of you can be invaluable in preventing issues arising from under or over socialisation.

It’s ok to ask for help.

Historically, the old advice used to be to ‘let the puppy cry it out’. This traditional idea was initially suggested by ...

Historically, the old advice used to be to ‘let the puppy cry it out’. This traditional idea was initially suggested by research from Ferber et al. The problem with this approach (apart from disturbing your neighbours) is that this causes the puppies to get stressed.

When a puppy encounters a problem like hunger, discomfort, or fear, its brain releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with reward-seeking behaviour, and is linked with movement and sensations of pain and pleasure.

If the issue remains unresolved, dopamine can convert into cortisol, a stress hormone that prompts the body to produce glucose, providing energy for fight or flight responses. This surge of energy is counterproductive when we’re trying to encourage our puppies to sleep.

While it’s beneficial to allow puppies a little time to return to sleep after brief vocalisation, if they begin to escalate - increased movement, vocalisation intensity, and duration—it’s essential to tend to them.

A common reason, other than the puppy isn’t ready for the separation yet, is that the puppy needs the toilet.

Here’s the thing…group classes can be overwhelming for young puppies, causing excitement, stress, or overstimulation. Wh...

Here’s the thing…group classes can be overwhelming for young puppies, causing excitement, stress, or overstimulation. While some puppies may do well in such an environment, many struggle, which is likely completely normal for a puppy who is doing their absolute best in a setting that isn’t set up well for them.

A group class can be a wonderful experience if the puppies are set up for success.

Here are a few things I do to make my classes puppy friendly;�
* Class numbers are limited to 4 puppies which allows me observe behaviour as feedback and adapt to meet each puppy and their guardian where they are at.
* For consistency I don’t run drop in classes which allows me to get to know each puppy/guardian team and provide support and guidance for individual challenges.
* Each puppy and guardian team has their own space and privacy from the other puppies to limit overwhelm, overstimulation, distractions, and frustration from being too close to other dogs and people.
* Focus on basic engagement with you, learning through games and play with you, familiarisation, and enrichment rather than jumping straight into obedience training.
* An affordable way for me to coach you in person on how to teach, train and prevent behaviours without force, fear and conflict.

Is your puppy struggling in puppy class? Are you being set up to fail?

Puppies stopping when out and about? Overwhelm, curiosity, uncertainty…Remember much of what they’re experiencing is unf...

Puppies stopping when out and about? Overwhelm, curiosity, uncertainty…Remember much of what they’re experiencing is unfamiliar.

The opportunity to observe at a safe distance is a key component of socialisation, confidence building and fear prevention in young dogs which is widely overlooked.

Too often pups aren’t given the time they need to feel comfortable enough to move on and our tendency to hurry them can be problematic.

Puppies and adolescent dogs in particular need supported observation every day to learn about their world and to make sense of their environment in order to build positive associations.

13 week old cane corso Maverick spends more time observing than he does walking and that’s OK! In fact when its comes to our guardian breeds, time to observe is a bred need!

Want a calm, confident dog? Practice more quiet, considered and calm observation. The walking part will come.

What is the goal of socialisation?1. To create positive and/or neutral associations around relevant sights, sounds, text...

What is the goal of socialisation?

1. To create positive and/or neutral associations around relevant sights, sounds, textures, and smells.

2. To prevent negative associations and fears developing.

If you don’t learn about dog behaviour and body language, how to read your particular puppy and how best to support them how can you know what they’re learning?

Need support? I can help you to better understand your dog. Because understanding is everything.

I don’t want to spend my time constantly commanding my dogs to do things, I also don’t want a dog to respond to me out o...

I don’t want to spend my time constantly commanding my dogs to do things, I also don’t want a dog to respond to me out of fear of something bad happening to them. Its not how I work with my dogs and it’s not how I work with clients.

If you want to learn how to create a partnership where your dog wants to come to you, wants to be near you, wants to interact with you out of enthusiasm and trust, you’re in the right place.

You get a choice in our you engage with our dog.If you want to be more kind, stop celebrating the “good” dog and start t...

You get a choice in our you engage with our dog.

If you want to be more kind, stop celebrating the “good” dog and start the nurturing a happy dog.

Kindness needs understanding and awareness to be more attunes to the dog in front of you.


What toys you use and when matters! Are you trying to help your pup to calm and settle? Are you looking for something to...

What toys you use and when matters!
Are you trying to help your pup to calm and settle? Are you looking for something to motivate them, engage them, fulfill them?

Toys are essential but what toys you use and when matters.

I’ll be seeing this lovely baby boy at puppy class 🤗 this Saturday 9-10am  Miami

I’ll be seeing this lovely baby boy at puppy class 🤗 this Saturday 9-10am Miami

Gracie after class last week 💕Puppies need A LOT of sleep and downtime! New puppy parents often underestimate just how m...

Gracie after class last week 💕

Puppies need A LOT of sleep and downtime! New puppy parents often underestimate just how much of it their pup needs and how crucial it is in preventing problems like excessive biting.

In my puppy class you will learn how to help your puppy sleep and settle, how to meet their needs and why its important, how to prevent and manage behaviours you don’t like without conflict, how to walk them, how to motivate them to listen and respond to you, focus skills and so much more!!!

I’ve 2 upcoming classes that run for 4 weeks starting Saturday 17th February and Monday 26th February

Link in bio to book.

Most of our family and friends live abroad or interstate so we maybe have 5 visitors a year if that, rather than train s...

Most of our family and friends live abroad or interstate so we maybe have 5 visitors a year if that, rather than train something we’ll rarely use and ask visitors not to interact with my dogs, ask them to sit etc etc we use a baby gate to keep front door greetings relaxed, the dogs have time to calm down from the excitement…which to be honest is all most dogs need.

The front door can be a very loaded situation for a lot of dogs fuelled by excitement created around greetings and visitors.

Life is busy. Train what you need for your lifestyle, your household, your dog.

I believe that the majority of our dogs walks should be “dog-led” so much of our dogs life is confinement, human-led for...

I believe that the majority of our dogs walks should be “dog-led” so much of our dogs life is confinement, human-led for the most part so when we have the opportunity to walk, walk without the intention of getting somewhere (very human focused) and where safe let the dog lead. If that means stopping to smell every rose from time to time, what’s so wrong with that

Ex-pens, gates, grates can and should be used in a positive way…for prevention not punishment.To aid sleep, prevent toil...

Ex-pens, gates, grates can and should be used in a positive way…for prevention not punishment.

To aid sleep, prevent toilet accidents, when you need “off” time and can’t be watching your puppy etc etc

Does your dog’s bed provide support? A raised edge to rest their head, ample cushioning for joints and something they ca...

Does your dog’s bed provide support?

A raised edge to rest their head, ample cushioning for joints and something they can curl up against and into…comfort counts.

A very favourite bed in our doghouse from

They’re dogs…living, breathing, feeling beings who deserve so much more than the same walk and 2 sh*tty meals a day.Imag...

They’re dogs…living, breathing, feeling beings who deserve so much more than the same walk and 2 sh*tty meals a day.

Image c/o

Taster Plate! A great game to play every now and then to check in with your dog’s training food preferences. Like Bunny,...

Taster Plate!

A great game to play every now and then to check in with your dog’s training food preferences. Like Bunny, many dogs will eat most things however they still have favourites…understanding what’s high, medium and low value on their list is important information.

Boiled egg is still her kryptonite.

Well aware of the limited safe spaces available to my clients to enjoy and work with their dogs, I’ve sourced and leased...

Well aware of the limited safe spaces available to my clients to enjoy and work with their dogs, I’ve sourced and leased a private fenced, grassy field where sensitive dogs and their people can be free to explore and enjoy themselves without uncertainty or worry.

My goal is to support the emotional wellbeing of dogs, particularly those who struggle in public with off leash dogs and irresponsible owners.

Providing a sense of safety, reducing stress and having needs met helps dogs to have a calm and contented life with us yet there are less and less opportunities available for uninhibited off-leash exploration outdoors without the risks that come with council dog parks.

This service is primarily for fearful, anxious, injured, unwell, elderly dogs and puppies.

This is a “supported service”, I will be present at the field for sessions. You can choose to join your dog for their session or drop and collect them at the end.

Location: Banora Point, NSW
Times: Currently only available Tuesdays

Now taking expressions of interest via my website or email
[email protected]

Beware of charismatic personalities promising a quick fix. It saddens me the sheer amount of charlatans charging innocen...

Beware of charismatic personalities promising a quick fix.

It saddens me the sheer amount of charlatans charging innocent clients outrageous amounts, sticking head collars on dogs and calling it training. This is not training, they are not resolving the behaviour, they’re suppressing it.

There are better ways to prevent behaviour in dogs, suppression is not the solution.


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 15:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00


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